Can You Lose Your Salvation? explained as a video game

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Christians are often confused about what the Bible actually says about this topic. In this video, I explain exactly what salvation is and if the Bible says you can lose it.

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I don't really feel Jesus in my life, but I still want to follow him, grow my faith and accept him into my life. Sometimes it's getting hard not really feeeling him but I know he's there and he will reveal himself again when the time is right. But until then videos like this really help to not lose hope, because sometimes exactly not feeling him close feels like I've lost salvation.


"you are an adopted son acting like an orphan" thats a bar. I feel seen


with this analogy, we can also say that the game is multiplayer, so you gotta tell people how to get infinite lives


Okay off topic but Jesus as a video game character looks so cute😭❤


I need a Spanish version of this for my friends. THIS VIDEO ITS JUST SO CREATIVE AND AWESOME ❤


I know I'm one of so many people saying this, but recently I've been constantly worried about my salvation. Thank you for helping me recall the things Christ has earned and done for me. It really is refreshing.


someone needs to make that into a actual videogame


Hebrews 10: 26-27

For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.


Thank you this really helped me. i keep on falling to the same sin over and over again this video helped me a ton to not lose my salvation with Christ. I accept Jesus with all of my heart, Amen


I’m loving these videos at night it makes me think about myself and life


I was reading 1 John this morning and it made me think of how we can lose our salvation. The Hebrews passage is the best to support this idea, but there is a strong argument straight out of these verses in 1 John. I wanted to include this full thought here, so it is a longer read.

1 John 1:5-10 ESV
[5] This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. [6] If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. [7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. [8] If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [10] If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.



THANK YOU I have been saved but all of the videos I watch about this lowers my attention span because it’s a robot but the game and the actual voice helps me THANKS AGAIN


How can I lose a gift that I don't even deserve in the first place?

I'm not good enough to receive His grace and salvation in the first place. So I cannot be bad enough in order to lose it. That's the true meaning of Grace


As a 13 merely 14 year old I would like to say that you are helping young people like me with learning about the gospel as it can get boring listening to simply bible readings god bless 🙏


0:45 Got teary eyed here. Cause it's true. I just remembered the uncountable times Jesus saved me from myself, from the world, from everything. Truly, He is my only salvation.


1:11 - there are those who subsequently reject the free gift they have been given. Happens all the time, which is why Paul talked about the risk of believers perishing like the Israelites in the wilderness if they do not persist in faith. Romans chapter 5 tells us that faith is the condition that allows us to enter into the grace in which we now stand, but also in this letter Paul says it's conditional on persevering (continuing) within this faith, rsther than being faithless like the Israelites in the desert after crossing the red sea. The problem with Calvinism and the "once saved, always saved" philosophy is that it takes away human free will, which then leaves a person wondering what the difference is between a person who inherits salvation and one that doesn't. The devil has convinced many Christians that faith is a 1-time event where, like the Hotel California, once you show a little trust in God then you're in and you can't leave if you later change your mind. They don't understand what being "sealed" by the holy spirit means, so they conclude that salvation is a logic state from which there is no exit. The problem with that conclusion is it negates so many New Testament warnings to believers by Paul and the other Biblical authors about what can happen if we don't continue to persever within the faith. Faith is not a 1-time event that occurs when you perform the unbiblical religious rite of "saying the sinner's prayer." That's witchcraft in disguise, where people think that chanting a mantra will cast a spell of salvation over their souls. Instead, faith is an ongoing daily decision to trust God throughout life's journey. God will lead you through events where your faith will be tested and you will struggle with whether to maintain your faith or lose faith, just like Abraham was tested near the end of his life after he had trusted God for over a third of a century. Salvation is conditional on your faith., so don't abandon your faith. Don't give it up. Why did Paul say that our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed? Because that salvation is not yet completed, and we must persevere to the end to obtain it.


Just encountered your video and Glory be to God, i have found it very helpful and easy for me to understand.God bless you brother!!This is a beautiful way to speak of the Kingdom of God.


The Israelites being delivered from Egypt were an allegorical illustration of all new testament saints being "saved".
They were a foreshadow so to speak. Very few entered the promised land.
Do not treat your salvation lightly.
Do not ignore the warnings in scripture. May God through his divine grace keep you on the straight and narrow path 🙏


Even though I disagree with you on once saved always saved
I still value your content and creativity so much brother!
Keep spreading the message of Jesus 🔥


Working through this very topic with someone, really glad I found your video, well done, love the use of scripture in affirming your points, and the use of context when unpacking the verses. Please keep it up.
