Your coworkers are not your friends! How to avoid being the office gossip.

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Coworkers are not your friend, never have been and never will be your friend. Snakes is what they truly are💯


I just went through that with a neighbor. She sucked me into to all her gossip and drama and then turned the tables on me. Why ? because she's nobody's friend. Gossips are nobody's friend and in fact are very dangerous individuals. People who gossip to you are gossiping about you ! I don't associate with gossips. Beware of people who talk too much. I also went through this with former co-workers.


Everything you said was spot on. But I noticed if you stay away from the drama or they don’t have nothing on you they will go out of their way to find something and if that don’t work they will flat out lie and make something up. These jobs be full of miserable people and misery needs company.


SO TRUE. Co-workers are NOT your friend. Name, rank and serial number at work or you become office fodder. Remember that ! OVERSHARING IS A NO-NO. Even family can be like this. Most people love to spread gossip and start trouble, but they can't do it if you don't give them the ammunition. Mum's the word


I’ve have a co-worker that feels the need (without anyone asking) to show me his paycheck so he can boast about how much he made we make the same amount hourly only he works all the overtime and I just wanna go home. I tell him please don’t show me your paycheck I’m not interested. He said to me he considers me family and I told him I’m not your family I’m your darn co-worker!


I just don't say anything at work that I wouldn't want everyone to know. People talk. Any relationships at work will eventually become known. Problem is when your immediate manager is the source of the negativity.


I left my last hospital job because of everything you said. It was like a sorority in there


I think you'll find the less you give away the more they gossip.


I don't have any friends in anywhere, neither at home nor at office. No bullshit no backbiting. Peace has always been my priority


I been at my job 20 years don’t tell people my business, but they tend to spread lies anyways


In all of my lifetime I met the most negative, evil, hostile, and untrustworthy of humanity at my jobs. I've worked 50 years and that says alot. I would always ask God Why do I meet the worst of humanity only at my jobs ? I couldn't understand why this happened.


I like to keep a "professional distance". I really view my coworkers as "chess pieces" and not actual human beings. It's all just a "game". They will stab you in the back at any given moment if it suits them. To me, coworkers are just inanimate objects. They're like a piece of furniture at the store. Just cold, barren and lifeless objects who I barely acknowledge. It's best to isolate yourself from everyone at work and only talk to them about work-related matters.


Just started at a deli, the part time cook and I don't talk much but he sure puts out orders at lunch.
Funny how places I worked at and saw the same people everyday, once one of us left, we never saw each other again.Your co-workers no matter how much you see them are just your co-workers!!!


Don't befriend your supervisors, especially the female supervisors. One got me let go.


I had to learn this years ago about how co workers are not your friends because they took my personal business against me to get me fired they was jealous of me the whole time and waiting to use something against me I don't hang out with co workers they don't have my phone number and I don't tell them anything that I don't want them to know.


WOW this was soooo perfect!! He said "I am not here for the breaking news" I might have to steal that line haha 🤣I always tell my colleagues especially in healthcare, "My problems are not your problems" and I leave it at that you can't give people one inch.


The workplace is not a place for friends but that actually feels depressing if it’s where we spend most of our day and we don’t have friends outside of work.


luckily I'm around positive people at work or otherwise, I just turn my music on and leaving them the hell alone


I retired from my job a few years ago and I am blessed to have walked away with a couple of friends who I consider to be wonderful friends, however, it took us a long time to discuss personal issues. Alway pick and choose your friends wisely and never discuss anything that can be used against you at work. Most work places today are highly monitored and you really don't need the office gossip to spread your business back to the higher ups. Excellent advice and great video.


Great video!!!! I do admit that I’m guilty of trying to befriend co-workers in the past and it didn’t turn out well. Nowadays, I’ll associate myself with a few people (only at work), but that’s it. Those are part of the reasons why I’m not as much into sports as before, because some of them would constantly try and get me to watch the game with em, etc
