What's Wrong With 'Progressive' Christianity

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How could it end any other way.
Step one: Take Scripture out of context.
Step two: Absolutely demonize those who disagree, with highly emotional and extremely judgmental language.
Step three: Summarize your unbiblical views with utter hypocrisy and plank-eyed judgment toward anyone who dares to hold to a biblical Christianity.
Step four: Conclude that your views, which Jesus most certainly would not have agreed with, are righteous and loving while those who disagree are going to go to your version of hell (but do this while condemning others for thinking they are righteous and loving and that those who disagree are going to their version of hell).
Step five: Ignore all those who would rationally analyze your view and compare it to biblical teaching and historical Christianity.

0:00 intro
0:18 to SKIP intro

This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV.

Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up)

Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel

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This is a BIG one!!!
We need to see God as *revealed in the Bible*, not as we believe him in our minds, or in our Christian culture. 😊🙏👆🏼🔥


The guy conveniently leaves out an important element in his interpretation of the prodigal son story; the son admits that he had sinned before his father and God. He had acted foolishly - he had been WRONG! Yes, your Father will see you coming and joyously welcome you home, but he won't see you unless you first repent and then turn around.


Being completely separated from gods love sounds like torture to me. Stay strong fellow Christians!


We have to understand that the progressive Christian movement was birthed out of the belief that conservative Christians aren’t loving, and are identified by what they are against instead of what they are for. Progressives in my opinion made an over correction saying that “we love and accept everyone even if u don’t believe in the Christian god”. This should be an eye opener for everyone in the church. We need to be more loving( and willing to show our love for people) and accepting without compromising the gospel and our beliefs about god in general. Keep up the good work mike! :)


I’ll say “everything” and then I’ll watch.


Thank you Mike, for commenting on God as an 'abusive daddy'. My son who is an atheist brings up this a lot and I was never sure how to respond to him


The topic discussed in this video underlines the fact that "Progressive Christianity" is not even the slightest bit Christian. It is nothing but secular humanism wrapped in a false Christian wrapper to please atheists who like the church experience.


Something I noticed recently....I've been researching progressive "christianity" on youtube, watching a bunch of different channels. Suddenly, my suggested feed is getting filled with atheist and anti-theist channels. Not lost on me that YouTube made the same connection I did.


“Tell me what the world is saying today, and I’ll tell you what the church will be saying in seven years.”— Francis Shaeffer


Thanks Mike and Alisa. This has been a great series and has definitely solidified my faith in the Word of God and in Jesus as the way, the truth and the light.


"That would make God worse than Hitler" One mention of that name and Christians will always cower in fear. What if God is worse than him? God is God and I am not qualified enough to counsel him. His ways are above my ways and his thoughts are above my thoughts. If God says do xyz, then that means we should do xyz. Also, didn't we have a sect of gnostic Christians during the early age where they differentiate God of the old testament from the Father in the New? There really is nothing new under the sun.


The way I have heard it, Jesus statement is inclusive in the sense that everyone is welcome to choose Him.


I completely understood the whole "torture vs suffering" because I've always tried to be careful and meaningful with my choice of words. I'm glad you guys caught. On the issue of deciding whether 'sin is bad' vs 'hell is bad' really conveys one's mental maturity towards God. Nonetheless, messages like these that can help one minister to others as well as assist progressives to analyze their intentions. Thank you for this video.


I've now memorized this intro word for word


I'm so enjoying these mini series because I don't always have time for the longer videos! Thanks & Blessings ~Sidney


Mike, Thank u SO much for your work! I appreciate your work in beautifully ( and with receipts) articulating what so many of us deeply know, but dont always have words for.

It is easy to be taken off guard and to not know what to say when the moment comes. These talks help is so much in being prepared in understanding where others are coming from and how to respond to their challenges.


You guys wisdom and videos have help us so much as leader of our youth group in the series we are doing biblical fundamentals vs. popular ideologies!


The whole problem with progressive Christianity is in their feeling of being “separated”. They only see the Christian faith in terms of “rules you have to follow”. Not a “relationship” with Jesus. Becoming a follower of him, denying yourself & therefore picking up your cross and following him. Therefore those Christians were under the bondage of the law, because their experience with the faith was just about rules. When we’re not under the law anymore, we’re under grace. We’re saved by grace through faith alone.

I kind of blame the Deep South, Bible Belt Christianity, the fire & brimstone only denominations for not being the right example of what the gospel should be. There are those young people coming back into the faith, reading the word on their own and being astounded. Like, “wow I was only taught that God is mad, he’s angry and we’re all gonna burn”. Now I see that God is light, god is love, and god is life. God grieves, he’s patient, there’s joy in him, happiness, etc.

Are we really so surprised that progressive Christianity took off when many of our predecessors didn’t give us the gospel in full? We have a tendency to chop up pieces of the gospel message and slam hard into those parts. The book of Romans gives you the full road to salvation. The message of the cross.

Too many young people don’t want to be set apart. Somehow the enemy has convinced the youth that they’re missing out on the world. I regret that maybe some of those in these progressive churches had bad experiences with Christianity growing up and unfortunately pushed them into this problematic sect.


I really appreciate this series! Thank you Mike and Alisa for doing this together. God bless you both!


As I became Christian I unconsciously embraced progessive views without knowing what that is. Now I can say: If GOD says there is a hell... there IS a hell!
P.S.:I liked the shack, but not as a theological ressource.
GOD bless you
