Should You Get A Honda 450r or 400ex?

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In this video I go through and talk about my recent experience of being able to race the honda 450r and compare it to my usual race bike, the honda 400ex. I talk about the advantages and disadvantages of both in terms of racing as well as just trail riding. You will just have to watch the video to see which one I like better. Hope you all are enjoying the content. Thanks for watching!

For more quad content, go follow my Instagram: tyler_mcnabb137

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The 400ex is just a great machine all around and like you stated a fast rider on a 400ex can do some damage to the 450s in a race. The 700xx is a great machine also for a trail machine its pretty hard to beat. Bought a brand new 700xx back in 2010 (left over 2008 model) and they are pretty reliable as the big bore long strong makes so much torque you aren't at 10, 000 rpm all the time


Great video, thanks!
I bought a 2014 400X a year ago for trail riding. Chose this bike for the reliability factor and love it. I just put a set of 450r front shocks on it over the winter and cant wait for my first atv ride next month with my group to try them out.


Hey! Great Sticker under the front fender!! Nice Bike, I have Ds450


Ive owned and raced both. I honestly prefer the 400, but its because of the ergonomics of it. I prefer the seating position and the way you whip it around compared to the 450 where I sit forward/high and feel like Im going to fall off the front. But Im also 6'2 250lbs so that might have something to do with it. Now i have a Raptor 700 and that thing is extremely comfortable racing for 2 hours.

450 is definitely "better" though from a racing standpoint.


I am 45 years old and now a retired Racer. if they were new I would pick a 1987 250X\1993 300ex. over an 450R and 400ex for just fun trail riding the 400ex had the XR 400R dirt bike Moter installed to me it was a bit heavy the 450R is a great Racer Quad but not fun for just trail riding unless you tune it like I did mine for an extra 7.000.00 I have a total 14.000.00 in mine because I was a A class racer but in this day and age the Sport quads are no more Yamaha is the only Company that sales a sport quad of any kind unless you want a 20.000.00 side by side Honda tried everything to convince me that they are worth it I said no to them they drive too much like a vehicle that defeats the purpose of the fun riding Quads. I am a gamer so I race online with real people now I have seen up to a thousand every weekend with WRC 9 rally Car racing now if I have the itch of wanting to compete but choosing between a 450R vs 400ex I would choose the 400ex it has a more overall fun factor to me. in my 278 races I raced the 250X\300ex years a total 98 races. my 1999 400ex years I race a total 0f 110 races and my 2007 450R current Quad about 20 races and about 50 motocross races on a 1993 CR 250 50 wins total and 4 championships 1992 1993 1995 and 1997 in 2017 my last year I placed 9 strait top 3 finishes in the Vet A


Nice 400ex, building a nice 07 TRX400ex can’t wait to have it back in business.


Both bikes are great if u take care of them they both will last most people doesn’t take care of there stuff that’s why a lot are always fixing there stuff preventative maintenance is key to taking care of ur equipment then maintaining it


Thanks for the video my brother from another mother, love your enthusiasim, the 400ex is my fav..


Young man you did an excellent job on this video! 😊


400ex all the way man my 400 never failed me if you buy a bike buy a 400ex and if you need power I would suggest you put a 440 big bore kit with that 440 your gonna get 35-40 hp


400ex all day best wheelie machine in the world but out of all of the quads 250r


Both quads are awesome I own both as well and there reliable with proper maintenance the 450 is higher maintenance then the 400ex but I'd say for trail riding both are good maybe play with the gearing on the 450 to make more woods friendly, but for the guy in his back yard that wants something easy to maintain I'd go for the 400. Otherwise tho there both awesome quads.


I ride both. I have more fun on the 400. I'm faster on the 450r. Everything just feels faster at lower speeds on the 400. It feels lighter and more flickable.


Hondas are badass. My yz never gets ridden. Always on my 80 atc185


Im a big 450 guy. Been on some 400s thes all feel slow and bulky after being on the 450. But also one thing i gotta say it. I wouldnt powerwash your motor. You can rip the gaskets and it will start leaking so i would just be careful


Great video! Gives a good look on the topic to someone who’s on the edge of buying either one. Just curious what’s your favorite chain to run? And favorite Sprockets? I’m getting a new chain for sure and will probably just throw sprockets on at the same time


So I had a 450r a few years ago. Never been on a 400. I'm loved my 450 I loved the power and throttle response. It never got old. I'm just wondering if I were to get a 400ex this year if it would satisfy me completely or if I just need to save up longer and get a 450. I would prefer a low maintenance bike. I just don't know exactly how the stock acceleration feels


Hey man can you make a video on how you did your hood like where you cut the light and stuff out


I have a 400ex and I like it but I never ride a 450r so I can't say if it better or not


Is that bike used to be my dream bike. I had a 300 yet. I always wondered how much it's going. Powerful it But nothing beat the 250R. Two stroke with a CR 250 engine swab poured out for like 3:10
