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Thank you, I am a reborn Christian, got save at 52 years old, the Lord set me Free from stealing, lying and pornography, I am 76 years old today, but recently I fell into pornography, I repent many time, but still falling into. I spend many time listening to Daily Jesus Devotional , I need to pray , also need prayer, this is a big strong hold, thank you, it give me hope, I know I can not be set free, unless Jesus step in and set me Free.


No because his my Lord and Personal Savior ❤ I came to know Christ in jail in 2013 by reading a book, "Overcoming spiritual blindness" by James P. Gills MD. The veil was taken off my eyes. Heaven came through for me. Now i have a home a husband and a lovely year old daughter (Zoa), and a stream of income that get me $25, 000 monthly. I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough!


Father God please strengthen me Lord Jesus please forgive me 😢❤ Amen


I swear this video came at the right time. I am not the person that I was in my past. I have made mistakes, but I am not a bad person. God found me through this message to tell me to keep going. I love you, Jesus Christ and thank you for doing the Lord’s work. God bless amen 🙏🏾


Thank You JESUS‼️ Thank you For your Love Mercy and Grace 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️💪🏽


Once saved always save if you are reborn. Sheep can go astray (ie backslid) but never lost (ie fallen away) as a good Shepherd will never lose his sheep.


i have been a christian for over 42 years at 2 years i was anointed and sent out as a soul winner, personal evangelist, saw many men saved, i came under great attack by the enemy and fell i was backsliden for several years the holy spirit never left me and i knew it he still guided me, stopped me from crossing many lines i wanted to cross, he chastened me as a good father does, he built a hedge around me and still used me even when i ended up in jail for drinking and driving, i saw many men in jail come to the foot of the cross through the holy spirit using me, i can relate to Gomer in the book of Hosea, igot out of jail led men to the lord in rehab, spent 17 years i AA led a few men to the lord there, i was never separated from the holy spirit, he never left me or forsook me, he just changed the dynamics of our relationship just as described in hosea, our god is awsome he does exactly what he promises in his word i have brought many to the foot of the cross since i left AA i stay humble i dont seek leadership roles and god is good


"The joy of the Lord is my strength."
"The joy of salvation...."
im not used to being depressed. being distant from God is terrible. i cant have 1 foot in the world, and 1 foot with God. i cant eat at the table of demons and also Christ. i have to pick up my cross, deny myself daily, and by each minute. choose peace and forgiveness, and let go of bitter resentment rage and hate. ive been a hearer only... and not a DOER of the word. ive deceived myself. i took Gods blessings for granted. Follow God, or else what little we do have will be taken away. Run to Him. God thanks for answering my fears with this video.


I love you man. Thank you. God is great. Christ is my savior, amen.


Thank you btother for your channel, God bless you


Thanks! 🙏🏽

Great video! That’s what the Lord put on my heart to give. I believe I’m sowing on good ground.
God bless you pastor, and to anyone reading this! You WILL make it! Trust and believe God, and it will be so!


You cannot lose your salvation, you need to ask forgiveness and come back to fellowship with Our Lord, ask for restoration from Jesus 🙏❤️


To everyone suffering from depression, gluttony, drugs substances, pornography and masturbation, and any form of doubt or pride; I too feel you! But Jesus really is faithful and he won't give up on you ever- you got this far, so don't lose heart! I too have felt distant, numb, apathetic, and backslidden but trust me if you feel lukewarm, that's the Holy Spirit trying to wake you up! Be steadfast and be strong! God is with you and loves you still!


I think it can be said that believers are eternally secure as long as they are believers.


You deliver a great message and in a way that everyone can understand Gods word. God bless you, your family and your Ministry. In Jesus mighty name. Amen


Can someone please pray for me? I’ve found myself in a deep pit. I’ve gotten myself addicted to cigarettes again and I feel so helpless. I’m tired of disappointing God and being a slave to this addiction. I’ve been really stressed out and I go back to the cigarettes even though I don’t want too. I really need someone to pray for me.


Father forgive me, wash me, I AM MORE than a conquer
Thanks Bro, dont ever stop


I just want to say thank you for allowing the spirit to pour into you so that you can pour into others like me.

Man, I’ve been struggling with a lot. Lust, porn, & possibly a divorce. That prayer that I repeated with you…it’s freeing me.

Honestly man, I feel that I don’t really have much of a testimony. But I really want the presence of the Lord to be seen in all that I do. I’ve prayed & fasted. Sometimes, our Father seems close. Other times he seems so distant.

Thank you bro. You’re truly an inspiration. Continue to be about our father’s business.


Praise GOD for the work you do for his Glory. I needed this so much. GOD BLESS YOU SIR!🙏🏻


Brother, thank you so much for this video. I fell tonight into lust. I am making drastic changes to repent. What scares me though is what about Matthew 7:21-23? What kind of people are those, then? What scares me is what if that’s me one day. The devil wastes no time putting these thoughts in my head and it’s scary. Please pray for me. Surely the people that Jesus says “I never knew you” to thought they were saved as well.
