Did I Lose My Salvation? - Salvation Clearly Explained

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Is it possible that you’ve lost your salvation? By understanding the truth about salvation, you can be free from all fear and walk in the confidence that you are saved.







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00:00 Introduction
01:53 The Salvation Tree - Faith and Good Works Explained
03:42 Your Position, Your Process, and Your Perfection
05:43 Holy Spirit: The Seal of Your Salvation

#EncounterTV #TheHolySpirit #DavidDigaHernandez #Salvation #SalvationExplained #HowToKnowYouAreSaved
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Brother David, I have been a lukewarm Christian for the past couple months now, please pray for me.


what a beautiful picture! The Holy Spirit is the deposit and the promise that He's coming back for us!


Thank you Holy Spirit. I thank God for you, His Prophet, His Disciple. Thank you David


I needed this I seriously have got to stop going through these cycles of thinking I’m not saved.


Pastor and brother in christ God bless you for your wonderful teaching This morning I ask you with a heavy heart to pray for my 4 year old grandson Luke who has blood cancer leukemia and is very sick at this moment . His immune system is zero please 😔 😢 😪 pray 🙏 for healing Brother David 🙏


God thru the apostle Paul is warning us just as he warned the Galatian believers Gal. 5.21 not to practice sin or the deeds of the flesh or else we will not inherit the kingdom of God(lose salvation).


Thank you for us clearing up about salvation.may the lord awer God you your marriage your wonderful team 🙏🏽 ❤ 🙌🏽 love you brother ❤


That was good....that brought me peace..thank you


Thank You Brother. I receive this in the name of Jesus


Thank You Jesus Christ my Lord And Savior


Amen, brother. AMEN! By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. We do need the fullness of the Holy Spirit so we pray to God for that blessing and confess our sins directly to God our Father in Jesus name. 1 John 1: 5-10; 2:1-2.


God loves us so much, we are not perfect, jesus knows that, thats why he came, just believe in our lord jesus christ, it is a gift he will not turn anyone away, jesus he came for all men, hes already paid the price for us, this is how much god loves us, with love jdx 💕


Thank you for sharing this I really think about that I really need this cause I done sin sometimes


Like the positivity of this message, but we also cannot neglect many verses in the New Testament of believers not unbelievers- being cut off the vine, the 7 churches, the lukewarm being spewed out, the couple who lied to the Holy Spirit even though they were believers and were killed on the spot, etc. also many backslidden Christians have had experiences of hell floating around on YouTube and must repent to be grafted back in.


Pastor David, bless you for teaching. Will you please explain the parable about the ten brides? How do we see this from what you taught us? Bless you!


I took a cov vaccination, totally regret it, have I lost my salvation, really stressing me.


I lost my salvation. I was praying for my son's salvation, he doesn't believe in Jesus. While praying and crying my heart out I called on God to please save my son. I heard an audible voice say " do you want to swap places" in my despair I had a flicker of a thought, yes. Then when I came out of this I cried out to Jesus that I loved him more than anyone and please forgive me. That day it was over but I didn't realize it for a long time. Prior to this I had been talking to God asking him to please save my son because he has a huge chip on his shoulder towards me. He joined the Army at 18 and he never came back home. Anyway, a good period of time when by still not aware I had lost my salvation, I was asking Jesus to heal me and again I heard an audible voice say " Stop calling on me". That's it that's how you lose your salvation. If the enemy can deceive you, like what happened to me it's over. You can't love your family to the point you would say you would trade places, whether it's an accident like with my situation or in any other way are you going to say, because you love your children, spouse, parents never think or say you would take their place no matter how painful it would be to think they will be in HELL for eternity.
I was prior to this having visions, hearing the Holy Spirit, I had the gift of tongues, was fully emersed, was extremely sensitive to sin and still am but I did lose my salvation.
I tried to join an online Prophecy group and was denied access.
I was one day talking to my daughter's neighbor and she said " Why are you wearing a cross? I looked at her and she was wearing one, so I said because I love Jesus. I realized after that Jesus must have told her I was not one of his. More and more things kept happening. I was in church and a woman that was a close friend said God told me to tell you to read Psalm 88! It was finally clicking that I had truly lost my salvation. The worship leader in the church was talking to someone when she stopped walked over to me and said" God doesn't put people in hell, people put people in hell. ( Out of the nowhere) Just more confirmation I had lost salvation.
Everyday I live in fear now when is THAT DAY coming when God throws me into an eternal fire. The worst part is I still love Jesus with all my heart and it will never go away.
Just from a flicker of a thought and now it's over for me. Don't get caught up in emotion over your loved ones or you may end up like me. Serving eternal punishment.


I keep sinning now I am scared please pray for me


My only issue now is apostasy! PLEASE pray for me.


There has never been a Christian capable of sinning.
