Tricks Cops Use on You - Interrogation Room! @LawByMike #Shorts #police #law

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Don't let the police pull this interrogation trick on you. Subscribe to @LawByMike for more tips!

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Lol this reminds where I was "interrogated" at school. So, I heard from one my friend stating there was a park bathroom that was completely destroyed, I mean mirrors were smashed, and spray paint on the walls. An officer had pulled me out of class, and led me to this room where I had a spin chair. He then told me that i wasn't in any trouble, and was wanting to know who did it "since the fees will double the prices if they don't find any." So, he asked me if he knew anyone who could've done it. I of course was 13/14, so I didn't really know what to do in that situation, and mind you my parents nor a teacher was aware of this whole thing. So, I just basically told him that I knew some people who could've done this but wasn't quite sure. He then let me out after I had told him that. I then proceeded to talk to my parents about the whole thing, which they then were pissed at me and at the school. The reason why they were pissed at me was because I didn't let an adult with me while the whole thing was happening. So, ya.


I didn’t know you could just reject an interrogation by invoking the fifth


USA: "I Invoke the fifth"
North Korea: "I Invite the Kick"


When the good cop acts like he's your friend and will help you out, don't trust a word of it


Actually the goal of the bad cop is not to make you confess, it's actually really hard to get someone to confess to something by scaring or berating them, what it does is put the person on edge and uneasy, so when the bad cop leaves the room the good cops friendly demeanor is likely to garner a confession.


“I invoke the fifth”

“Sir you ran over 4 children and 6 adults on a McDonalds drive through run”

“I want a lawyer”


I love the info you provide. I like the transitions and the way you keep your opinions out for the most part, and only add it when it adds interest. Wel done.


I used to be a criminal- years ago- I didn't need anyone to tell me to keep my mouth shut.
Why do people not know this?!?


Homie couldn’t button up his cop shirt correctly. Lmao. That’s a bad cop alright.


"I invoke the 5th"
"Sir this is an Australian McDonald's"


Even though I am generally a good kid I find your videos very informative and entertaining! Thanks for making these videos.


Wait until the cops ignore you saying "I want a lawyer i invoke the fifth" and start torturing you for a confession


“Sir, you’ve been caught on camera shooting 15 people”

“I want a lawyer and i invoke the fifth”


Another way they use yourself against you is by asking you if you know invoking a lawyer means the police can’t help you anymore. They’ll ask you if you want them to help you. If you say you want their help, the lawyer is waived by your own words.


Same in business negotiations. But you cannot invoke the 5th...😂😂


I always think about The Simpsons when I think "Good Cop, Bad Cop". Specifically when Principal Skinner and Groundskeeper Willie tried it, and Lisa laughed at them for getting their roles mixed up mid interrogation.


I've been interrogated and they would ask me the SAME question and I got annoyed and I said the third time she asked "ARE YOU WRITING THIS DOWN? BECAUSE IVE TOLD YOU MULTIPLE TIMES WHAT HAPPENED!!" And she was nice about it she said like sorry I have to do that.. I guess it's so that they know if you change your story your most likely lying


Not gonna lie the 5th be saving mfs lmaoo i used that so many times police get pissed and just leave me alone 😂😂😂😂


I can't even imagine how many people regurgitate this information out of context in real life and think they know the law and argue with cops


Loved watching her cry and seeing that she got charged. I’m bout to try to find that court cam
