What Is Progressive Christianity? by Fred Plumer

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There are already many materials on Theology and Christology. I think what is needed right now are new materials on Missiology and Ecclesiology, which involves a social, economic and political analysis of the early Christian church based on the Bible and other supporting sources. My thesis is that the early Christian church grew very fast because they presented a radical and effective socio-economic solutions to pervasive socio-economic problems of the poor in the Roman Empire. The essence of being church is to pilot an alternative socio-economic structure that address the problems of the poor through sharing of life and possessions. With the focus of Progressive Christianity on the here and now and on justice and peace, it would be interesting to read on how the early Christian church succeeded as a model of an alternative community of peace and justice, which served as a blessing to the poor in the midst of the Roman Empire.


Progressive Christianity is an evolution of the spirit beyond the primitive, limited, divisive delusions of the past. In other words, progressive Christianity is about the active transforming of oneself into an optimally loving being, like Jesus, to the best of our ability.


This guy is who Yeshua was referring to when he said beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves. Believe God, read the word of God and be equipped with the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. God bless you all. Do not be decieved by the slick tongue of Satan.


I'm here trying to educate myself and he didn't explain anything.


What do you mean by "true" Biblical scholarship?


God doesn’t change for you, YOU change for GOD.


Why change the name, it is call Taoism not "Progressive Christianity."


I don't like it being called "progressive Christianity". A more accurate name would be "revisionist Christianity".


Look, if you are evangelical, strongly so, or fundamentalistic in your theology, you won't agree with him! So just listen without ranting!


Does progressive Christianity have a strong ethic of communal introspection and institutional repentance? I'm looking for a church that is humble enough to admit its fallibility in general but to admit and fix specific faults.


Point 2 of the Progressive Christian ethos says: "Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of live, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey."

Is there biblical permission to do this?
Can we draw from the Satanic Bible as a "diverse source of wisdom?" How about the Koran? Or the beliefs of Shintoism?

Please, I gotta know! :P


Totally rejected. But I do sincerely hope that you end up as a saved man on the Day of Judgement - and that is not "progressive" - it's actually real and fixed from before time.


Wow, that is incredibly sad. If you read the Gospel of John, you'll be able to see clearly that Jesus was the Son of God, not just a man that gave people a path to follow. Progressive Christianity is a Works based religion and ignores God's grace through faith in His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ who died to make atonement for all the sins of the world and to give eternal life to those who repent and believe in Jesus and His Word. Read the Gospel of John and Romans, please.


The problem I have is that I hear your Christology is a path, a philosophy, not a theology. The Bible, as a theology, is hard to dispute even with the best scholarship. Salvation, as divine, is really a stretch in that thinking. If not divine salvation, we can do it ourselves; so who then needs God at all. Sounds a lot like Carl Sagan's idea... who needs God? Just leave that step out. Too many people have experienced the voice and action of Jesus as divine to go there. I like your inclusive attitude, but I also believe we need God, as well as the path.


He doesn't even know the definition.. he keeps saying umm... ummm... umm, seems that hes not so sure himself :)


i am agree with you, that's the reason i am willing to introduce Progreesive Christianity in my country Indonesia. the biggest muslim country in the world


JUSTadmit you don't believe in Schilarship if that involves the Bible


one thing i know is that the church is going to change or die.


Over 100 years of progressive error and hubris. These heretical views are leading mainline denominations into the dustbin of history. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
