Things Not To Say To Someone Who Voted Remain

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"Brexit means Brexit." "You lost." "Stop being a remoaner."

If you voted to remain in the EU, you've probably heard a fair few of these... But whichever way you voted last June, you're probably sick of being labelled because of which box you placed your X in.


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Things not to say to someone with self harm scars


You guys are scrapping the barrel with this content


Things not to say to someone who has a different opinion. Seems really hard for the BBC to understand.


"The nation shouldn't be allowed to speak in the first place"


There is less stigma for people who voted remain than people who voted leave


I live in Britain, I am still a teenager so I didn't vote but 'leavers' get a lot more hate


"People shouldn't be allowed to speak" ohhh you really love EU democracy. Cheers from Poland


'I dont think the nation should have been allowed to speak in the first place' sums it up really...ouch


I would have voted to remain if I was of age, but the guy who literally said "this vote has happened, but that doesn't mean we have to go along with it" is ridiculous. We live in a democracy, and the whole point of a democracy and a public vote is that the majority wins. Yes, it's annoying that the Leave Campaign won, because I really don't want the UK to leave the EU, but we all need to respect the fact that we live in a democracy and the public have spoken. I'm sorry but if you don't like living in a democracy then perhaps the UK is not the place for you.


"If you lost, you're not gonna be gas, you're not gonna be like 'brap brap yes' "



We can all agree that the campaigns on both sides were complete shit shows that both lied and exaggerated and now it's sadly common for people to shout that leavers voted since they are racists afraid of immigration and remainers voted because of scaremongering this is rubbish.

There were many valid reasons to vote, either way, the thing that really annoyed me and still annoys me is the insults in my home county Cornwall being leave was common since its fishing industry was badly affected by other member nations not sticking to the rules set by the EU, but the moment I left Cornwall or turned on the TV for a Victoria live debate all I saw was insults people saying I was xenophobic and racist for not liking the structure and set up of the EU now I still see people calling leave voters dregs and Remainers unpatriotic idiots because we had a different point of view.

For myself the decision was hard it wasn't anything to do with immigration, behind the NHS and women’s vote, immigration is one of the best things to happen to the UK hands down there were several reasons for voting out the same for voting in and when I looked for answers from the two campaigns I was met with scaremongering and insults when I looked to "experts" all I found was I don't know, when I asked MPs and MEPs all i get was contradictions and when I read and watched the media all I saw were lies in the midst of all that I made the decision I thought was best and no one can fault me for that

Instead of inciting the castigation of voters who are not culpable for just having an opinion, especially when either side failed to do enough we should debate and influence the type of Brexit we are to have as much as any one citizen can, what truly matters is how we move forward.


I agree with the guy who said the referendum shouldn't have happened. Leaving the EU is not a black-and-white matter and treating it as such by a yes/no vote just means that people don't really know what they are voting for- and I mean that on both sides, because I think that there wasn't enough information provided in either campaign. It should have been an educated decision made by the people who know the politics of the EU like the back of their hand.


Can u do things not to say to an introvert...


I haven't watched this yet, but I bet one of the things not to say is, "Are you tired of losing yet?"


oh my gosh, all these arguing European (or whatever) people in the comments are so cute. "grumpy brexiters" and "Remoaners". reminds me of America


I would have voted to stay but I was 17 at the time, it’s annoying because I’ve had a bunch of older people say they did it for my future, but in that case I wish I could have voted 😔


Should do a "Things not to say to liberals/left-wing peeps" and "Things not to say to right-wingers"


Both sides should respect each others vote and points.
But the remaining votes wouldn't be moaning if they won and that is a fact sadly


The difference in actual political awareness between these two videos and the people in them is staggering!


Right im making a list of these things to say to Remoaners
