What exactly is Progressive Christianity?

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If someone calls themselves a "progressive" Christian what do they believe (or more importantly, NOT believe)? This can be a hard question to answer because most progressive Christians do not hold to one specific creed or tenet of belief. In this video, Alisa Childers breaks down in simple terms how progressive Christians view the Bible, the message of the Gospel, and how that differs from biblical and historic Christianity. You don't want to miss it!

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#WhatIsProgressiveChristianity #DefinitionOfProgressiveChristianity #AlisaChilders #JorgeGil #AnotherGospel #SoundDoctrine #EssentialsDoctrinesOfChristianity #Gospel #Sin #Cross #Jesus #Resurrection #Repentance #Bible #TheBibleAccordingToProgressiveChristians #CrossExamined #Apologetics #CrossExaminingIdeasAgainstTheTruthOfChristianity
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I must say, these thumbnails are so brilliant!


In 1988, I walked into a United Church of Christ church 3 blocks away from me. It's the most liberal of the Mainline Protestant Churches. I didn't know any better coming from a Catholic background. Fast forward to early 2000s when they became "open and affirming" accepting homosexuality, and that's when it became weird.

I had become born again on my own, but I still didn't know enough to leave that church until the Holy Spirit prompted me one Sunday morning. The message was on John 3 and the pastor said something, when she got the part of having to be born again, that sounded like, "that doesn't mean "born again". Huh? That raised a red flag for me. The Spirit was guiding me to a true, Bible-believing church. I've now been a member of a non-denominational church for 17 years. They were the ones who could explain to me WHY I needed to be baptized again. That Catholic baby baptism doesn't mean anything with regards to showing that you died to your old self and are "born again" in a new life with Christ.

Listen to the Spirit. Don't resist it! If you are feeling that what you're hearing in church just doesn't sound right, it probably isn't. It's time to find a bible-believing, bible-preaching church.


“We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” - CS Lewis


John 11:25-26 💝 "Jesus said to her,  “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”


Even the demons believe that Jesus is God and affirm His authority...and yet they are not saved as they do not follow Him. Believing Jesus is God is not enough. You have to be born again. If you claim to believe Jesus is God, yet follow the world on matters such as abortion and gay marriage, you're not following God, and your salvation is severely in question.


Christian feminist, gay Christian, pro choice catholics, progressive Christians. What are they gonna come up with next?


“Progressive Christianity” is a contradiction in terms. If you truly believe that the Bible is the incontrovertible word of God then its eternal and there is nothing to progress past.


So, it's like Christianity, without all the Christian stuff getting in the way. 🤔 Got it. I think I'll pass, but that's me.


Basically, with progressive Christianity, you are God, He is Santa Claus and the Bible is a self help book with cute stories and a bunch of quotables.


Progressive christian: "You can't do this to me... YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED?!"


I had to leave my church, they became independent, and said we now encourage gay relationships, and if you don’t like it… leave


So it's not Christianity. It's religion




You know, I’m something of a Christian myself.


Progressive Christianity is a recent movement in Protestantism that focuses strongly on social justice and environmentalism and often includes a revisionist (or non-traditional) view of the Scriptures. Since the movement entails a number of different beliefs and views on various topics, it is difficult to label the whole movement decisively as “biblical” or “unbiblical.” Each claim and belief of any movement should be filtered through the Word of God, and whatever does not line up with Scripture should be rejected.

The Bible is replete with instructions to “visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27, NASB) and to protect the environment that God has entrusted to us (Genesis 1:28). Insofar as Progressive Christianity is a movement that seeks to emphasize and honor these principles, it certainly lines up with Scripture. However, there are some aspects of Progressive Christianity that contradict a biblical worldview. In general, members of this movement do not ascribe to the biblical doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture, and, again, in general, do not believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God. Progressive Christianity also tends to emphasize what is known as “collective salvation” over the biblical concept of personal salvation. The Bible is clear that God redeems those individuals who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and rescues them from an eternity of being separated from Him in torment. Collective salvation, by contrast, emphasizes the restoration of whole cultures and societies to what progressive Christians believe is the correct socioeconomic structure, namely, Marxism. Marxism, in turn, is a theory of economics and politics developed by an atheist (Karl Marx) from unbiblical assumptions.

In this sense, then, the views of many progressive Christians do not fit with biblical principles. In the end, however, discretion is needed in evaluating a particular claim or belief in terms of Scripture; the whole spectrum of beliefs identified by the term “Progressive Christianity” is too broad to permit an unequivocal conclusion as to whether or not it can be labeled unbiblical. As with all uncertain issues, the Christian would do well to compare each claim of those in the Progressive Christianity movement with Scripture, asking God for the wisdom to discern truth from error. He has promised wisdom to all who seek it (James 1:5).


Wow! Talk about "having a form of godliness, but denying the power (the gospel - the blood atonement) thereof!" 😲


Well said, sister 👏 May God bless your life and ministry😊


The saying Progressive Christianity is like the saying Married Bachelor. Illogical doesn't make any sense.


US is becoming a joke day by day. I've never seen a country with so much linguistic gymnastics. 🚮


Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Take it or leave it. To understand why, remember that bible says the life of a thing is in the blood. By simple deduction, the death of a thing also has to be in the blood. When Adam died (through sin) his blood transferred death to everyone that came from his loins. That means ALL of us. When sinless Christ gave up His life He was offering us His LIFE. But He had to die our death by shedding that Blood and resurrect again because He was sinless. His resurrection would become our return to life only IF WE ACCEPT THAT SACRIFICE!!! Reject this and you condemned already and will remain separated from God for all eternity in the place prepared for the Devil and his angels. It’s as simple as that.
