Do Christians Have to Obey the Old Testament Law | Is the Old Testament Relevant |

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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law? Is the Old Testament relevant today? Are the 10 Commandments relevant today? In this short video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers those questions and more, from a biblical perspective.

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God had MANY edicts, commands, and even laws that were meant for specific people in specific eras/times. For example… he COMMANDED Abraham to sacrifice his son, Noah to build an arc, Israelites to wear only cotton, etc… why is it so hard for sone people to understand that not every command/law was meant for every person every where… we’re not all commanded to build an arc or “leave none alive” in the village next to us. That does not mean GOD changed… it just means he has different intentions for different people.


Excellent Simple explanation of something so many get confused about!!! THANK YOU


thanks for making this more clear God bless


Thank You Jesus for Paying for All my Sins Thank You Jesus for Shedding Every Last Drop of Your Perfect Redeeming Innocent Blood For The Forgiveness Full Remission of All my Sins Thank You Jesus for Dying in my place on The Cross ✝️ ❤To Pay for All my Sins as The Perfect Sacrifice because You have No Sin Thank You for Being Buried Thank You Jesus for Coming Back ALIVE 3 Days After Your Death because You Are The Son of God and God At The Same I LOVE You Heavenly Father ABBA I LOVE You Jesus I LOVE You Holy Spirit Not 3 Different Gods But The 1 The Only True Living GOD Most High Revealed to us in 3 Ways ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you for sharing and using Scripture to back it up. Now it's clear to me


We are to remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy


Why is it that the only One of the 10 commandments do not need to "REMEMBER"????
Exodus 20:8 (NKJV) “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy... (also read verses 9-11)
I know that it is not only for the "Jews" but for all mankind to "Remember" who created the earth, the living things, etc. Gen 2:1-3 "Thus the heavens (sky, atmosphere, etc.) and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made."
{Example: How do you feel if there is no brain from the part of your full body???} So also, the 10 commandments is NOT (10-1)= 9 commandments


Are we to disregard the restrictions that are listed in Leviticus regarding sexual relationships? I think not!


This is the most liberating video I have watched as Im trying to read the Bible. I was listening close though to the 10 commandments part tho. Im not at the New Testament yet, so I was wondering if the 10 comandments became irrelevant or not lol


0:39 so why would God only intend for certain laws to be only for Jews? Why would Jesus “put an end” to these laws if it was from God? Okay lots of laws r shared in the Old and New Testament like 9/10 commandments… but laws like not eating pork in OT and so on: Why is God allowing so much freedom to Christian’s and not to Jews? Because u accept that the Old Testament is Gods word right, just not meant for Christians (which, btw, Jesus never said to NOT follow the Old Testament).
So y is NT and gospels from “disciples” more reliable then gods original word? What was the need for Jesus to tell all the laws again just in a nicer way with a few less?


Did God made a distinction between the ten commandments and the ceremonial law? The ten commandments were written on two tables of stone and placed in the ark, and the ceremonial law was written in a book and placed beside the ark.


All of the 10 commandments are still relevant today. The only laws that were nailed to the Cross, were the laws that dealt with punishment for the transgression of the law because Christ took the penalty of or sins (death). However, when Christ and the disciples referenced love for God and love for man it would have been clear to the listeners that He was talking about the division of the 10 commandments; the first 4 being love for God and the last 6 being love for man. Also, there are many passages in the new testament that reiterate the validity of the 10 commandments even in Revelations (the last book in the Bible). May God bless everyone 🙏.


If we are not to follow the law, please explain to me what Paul said in Acts 24:14


Suggestion: Since the purpose of the video is make the viewer understand the message, please speak in slower manner. If you speak in rocket speed, nothing will be understood by viewer. Anyway, thank for the message.


Proverbs 28:9 - "If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination"


I never asked to be born. If i offended someone somehow before i was born i should pay for that. I didnt ask jesus to take my responsibility away from me. If there was something i did wrong i should apologize and make amends for that not some random person i dont know like jesus. I just realized using jesus as catch all for people TAKES AWAY THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO THEIR OFFENSES IF YOU CAN OFFEND SOMEONE BEFORE BEING BORN. i DIDNT ASK FOR THIS LIFE. i DIDNT ASK TO BE BORN OR TO SUFFER. SO I WAS BROUGHT BY FORCE! INTO THIS WORLD. But i have a debt to pay i don't agree to and cant pay myself but im supposed to be grateful someone else did it for me? Hell no. If i id something wrong when i was born or before then i will pay for that not someone ive never even heard of at the moment i was born. I wasnt evil the minute i was born. God created me and sent me to this world. But i didnt ask for that and if i could decide i would probably say no id rather not exist than take my chances of being burned for forever. The bottom line is if i did something wrong (which if i wasn't even born yet i couldn't have) i should pay for that. This jesus stuff is a way to escape responsibility. When you take on debt that is an agreement you have with someone or some entity. If i dont want to put myself in debt i dont have to by not taking what they are offering and paying that off in the future. I never made such an agreement with god and if he made me forget that is messed up beyond belief.


1 John 2:4 “he that saith ‘i know Him’ and keepeth not His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him”.


A fish do not need to be mindful in order to swim because it is in its element. If a fish wants to fly like a bird, it will never be able to do so even if it is mindful.
It is the same as us.
For a non-christian, they do not need to be mindful in order to sin because they are still in their sinful nature. In fact, they do not even feel that it is wrong to sin.
For a christian, they are born again in the spirit and they know it is wrong to sin and mindful of the law. But their spirit is still living in a sinful body, so every christian will struggle not to sin. Everyday, civil war is going on inside. They are like a bird in the spirit inside the body of a fish.


Careful. This can be taken out of context, as many believe that homosexuality is no longer a sin.


This is how modern Christianity has gotten their license to sin.
Maybe you are not aware but the new testament contains more than 1500 commands or 800 groups of commands.
So, basically, this is how they got rid of the Sabbath. Because the Sabbath points to the Creator and our Redeemer, to a relationship of full surrender to God.
