10 Minute Sleep Meditation for Lucid Dreaming

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Use this 10 minute guided meditation before sleep every night for Lucid Dreaming *at least* 2 weeks for best results; we recommend trying with the same symbol you saw on the first night for each of the following sessions unless your inner guidance strongly suggests otherwise (trust yourself!). This meditation and technique is designed to help you improve your ability to lucid dream, which for some people may come easily and for others it may take more time. But do not give up and trust it is all unfolding perfectly for you!
A lucid dream is a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.
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The only down side to this is the commercial that blast through right at the end when one is drifting off to sleep. Other than that, it is wonderful. 🤗


This meditation was great. It actually made me fall asleep. However then a commercial played after the video was over and jolted me awake. I was so bummed.


I did this one for the second time last night. Dreamed I got carried away on the wind and floated like a cloud then drifted back to Earth. Cool stuff.


I really the enjoy the night guided meditations, they really help release the day for a better nights sleep that has me waking up feeling refreshed and at peace. I hope to see more in this channel as there are only few 💙


after listening to this, i had a semi lucid one, where i counted my fingers to check if it was a dream but suddenly i counted 5 and then “huh, so this is real” and i lost my chance to lucid lol

however im impressed cause this works, thank you i will try it again tonight


It’s my 3rd night using this and I finally remembered my dreams !❤ tyy I’m one step closer 🥰


Ah, I so glad I read the comments before listening. Got rid of that ad before it ruined my drift 😤😎


Very interesting but there is no way this will work for me if there's an ad at the end of the video that blasts into my ears and shocks me out of sleep again...


This worked the first time I listened to it and has worked every time I've used it


This video worked really well for me to fall asleep to! I’ve been struggling with insomnia, and whenever I did get to sleep I would have sleep paralysis but within 5 minutes I was asleep! I don’t even remember the second half of this video. The only thing for me is I kept waking up about 20 minutes after meditation. I had to do it about 3 times but it’s a lot better than not being able to sleep at all


the tingles infekt was insane after only sec use!! will be using throughout the week!


oki lets do this. ive had lucid dreams before but im tryna master having them at will. the lil ()s r how many dreams i recalled that day:)
day 1 (5): no lucid dreams but dream recall was good
day 2 (0) : i almost fell asleep by the end of it but then my stomach felt
weird so i woke up n js went to sleep as normal so nothing much. i remembered 2 dreams in the morning but ive forgotten them
day 3(2): had very long dreams, my symbol even showed up! :)
day 4(2): was sick so i took meds n they made me fall asleep before i wanted to, so i didn’t listen :(
day 5(5): had soome trouble falling asleep so i listened twice, BUT GUESS WHAT! I LUCID DREAMT! one time with reality checks, another time i don't remember how exactly but i remember i was lucid for a bit. SO YAY!
day 6(4): oky so it’s actually been a few days and i didn’t use this but once i did i immediately had a lucid dream again soooo yay! 3 lucid dreams so far!


Very interesting! I look forward to lucid dreams. 🙏😴


Listening to this a year later and it still blasts that terrible ad at the end😢


I’m excited to work with this one! Thank you! 🙏♥️🙏


i saw results after three days, thank you!!


Going to try this one! Funny how we dream but don't feel enough consciousness to direct it.

As a suggestion, can you do a meditation about detaching from work? Working 8 hours or more can make us feel we "live to work." We can use mindfulness to transition back to ourselves.


Could you please make a few more Lucid Dreaming Meditations for 10 mins like this one? Thanks for all of your other videos btw they help me sleep ❤


That was some good YouTube videos I just watch it was amazing 😎


im gonna try this!!! ill tell you if it works
