How To Make My Ex Chase Me

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How to make your ex chase YOU. If you want to re-attract someone after a breakup, then you need to know exactly how to display strong confident behavior. It's critical that you do, and not do certain things to increase your exes attraction and anxiety about losing you and get your ex back. Coach Craig is a therapist who has specialized in understanding breakups and re-attracting an ex to give you the best chance of turning your relationship around (even if it feels hopeless). Craig takes his understanding of attraction and looks closely at mental health and attachment issues to give insight into many breakups.

Craig is podcasted on all major platforms

Find Craig on Instagram @ coachcraigkenneth
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Biggest takeaway from this video. “If they don’t come back you’ll be OK”.


Best way to get them to chase you is to get over them. 💯


haha, he literally texted me "hi" while I was watching this video. That disturbance in the force is strong, I tell ya! 🙂


As soon as you let go they sense it for sure


I changed my ex's contact name to NO CONTACT 🙏. To remind me when I want to reach out. Letting go and letting God. God speed


Almost 3 years after my breakup, and still following this channel on a weekly basis. I highly encourage anyone willing to heal to dig up the videos on personal growth, including those from several years ago. As cliché as it sounds, they do help you. Promise.


Holy shit, you're so right. When my relationship started I remember questioning is this what I want? Even talked to my therapist about it and he said don't make any brash decisions. So I took a deep and let things happen naturally, then absolutely fell in love soon after. Feelings and emotions DO change! Since our breakup 3 weeks ago and no contact, she's contacted me twice in one week. It works guys if they are the one for you.


Don’t take them back. It’s not worth it.


I like this guy. A lot. He's mature, real and talks like a brother would.
It's like he's listing what doesn't work, and then follows it with, "... so knock it off."
Wish me luck.


At the beginning of our relationship, or in the “talking” stage, my ex chased me. She would tell me there were so many guys in her DMs but she only wanted to talk to me, she would message me every morning without fail, and she was definitely more interested in me than I was in her. A lot of times, I’m very good at this part of the relationship. At the beginning it works out well for me because I genuinely don’t care and don’t seek out their affection but once I catch feelings, the dynamic changes. This is all fact in this video.


If you know how valuable you are and being true to youself, just move on. Dont let a pig's head cost more than yourself.


Actually... my last ex did give me a hand written letter. But in it he demanded I chamge what I say, what jokes I tell, my music tastes, and other fundementals of my personality so he would come back to me. I turned it and him down. Some of it was reasonable but to get a list of "change this and I will take you back" is not connection building.


I am single in 2022 and working on myself, understanding myself and maximising my potential. Thank you Coach Kenneth for always just being a click away!


So well said.if we don’t indentify our part in the breakup and work on those attachment issues and learn YALLS dynamic as in my case me (AP) my ex(DA)and how to communicate and learn their triggers and YOURS then it WILL NOT last..because will be walking into the same dysfunctional relationship..thank you much for yalls sharing.


Thanks Craig for this video, I wasn't feeling too good this morning & this helped a bit. My girlfriend of 2 years pulled away a little over a month ago. I ended up chasing her & not giving her the space she needed those first few days when she pulled away. I got her upset that week & did something that is unattractive towards women. Soon as I realized the mistakes I was making I backed off completely & went no contact. She wanted to stop by to pick up her belongings so I packed them all up for her & told her it's ready. It took her a month to pick it up. She reached out to me as if she missed me. We hungout for a little & when she left I realized she didn't take all of her belongings. I'm giving her all the space she needs & hoping we can work on our relationship. Since she's been away all I can think of are all the good memories we shared. My life feels so empty without her at times. I've been working on improving myself in every area of my life. Hoping this situation all turns around & we can be happy together like before ❤


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I'm doing much better without communication with my ex. I feel much happier and lost 34 pounds since he left. I


Craig is the fuckin man, he is really picking me up when I need it


Mine come back after 8 days no contact, we are taking it slow very slow, even after those 8 days I realised I need to do more with my life not make her my all it’s not attractive


I firmly believe most of us male dumpees will never get our exes back but the teachings and preachings of this brilliant man truly do stand as the ultimate preventative measure against our the potential failure of our next relationship. No one educates men on how to maintain a healthy bond with the women In our lives. This should be deverloped into a course and required in all schools from high school to college.
