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How do you know if someone is a narcissist? Tell your story in the comments


Tune in to hear the perspective of a self aware narcissist. That’s me - Ben Taylor a narcissist in recovery trying to promote awareness, healing, growth and change. I do that by these videos on here, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

Platforms I am on:

#narcissism #narcissist #npd
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Yes!! Weaponized psychology. Basically he began aggressively accusing me of being a narcissist. I believe him too. All the while he was sleeping with someone


Therapy is the way to go if you're struggling with these thoughts it honestly helps! Even just getting a baseline understanding
on who you are (Narc or not) can take you a very long way. Having a good understanding of yourself and your own values, strengths and weaknesses can also protect you from further abuse in the future.

On a side note:
Thank you Raw Motivations, your channel has been a big inspiration to actually help me go and sort my shit out. In my case it turned out I wasn't a narcissist but was suffering from high anxiety due to being repeatedly misunderstood by people / potential narcs throughout my life. I can finally break out of the rumination loop and work on whats important / building a better self image of myself.

Please keep doing the hard work you're doing to help people!


I'm scared that I am a narcissist.


Im getting out of a relationship with a girl who has some very narcassist tendecies, and it has caused me to reflect and start to genuinely wonder If i am also a narcasist. I have heavy empathy for others and I have always used that to convince myself that I am a good man, but i was forced to dig deeper after being with someone who got me to face some of my worst tendencies. I am selfish, self fufilling and tend to guide conversations towards myself. I am over obsessive with my partners and my expectations, and I also have addiction issues that thanslate into my sex life with partners as well. I am capable of self reflection and criticism but i think i need to see a psychiatrist. Its very confusing.

Edit: i absolute love what you said about many people saying if youre asking if youre the narcassist. Youre not. I belive i have heavy narcassist tendencies st the least, yet feel heqvy empathy and a desire to be critical and improve myself. Awesome video, thank you!!


I went through similar experiences nine times out of ten if your questioning wether your a narcissist or sociopath your usually not some of us learn behaviors and that's exactly what it is is learned behavior that can be unlearned with self education


Every human heart has sociopathic tendencies... Our hearts were never meant to be followed but to be led by God, paraphrased Jon Bloom "Don't follow your heart" resisting our hearts predilections...


Recently I realised, when a friend or family member is in distress, I don't feel empathy or pain. I'm focusing on how to solve the problem, but I feel nothing. So I think maybe I am the narcissist.


Definitely struggling with this question


I had a relationship. I felt the shame from feeling petty, narcissistic or foolish. I tried control. I would not be angry or react but sometimes I reacted but then took control of it to avoid an argument that makes me feel stupid. I still wonder if I was the problem. I resigned from it and just vanished but I can't even want to have a relationship unless I am confident I'm normal


I am a narcissist and it takes me hittin a bottom to look at myself. Iv lost my relationship with my son's mother and im sick at myself for it. I want help


I have done a lot of these things. I want to change.


Am 100% a narcissist and it has killed my marriage!!! Am trying to work on it and win her love back but going to take time got to start loving me for me!


I've recently come out of a relationship where my ex girlfriend accused me of financial and emotional manipulation aswell as coercion and gaslighting.
This effected me pretty bad as I've never been accused of this in past relationships. I'm still questioning myself and looking into narcissistic treats and behaviour to try to come to terms and understand if I am actually a narcissist. I'm currently in therapy going through some things to try understand myself better. It really bothers me that I could actually end up being a narcissist because I never thought I was that kind of person.


I’m struggling with this I’m trying so hard not to tell myself this what it is


I ask myself this all the time even now. I was the one that got so upset and end up bawling my eyes out and screaming at i look back on it, it was due to something he said, or bullying from him. HE would bully the crap out of me and then i would end up sobbing and then he would want to hug me. He did this when i refinanced my house. He didn't think i should have...but when i did what i thought was right for me rather than follow his direction, he got so mad and berated me for 2 hours....

When we broke up he said he kept a journal and noticed a pattern of behavior FROM ME of how i would get so upset. While we were together, i would notice this about my self too and asked myself, what the hell triggered that? Then i paid attention to when i would get so upset, and it was most often to something demeaning he would say or to bullying from him. So, he pointed out my patterns of behavior to me, he never looked at his own, even when i suggested it. So i don't think i am a narcissist, but it doens't hurt to ask yourself that regularly and do a self check, right?
I think he was one though....when playing jeopardy, and he woudl get a question right, he was say 'behold my take his hands and wave them towards himself. Who does that? all the time...????

Also, i am a big empath. I cry when someone else has problems. So i doubt i am a narcissist. He used to tell me i was borderline personality and he was constantly saying to me that i play the vicitm...i actually had to look up what that meant because i had no idea. Turns out he was projecting him playing the victim on to me.!!! Always projecting...

I got promoted at work, and it took me a week to tell him because i knew he would pooh on it....sad, huh?


Thank you for doing these videos....they do help...but i still miss him and wish he would contact me. He is living with someone else that he had move in with him right after he and i broke up ...a woman he dated and they broke up twice before...and he and i were together for 4 years.... i think i need a 1:1 to get myself to stop wanting him to contact me. My sister told him to stop he did because before her, he was contacting me all the WITH THE PERSON LIVING WITH HIM IN HIS BED!!


I often wonder about myself and if I am because I tend to share traits with the Narcissist who abused me. It’s tough to find which way is up


Isn’t it true though that if you wonder if you’re a narcissist then you’re not? Because narcissists can’t self reflect


I get very annoyed with people who comment saying “narcissist can’t self respect” like how the fuck do you know? Can you telepathically read my thoughts are something? Like really.


i think i am a narcissist but i am not scared of it
