LAWYER: Ways Cops Can TRICK You During a Traffic Stop!

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Can cops trick you during a traffic stop? What are your rights during a traffic stop? What can you do to PROTECT yourself from a police officer lying to you or tricking you during a traffic stop? We will give you everything you need to know to protect your rights during a traffic stop!

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I was a U. S. Marine for fifteen years. During that time I was "FAPed" to the station Military Police (Fleet Assist Program, it is temporary duty to provide assistance to a supporting activity.). I served through a lot of crappy positions while I was taught the constitutional rights of citizens and the Federal legal exemptions to those right authorized by the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). I was actually taught the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments to the constitutions which are the first six (6) parts of the "Bill of Rights."

I was then assigned to Patrol. When I got out of the Marines, I entered the Southern California Peace Officer's School at Riverside Community College. I was hired by the college Police Department. We regularly worked with and did ride alongs with the Riverside County Sheriffs Office. I was on a ride along with the RSO Deputy Fernandez. We observed a Black male enter a Mercedes in the driveway of a home in an expensive area of Riverside
County. He seemed to be having a hard time putting it in gear and finally allowed it to roll down the driveway (the house was higher than the service road so the car could roll backwards while not under power) without starting the car. He then rolled down the hill while not under power until he got to a stop sign.

Deputy Fernandez then initiated a traffic stop for Driving without headlights after sunset. He asked the driver to get out of the car first thing, without even stating that he was a Deputy or advising the reason for the stop. When the driver asked why, Fernandez reached in through the window and grabbed the driver by his hoodie and hair dragging the man out through the window (this is before seat-belts were required). Getting to the point, the car belonged to the driver and he was trying to be quiet because he was going to work at the local surgery center where he was a neural surgeon. The reason he had been quiet starting out was his wife was head nurse, in that same hospital where he worked, in charge of the night shift and had just got to sleep.

The driver was a millionaire and an honored member of the City of Garden Grove. I did not know this when it happened, but I knew what Deputy Fernandez was doing was a violation of the individuals rights so I immediately physically stopped Fernandez. He arrested me for interference, assault on an officer, resisting and about four other minor things that were quickly thrown out. It was not until the Doctor testified at my arraignment that the DA dropped all the remaining charges. I was still trying to get a job with the RSO or Riverside city so I did not sue.

I was fired from the Riverside community College Police Department the next day and never got a job with another department. I finally opened my own security agency and I now have a very comfortable portfolio. But both the Doctor and myself knew from that day forward that there is a disconnect between the policing agencies and the people.


Its time for "citizen safety" to be on equal grounds as "officer safety".


I wish we lived in a free country, free to travel without being molested and violated by the government (cops)


Maybe cops should be arresting illegals, terrorists, cartels, but leave law abiding citizens alone. Start in congress.


They HATE IT when you exercise your rights no matter how polite you are! Good info, lawyer buddy!


He made a mistake at 7:45. When they ask you if you mind if they search your car for a minute, you should always answer no." Answering no means you don't mind. It's a trick question. The proper answer is "I don't consent to searches."


If a cop asks "Do you mind if I search your car?" then you should never say Yes or NO; you should ALWAYS say "I do NOT consent to any searches or seizures." Keep repeating it as often as necessary to get the cop to stop asking, and make sure his body cam is on.


Again if cops are legally allowed to LIE, how can judges and the public KNOW they aren't lying on the infraction or supposed crime? The FACT they can, will and do lie regularly makes anything they say or write uncredible.


How the courts could possibly rule that consent to a search is consent to destruction of your property is totally beyond me.


I am a 73-year-old Hispanic man. When I was 17 years old, I drove a 1959 GMC pickup. It was all primer gray. I was at my girlfriend‘s house playing cards with her and her parents. Her father said I will buy if you fly for pizza. So my girlfriend and I jumped in my truck drove down to Thompson Boulevard in Ventura, California to pick up a pizza that we had ordered over the phone. We got about one block from the pizza joint. When the Ventura PD pulled me over at gunpoint. Told us to put our hands on the dash at 17 years old getting a gun pointed at your head is quite frightening. My girlfriend started to shake and was crying. The officer told me to stick my hands out the window, and he was flashing. A light at my hands, told me to show him my hands and arms. Turn your hands over he said, let me see your underside. He said I matched the description of an armed robbery in Santa Barbara, California and the man had tattoos on his hands and arms. I do not have a tattoo on my body even today. He pulled us both out of the truck at gunpoint separated us in different cars. They tore my truck apart, took the seat out, ripped the glove box out took the spare out of the back my jack and whatever else I had they had scattered on the sidewalk. They kept telling me that I was a armed robber. We kept saying we don’t know what you’re talking about. We just left my father-in-law‘s house he’s the chief of the fire department here in Ventura. Call him. They wouldn’t do it. We were there for about 45 minutes to an hour. They threw my pizza on the sidewalk. Finally a white shirt came and said he has no tattoos on his hands or arms let him go, no apologies no nothing. They left all my shit strung out on the sidewalk. My girlfriend and I had to put everything back in the truck including my front seat. We went to the house My girlfriend’s dad asked what took you so long we told him what it happened and my girlfriend was still hysterical and crying. She said I thought we were going to die. They threw Joey on the floor and jumped on top of him my chin and my elbow in my nose were scuffed up and bleeding. My girlfriend‘s father, being the chief of the fire department, called the chief of police and ask, what the hell did they do that, the cop from the beginning new I had no tattoos, but they did it anyway. So we got a formal apology letter, but so what. Cops can kiss my ass from that day forward I’ve hated them. Today I’m a retired firefighter and I can tell you firsthand, the bad things that I’ve seen that they’ve done to people and got away with! They are trash with guns. I tell my children and grandchildren do not talk to them do not make iContact with them and for God sake don’t get involved with them. They will kill you.


Back in the early 90s I was driving my first new car, and got stopped by a cop for speeding (I was - 11 over). They said they would give me a warning, and asked if it was OK if they did a quick search of my car. I'd purchased it new, and was certain there was nothing illegal inside it, so I said yes. They tore off the door panels, ripped out the back seats, opened the hood and tore apart the air intake. They found nothing after a half hour, and ended the encounter by throwing my air filter down the road as they walked back to their car and left. It was just under $4000 in repairs to fix the damage, and my lawyer told me I had no recourse. I've been stopped 9 times in my life. 4 of them were good stops (I had broken a driving law), the other five were 100% lies, but I never allowed a search again, and you can be certain I learned my rights, and record every second of every cop encounter.


Had a cop say that to me, what do u have to hide? I said lets go to your house and let me search your house? Lol, he got so mad, lol.


So cops initiate the confrontation then they complain they’re concerned about the safety. Screw them!


Excellent video. What some people don’t realize is a lot of officers are more interested in seizing your assets or car so they will be relentless on insisting on a search or looking for any reason.


When I was a kid was riding with a buddy; stone sober. We saw the cops behind us, 2 in one cruiser. My buddy had it nailed to the speed limit. This went on for miles, them behind us, my bud driving like an absolute saint. Finally we got to a gas station and decided "enough of this, we'll pull in and they'll have to go on their way". Nope. Followed us in, lights come on.

Ordered out of the car and separated. Only thing the cop said to me that I recall was "empty your pockets". As luck would have it I was taking constitutional law classes at the time and I said "I don't have to do that, it's a violation of my rights". He said, "WHAT?" I started to say something about the 4th amendment and some case- can't recall. He cut me off and said "empty your pockets now or you're going to jail." I did and he got to look at my pocket change.

We were two completely innocent kids doing absolutely nothing other than driving down the highway. I never forgot it. I had other incidents with cops pulling me over and demanding access to my trunk, multiple times, but the pocket one and his absolute dismissal of me asserting my rights and the threat of jail sticks out the most.

So yeah, I"m a huge fan of body and dash cams. I know cops don't like them, . But like they are so fond of saying, "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE? IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT."


If your rights are up to the subjective interpretation of a set of judges, with the interpretation changing every 50 years, then those aren’t rights…


_"I feared for my life"_ should apply to non-LEO citizens too as this point


I saw a video where the driver gave consent to search. The cop took out a knife and slit the seats and floor carpet looking for evidence. I agree with "NEVER GIVE CONSENT".


I got pulled over after a long day at work. I was driving down a rural road I wasn't familiar with and tired as I was, I drifted over the middle line a little bit. Cop lit me up, and I drove to where I knew it was safe and pulled over at the next gas station. The officer asked me why I took so long to pull over, and I told him that on my way out to the job site, I remembered there being a ditch over on the side of the road around here and I didn't want to put us in it. He then Asked if I minded if he searched my vehicle. I responded "I don't consent to a search." He walked around my car with his flashlight, and when he didn't find anything to prompt him to do a search, he let me go. I'm glad most cops realize that if they search you after you don't consent, even if they find anything and they didn't have a reason to search to begin with, they will not get the conviction.


I had a cop tell me that not consenting to a search was probable cause to search my vehicle. He got fired that night. If a cop asks me to step out of the car I tell him, "I do not consent to a search of my vehicle or person and I again invoke my right to remain silent." Usually, the police respect those requests when they don't have probable cause. If they search without probable cause don't resist. Sue the crap put of them and their department because they've destroyed their sovereign immunity at that point.
