Is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical?

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Is once saved always saved biblical? Can a Christian lose their salvation? Can a genuine Christian decide to deny their own faith and walk away from God? Is there a sin you could commit that God wouldn't forgive? If you lose your salvation can you regain it? There are lots of questions surrounding this topic of eternal security. In this video I present 7 reasons why I believe a Christian cannot lose their salvation.

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When you truly are saved there is no way you can live in sin without convictions.


Wrong understanding of Grace: "Grace gives you the freedom to sin."

Right understanding of Grace: "Grace gives you the power NOT to sin."


You know you are truly saved when you are highly conscious of every sins committed and will always struggle against it.


Once saved by Christ, always saved by Christ!

All glory to Him!


Jesus has saved me from suicide multiple times I owe my life to him every day 24/7


When we are saved, we still sin, there are sins we do that we don’t know we do. Thank you LORD for saving us with your blood.


Such an important topic, thank you brother Parr. I gave my life to the Lord at age 15 at a David Wilkerson crusade back in 1971. Since then, I have had times when I allowed myself to be distracted by the things of the world, gone away from the truths of the Word. Behaved in ways I am truly ashamed of. But He has never taken His hand off me, and His grace has allowed me to eventually see that I am His and want nothing more than Him in my life. I am 67 now, and am so thankful He has never stopped loving me. I am His and He is mine. Forever. 🙏


Jesus said:"Not everyone who calls me Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do the will of my father in Heaven".


In my personal walk with christ, there have been times I have backslid, however, just in those backsliding time when my fleshly spirit did the things that didnt agree and life started to take a turn for the worse, God never gave up on me he sent laborers on the way and put me in circumstances where i had no choice but to turn back to him. Granted it is a growing process because my backsliding was a result of getting sucked in by the lies of the enemy and i fell farther into sin but i didnt originally intend to sin. Each time when he restores me and pulls me back i grow in knowledge of him. To me it reminds me of when God starts a work in you hes gonna finish it.
God bless


If you could lose your salvation, YOU WOULD lose your salvation! None of us are strong enough to keep something so precious. (Ephesians 1:13)


I got saved when I was 11. To avoid writing out my whole testimony, I will simply say that I stayed from God in my early 20s, and for all intents and purposes, lost my faith. It was to the point where I was angry with God, and tried MULTIPLE times to complete leave the faith. But GOD, through what I can only believe is the power of the Holy Spirit kept bringing me back. Kept pricking my heart and wouldn't let me go

”I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.“
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭CSB‬‬

To God be the glory!


Sir thank you. You have given me comfort. My son 37 years old was killed 3 weeks ago. He was saved thru faith when he was a teenager. This has been un-bearable. Thank you so much!


Whether you lose your salvation or not, I think it’s wise to live everyday as if your holding onto salvation for dear life! And God knows that I fail everyday, but he also knows I’m trying. God bless everyone!


When you’re truly saved, you won’t wanna go back. God bless 🙏✌️


I once used to believe in "Eternal security" or the "once saved always saved" doctrine, but the more I studied the scriptures the more i realised this wasn't the case, I realised how difficult it was to continue holding on to that doctrine, I do believe that a Christian can lose his/her salvation through apostasy and I think that worldliness and continual sin can eventually cause a Christian to turn their back on God and that's what I believe Paul refers to when talking about the "falling away" in Hebrews 6:6 and what Peter talks about in 2 Peter 2:20-22,
we have been clearly warned in scriptures about this matter.


This is such an encouraging message I’ve been a Christian for almost 10 years and am sometimes disappointed with the areas of my life that aren’t in-line with God, but then I remind myself at least I’m not where I was before, and that highlights all the things the lord has help me overcome or at least improve on.




I came to the LORD at a young age. I still had a rebellious falling away in my late teens and twenties. Looking back, God's grace was with me every step of the way. He didn't like the sin in my life, but He never gave up on me. I still sin even now, but God's presence is with me every day. He will never leave us and He will never forsake us.


I was saved several years ago. Easily the greatest moment of my life. I felt instantly transformed and different. The lord instilled in me something I never really had before, discernment. I still struggle with sin to this day. Mostly because I was a new Christian and was fairly ignorant of scripture or was fed a false gospel at times. But never once did I feel unsaved or condemned. But when I did commit a sin I felt something I never felt before which was guilt and remorse over what I had done. I look forward to the day I get to stand face to face with Jesus and rejoice in heaven with other believers.


Thank you my brother for preaching His words so accurately. God is undefeated! Love, love, love
