'Don't tell people what you know. KEEP THEM POOR!' Robert Kiyosaki

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"Don't tell people what you know. KEEP THEM POOR!"

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*Becoming wealthy is not a secret. We only lack motivation, consistency and willingness to sacrifice. All information is out there and it’s up to us to gather it, educate ourselves and start working.*
*Get busy living or get busy dying.*


"Your greatest teacher is your last mistake."


"poor people say : i can't afford it
rich people say : how can i afford it"


I really enjoy listening to Robert Kiyosaki. This man is very inspiring. I have read a couple of his books. I like the entire video: "change the mindset, " "to be rich you have to provide something, " "if you are hungry will be thinking, " "you become what you say." And so much more...I really like how he says "it's passed down, it's genetic, " this is very true. I heard this from my Mom over and over again growing up. Now, I try to have the mindset "How can I afford it?" as Robert Kiyosaki says. I like how he says, "failing is how we succeed, " "teach the poor to fish, and give them a fish because then they will always be poor."


"As long as you're hungry, you'll think."

Now I know why I don't think a lot. I eat too much.. :(


There are people who gave their all, took as many risks and make many mistakes but still find themselves in the same pole. And there are other rich people who don't even understand why they are rich.! Life's a strange journey!

Making mistakes and taking challenges will give you a chance but it never guarantees you success.
"Take chances, hope for the best and expect the worst" That's life for you


I've been rich and I've been poor but I haven't had a boss in 32 years, and that is priceless....


Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time.


"poor people don't fail, they play it safe" oh sweet summer child.


One powerful saying !!
“ If you dont FIGHT for what you WANT
Dont CRY for what you LOST “


"A fake teacher is somebody who just wants a job and they'll teach anything. " This is the sad reality we live in this world.


Me: what are taxes how I pay them

School: don't worry mitochondria is the power house of the cell


The way this man said ' ... but greedy people produce nothing".


“You have to do sacrifices for what you want, or else what you want, will become the sacrifice”

A year ago I was completely lost, in a relationship with no future but was afraid if I ended it I would be alone, stuck at a job that felt was not paying me what I deserve, stuck in school feeling like I was doing no progress, getting closer to my 30s I felt like a complete failure. A job that just payed the bills but felt like a slave, like it took all my time but was afraid no other job would pay me the same, you know I had bills and rent I needed my job, no degree, hating every minute of school feeling like I was wasting my life on memorizing stupid things to pass a test and never again use that information. I got so depressed and lost like I never felt in my entire life.

Then somehow it hit me, I just knew I had to change, I had to do something, not next month, not next year, not one day, but right then and there.

I took a risk and switch jobs, I hated it at first, felt so out of place, being a rookie when I knew everything in my previous job, but I put the effort to learn and I started to make more money working less hours, finally felt free!

Got out of that relationship that had no future and learned that being single is not the same as being alone. Self love is a powerful thing you can do for yourself.

Dropped out of school, what I was studying wasn’t gonna pay me more than what I was getting paid then so why waste my time memorizing stupid things for a piece of paper, so what if I don’t have a degree? If my family doesn’t approve who cares I am an adult and ask for nothing from no one. Care only what you think about yourself and not what other people may think even if it is your own family or friends.

Took some risk, my new job shutdown, but lead me into the job that I have now and I make even more now, if I didn’t had taken the risk I would had still been stuck in the first one. The extra money has allow me to save money, but I knew there had to be a better way, a smarter way, I end up reading about Robert Kiyosaki and learn about assets and liabilities, it change my mind completely.

Now I have more time to enjoy things, all the extra money from my new job is use to invest! I am making more money than ever, and feel like with some sacrifices in the next few years I will achieve financial freedom to work as little as possible and have a steady income to travel and do the things I like. Because at the end we only have one life to live!


"People who are afraid of making mistakes, like they teach in school, they don't ever grow"

Yes, that's true. Because if you don't fail, you are not even trying.


Robert is like a bruce lee. in financial arts.


This video actually tells us more about the rich, than it does about the poor. People often never tell us the truth, but instead tell us their own truth, and end up telling us more about them than what they're actually talking about. The one reality that refutes this entire video is this one truth: Not everyone can be rich. That's why there will always be poor. If everyone owned a business, no one would have employee's to work in that business, nor would they have the customers to keep their businesses afloat. Just like If everyone had a college degree, there wouldn't be enough college level jobs to employ them. Not even close. Someone will always have to be a secretary or clean the toilets or something like that, even in a world of automation. And with automation, one machine can do the work of 100 people or more. It only takes a small percentage of the population to produce all the things we need. If everyone was an entrepreneur or business owner, there would be too much supply and not enough demand to make income or be successful. Until we have infinite energy on tap, and star trek style replicators to produce anything we can dream of out of thin air, there will always be poor people.

But what this guys point of view does tell us, is that the rich want to believe that every success in their lives are down to their own personal achievements. They want to ignore circumstance, or luck, and reality in general, because it allows them to feel like they're better than everyone else, that everyone else is poor because they're not as good as them, or lazier than them. This mentality allows the rich to basically circle jerk themselves about how great they are compared to everyone else. It makes them feel strong, powerful, intelligent, is an alluring and intoxicating state of mind, but also a very self centered state of mind.

The real truth that rich people don't want you to know, is that rich people are only rich, because poor people exist to work for them. Without poor people, the rich wouldn't exist. They wouldn't have anyone to do all of the jobs that serve as a backbone for civilization, doing all the hard work that pays relatively little in comparison. The guy that builds homes might be making relatively good money, but he's not getting rich off of it. And people need homes, but they can only pay soo much for homes, so market value limits their income. Most jobs are jobs that need to be done that don't pay very well and won't make people rich, because they may be indispensable to society, but they aren't a high individual value to society. You can't squeeze water from stone.

For example, people need their floors cleaned and trash emptied in their offices, but they're not going to pay someone $100, 000 to do it. If all custodians across the world suddenly went on strike, that wouldn't make companies pay them more. If it really came down to that, companies would either find a way to automate the process, or make existing employee's clean up after themselves. But it wouldn't come down to that, because there's always someone willing to do the job because they need to put a roof over their head. Crappy jobs may need to be done, but the value of that work also has a finite value to those purchasing the work, and if that value goes too high, they'll simply find other ways to get the job done for cheaper. Efficiency is a double edged sword, and efficiency is ultimately about doing things easier or cheaper. So every time some efficiency is introduced into business; someone, somewhere, ultimately loses opportunity to prosper.

But there is one truth in what he said...they want to keep you poor and hungry so they can keep you thinking and grinding. But that's also why they want to make you think if you just try hard enough you are guaranteed to be rich too. It keeps you grinding for them, like a carrot on a stick, always reaching but always out of your grasp. Then when you're old and the reward never came, they'll tell you "You just didn't try enough", or "Money isn't everything, you're rich in family!". And while money isn't everything...it still doesn't change that they've lead you on with a lie, and used you up to the last drop, then threw you away only to replace you with someone else to start the whole process all over again.


Hey random person scrolling throught the comments. I just want to say: have a great day or night!
Remember you arer loved and you have a purpose in this world. Always stay positive and never give up in life and on your goals!


I learned more about life in this 10min video than my entire 10 years of schooling.


“Don’t tell people what you know. Keep them poor.” The detachment from society is insane
