Stop Trying to Control Narcissists

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You're absolutely right. I defended myself to the point that I came out looking crazy so many times. And thank you for saying we don't need their approval and to live in our own energy. I'm working on that right now.


Happy Monday everyone. If you’re reading this, just know I’m rooting for you!


Ah ha! Right! 😁👍 Thanks.

Yeah, we don't hear a lot about this angle of the picture very often.


You can't fix the narcissist, goso get out stay out, put yourself first, who cares about making them happy, make yourself happy and go no contact, 👍 up respect yourself and move on.


At 56 I’m learning so much information thank you! so much Michelle


Yes, we always try to reinvent ourselves to suit their inconsistent, ever changing needs. They're never satisfied and it just gets frustrating!


Learn how to be alone', and you will find yourself'; you will never' be alone again.


I did try that theory once and it didn't work he got so angry I told him to go see a therapist because I could not help him with his rage Anymore


If a daily reminder of 10 minutes or so keeps me life long immune from naive stupid decisions of the past it is a great investment.


Thank you, Michelle! I live in the Philippines. I am so glad to have found your channel.


You start seeing you, your value from within! It is hard but it is a life saving shift! Thank you!


Well when you've been conditioned to need a stamp of approval to internally give yourself a feeling of feeling good about yourself, well until you both recognize that conditioning and also start to unravel it, oh boy you do need their stamp of approval!


Maybe it's like easy to solve other peoples problems
But can't solve my own?


The narcissist may say they want someone submissive but in reality they have no respect for a doormat that's completely dependent on them


I didn't even know what a narcissist was until the last 4 years of dealing with one.


I haven't even listened to this -- just saw the title and immediately thought "probably." There's a reason I've gotten the silent treatment from this person I'm sure. LOL I am sometimes weak, but at 47 feel too old to hang onto someone who's wrong for me. I know eventually I will have to let go for good.


Yup. I gave up singing. I don't even sing in the shower anymore. I gave up friends/friends have given me up. I gave up my hustle. I miss my hustle.
Gosh I miss my hustle. He'd hammer me about not working enough - I was in sales and used to make a LOT of money but because it didn't take as much sweat as he put out every week, I shpuld be working MORE. He loved telling everyone I was his sugar mama though but at home he'd rage on me. If I worked 20 hours and made 5k he'd carp about working 40 and making 10k. But in public I was his little money machine.
Now I don't hustle enough around the house. And when I spit shine everything, he'll dive into cabinets to find what I DIDN'T do.
I'm narcoleptic (finally on my way to diagnosis on paper) and he flips out on me about falling asleep - which gives me huge waves of emotion - which knocks me out. Our daughter has a sleep study coming because she has it too and I just need her to be left alone about it. He says she has nothing to look forward to and that I'm lazy. And it just makes both of us WORSE. Lol


I also once told this person that his silent treatments are the most honest thing he's done since I' ve met him. Well done. :)


I picked up on my friends Narcissism. It was really cold out, we had a storm yesterday, right? So i went out and did my thing. First! My mother tells me to NOT go out, i never listened. So she slandered me to her man. Then! My other friend, when i got back home, wouldn't stop saying, "You should have not gone out, i told you." He must have said it like 4 times, especially since i didn't reply to it. I completely gray rocked it. He must have gotten frustrated because he insisted that i "SHOULD HAVE" listened to him. Same as my mother. It's like you trigger their rage or a quiet temper tantrum when you don't do as they wish. I noticed.


Great to see do many guys here. It’s so hard to feel “safe” when most content is geared towards guys being the Narc. This video is right on point, I only would add one small thing. When you give ground to a Narc that will not give it back and then push for more and more. So giving up family was one my Narc wife wanted. Then seperate bedrooms. Now it’s shopping, washing, cleaning, cooking and chasing up all aspects of the kids. As I am writing this at 1:30am. I am literally receiving a text to take the dog out to go to the toilet. My Narc wife’s room is closer to where the dog sleeps than mine and clearly she is awake. At the moment, she does not want to talk to me because I am “lazy”. The above set of tasks must be completed all
The rime as well as a full time job.
