Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean we can lose our salvation? |

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Can we lose our salvation? We’ll explore two interpretations—one suggesting the passage refers to unbelievers exposed to biblical truth but not fully committed to faith in Jesus Christ, and another proposing a hypothetical scenario about true believers and the impossibility of them falling away. We’ll discuss key phrases like “enlightened,” “tasted the heavenly gift,” and “shared in the Holy Spirit,” and what they mean in different contexts. This video is essential for anyone interested in Christian doctrine, the security of eternal salvation, and deeper scripture meanings. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion that reaffirms the everlasting nature of our salvation in Christ. Click play to strengthen your understanding of the Christian faith.

In this video, pastor nelson answers your question: Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean we can lose our salvation?

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Being confident of this very thing, that HE(HOLYGHOST) who has begun a good work IN YOU, will perform it(continue doing it) until the day of JESUS CHRIST.(return)

Keep HIM and HE Will Keep You till the end!!!


If you could lose your salvation you would. If you’re saved then it’s a done deal. A proper understanding of Scripture overwhelmingly confirms this. Jesus DID IT ALL. He doesn’t need your “help”.


You cannot lose your salvation—but you can think you’re saved when you’re not. The people referenced in Hebrews are not “unbelievers”, but they are not born-again. To be born-again is a much bigger deal than many people think, and dare I say that MOST Christians are operating in a lukewarm/ungenerated state, and are on their way to eternal damnation.

If you want to go to heaven, you must go ALL IN. Not merely trusting THAT Jesus died for your sins, but trusting IN HIM as the one who died for your sins. This is not about mere intellectual belief, this is about truly entering into a holy/eternal/supernatural covenant.


Please pray for my daughter, son in law and lost souls 🙏 😔


committed intellectually and not spiritually, thats a lot of us and i wonder that about myself


Remember this was originally written to Jewish converts. The warning is that if one leaves the faith and returns to Judaism there is no more sacrifice for them and they my beyond repentance at some point. One cannot randomly "lose" their salvation, but apostasy is possible. The point here is to persevere in the faith.


God promised to give us eternal life not temporal❤️


Remember the Bible says "Not by works". If your works cannot save you, your works cannot unsave you either. According to God's word.


Yes it does. Romans 11:22 explains it even better


What does this mean in regards to someone like me who is struggling with a horrible porn addiction since childhood, where even before I found Christ I'm just neck deep in it with no care, and now that im so tired of it and want to turn and give my heart to Christ, I'm still struggling with it, every single week, asking for forgiveness and for deliverance, yet the moment the disgusting temptation pops up every single day again, and again, and again, and again, I keep falling for it and are so weak to it because thats all I ever knew, thats all my flesh ever knew. Scripture says that when you have faith in Jesus Christ and put your trust in Him that He died for your sins, that His blood is enough. I do believe that. I just..don't understand why I still struggle with this disgusting addiction when other believers who may have had similar problems have been totally set free unless they weren't being honest in their testimonies.

I just..I want to be done with this disgusting thing once and for all and just not grieve the Holy Spirit anymore. I don't want to grieve God anymore and feel like a total hypocrite and a liar, some charlatan that's playing around. I hate this sin so much..yet I still go back to it when temptation happens or a bad thought happens just because im used to it, and I hate it. I hate what I do yet I still indulge, why can't I just STOP..

i know its because of my sinful nature/flesh that I'm still in until Christ comes back..but..damn man..I don't wanna do it anymore...I've shed so many tears, and constantly been so wishy washy and I don't want my heart, my faith in Jesus to be like that anymore. I want it to be steadfast and on fire for Him, not wondering "dang did I lose my salvation, was I ever saved, am I just a false convert" I don't wanna keep doing that every single day..

With how many times I stumble, fall, and fail, the question always comes into my mind "am I false convert, am I a liar, am I just ...a fake.." and thats probably the Devil trying to get me to quit. I won't quit..I just..hate what I do..I hate this sin..and I hate my flesh so damn much..I know I can't beat porn by myself, I know I can't do it without God. I know that without God I can do nothing. Without Jesus, I can't do ANYTHING. Yet when the time comes and im tempted again I just fold so easy and I really hate it so much..I feel horrible and ashamed that I didn't flee or run..I...egh..


Gymnastics aside, please explain 1 Timothy 4:1


I think that the best way to interpret that passage is by not stopping at the 6th verse but continuing with verses 7 and 8. The soil bearing thorns will give thorns as a result upon nurturing. So it is to show that those people that bear bad fruit (constantly reject Christ) after fully understanding His truth have no chance of being renewed by the Spirit.
God bless!


This is so interesting, I think a 3rd interpretation could be of the Jews because they saw Jesus, they saw the power of the Holy Spirit, they knew of the promise of the Messiah but still rejected Him like Judas Iscariot and the Pharisees who studied the scriptures and knew them very well. By them rejecting Jesus mean there is no other olive branch from heaven, Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. They came close to the fullness of their faith, they knew He was coming but rejected Him when He was there presently with them. Amen blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord


2 Peter 1:3-11 and Jude 1:5.
"Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe."
1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.


Everyone gets this one wrong because they assume that if someone professes faith then they must be save. The set up for this is back in chapters 3 and 4 using the Mosaic Jews, who saw the miracles, heard the truth, professed faith, but their knowledge was not united with faith (according to God’s judgement of the heart) and they still had wicked hearts of unbelief. THEY WERE NEVER SAVED DESPITE THEIR PROFESSION. God does not judge the external but the heart.


Luke 13:23 Then one said to Him .Lord, are there few who are saved ? And He said to them, Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Read the book of Acts it will lead you to salvation.


To visualize this verse, we should think of Judas Iscariot. Who tasted the light of Truth, but was never changed by it. He fell away and betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Which was more valuable to him than the life saving grace Jesus offered. Instead of repenting and asking for forgiveness, Judas hung himself (Matthew 27:3-5).


Now in regards to Hebrews 6 I am not so sure if this demonstrates that salvation can be lost. However there are other areas that do show salvation can be revoked. But before finding scriptures or sections that seem to show salvation can be lost, it is important to consider the concept of OSAS and its' implications.

When you assert that once a person receives salvation and that they can never lose it, you are implying then there is no action a believer can commit or fail to accomplish that will cause salvation to be revoked. If this is the case, then if there is even ONE verse or section of scripture that shows a believer can have their salvation revoked, then it cannot be the case OSAS is true. Additionally, it is important to consider and define what is SALVATION? What are the characteristics/properties that must be present and/or absent that warrants a person to be saved? One essential requirement of salvation is forgiveness. If forgiveness is not present towards a person from God, then that person is not saved. So forgiveness must be present. If God doesn't forgive someone, then that person cannot be saved. Matthew 18:21-35 is an example of forgiveness being applied to believers, however if a believer fails to forgive, after being forgiven of their debts, then their forgiveness that was originally given is now revoked, and they must pay for it. We can confirm that "servant" in this section is applied to believers, and Jesus was speaking to the disciples.

Furthermore, additional actions that seem to forfeit salvation can be found in Matthew 24:44-51. We see again another example of salvation revoked. Again the disciples are being spoken to about "who is a wise and faithful servant?" We see here that the wicked servant who began to get drunk and beat other servants was discovered at an hour he did not expect the Master to return. Because of which, he was cut into pieces and put in the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Thus that is hell.

Additionally, Luke 12:40-46 is another example of that story where even Peter asks if that applies to the disciples or everyone. Here Christ mentions that same wicked servant being placed with the unbelievers. So this implies the servant must be a believer. So therefore we can confirm that servants of the Master are believers, and believers that fail to forgive will not be forgiven or if they do works of the flesh such being a drunkard and hating and beating others, they have their place with unbelievers which is the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, thus hell. Therefore, it is not the case that OSAS is true.

In addition, Romans 11:17-24 is another definitive example that even unbelief can have someone removed. If there is unbelief afterwards, you can be removed and those who do not abide are to be gathered like branches and thrown into the fire. Thus how can one be grafted in, and their own unbelief can be an action that has them removed? If that is the case, then again OSAS is false. Now this does not mean that a single action of unbelief or sin immediately has someone removed but rather God's desire is for you to turn from it. We know this due to the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree in Luke 13. We see here after some time, there was a decision to cut down the tree but the vine-dresser intercedes in hopes to cultivate the tree into becoming the potential tree that the Master seeks it to be. In the same way God doesn't immediately desire to see us remove but hopes we remain in him. But as the previous parables and examples had mentioned, the Master will come at an hour we do not expect, thus we aren't to take things lightly nor continue in sin. Tear out the eye and cut off the hand while there is still a chance. Do away with hate and works of the flesh. Forgive so that your Father may forgive you.


Amen! It Is Written! KJV - 1 John 2 : 19 “They Went Out From US, But They Were Not Of US;
For If They Had Been Of Us, They Would No Doubt Have Continued With US:
But They Went Out, That They Might Be Made Manifest That They Were Not All Of US.


Congratulations for clear explanation.
