Spooky Astral Projection Experience

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Just a short video describing a scary out of body/astral projection experience I had a few years ago.
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30 years ago I was working hard shift work, drinking hard and drugging hard. Many nights woken being ripped from my body by the throat and lifted to the ceiling to fight for my life. I quit drinking & drugging but it still took a good year to cease. altogether. I think we open ourselves up to all sorts of dark stuff with that lifestyle. I now see it in the eyes of others sometimes.
I'm pleased I'm not the only one.
Thanks for sharing.


I had a similar experience, though it was not frightening but purely spiritual, it gave me awareness on the path of healing and awakening. A demonic force had damaged me prior and left me with a chronic disease and I had seen how it did that, and seeing its origin, at least in that form, actually healed me. But at the time I didn't understand. I've seen many visions since then and see into other souls who struggle with the darker force being attached to them. Eventually it has to separate from your being as it does not belong. Divine intervention is real. I love that you share your experiences so openly, as they happen to those who are true, awakening children of God.


Glad to see you doing well, nice to get update once in s while :)


What an awesome way to put it: trying to achieve astral projection is not living in gratitude for this life. Amazing (mind blown)


Drugs can lead to other dimensions and specifically to demons and ghosts held here by demonic forces.

You are right to discourage seeking these experiences.


I need to share something with you. When I was younger in my late 20's early thirties I would astro travel & have out of body experiences but back then noone talked about it and I honestly didnt even know what it was called. And I never did it on purpose, one because I never even heard of it. I guess my spiritual nature took over, I've never experienced anything dark & with demons in my astro travels. I've had a lot of spiritual experiences from as far back as I can remember. I could share some but it would probably blow people's mind lol.. but yea I have never experienced bad things, I do remember everytime very vividly and I felt free.. but now that everyone is talking about it I can finally tell my experiences, if i would of told someone back then all my experiences someone would of thought i was literally crazy. It's nice to finally speak out to others about my spiritual journey. Thank you so much for sharing yours.


Astral Projection is not just about seeing negative entities or lower vibrational beings. You use that experience to learn more. And sometimes things are not quite what they seem. The fact that he's experienced this state of being in the astral realm proves to him that there is another realm or dimension, or afterlife after death in this physical world. You can go to different dimensions in the astral world, visit someplace you've never been. Fly into a friends room you've never been in or house and tell them exactly what's in their room and they'll be shocked. You can visit higher dimensions or heavenly dimensions see loved ones even travel back in time and interdimensionally traverse the universe and access the Akashic Records or the records of all history of all time past present and future, everything that is known and unknown all secrets and conspiracies about UFOs aliens, the moon, secret, God, the the Source bases, angels, demons, weather control, magick, spirits, mythological creatures. You don't let one experience define every other experience you run towards it and learn more. You have so much power in you. No negative being or entitled can even touch you and you can actually make them go away using your imagination and visualisation in the astral world like making a sword appear and striking it. All this is possible but you have to really do your research and know what you're getting into. Don't let fear conquer your conquer it. I have many astral experiences and have done quite a few of these things already. I just want to share this spiritual knowledge and pass it on and give someone some encouragement positive energy and power. You just have to be spiritually connected to yourself and the Divine and know you are more powerful than any demon or lower vibrational being who is malevolent. Claim your power even call on your angel archangel Michael in the astral realm when you do have another out of body experience or astral venture and you can speak those beings away. I know this'll help you guys.


It’s good to see ya again brother, it’s been a little bit. But I gotta tell ya, I agree with you, astral projection sure isn’t something anyone should be dabbling in. I unfortunately heard about it from a substitute teacher in elementary school and it intrigued me so much that I wanted to try it for myself. Long story short, I achieved it but never attempted it anymore after that because I freaked my mom and my older brother out. I learned more about astral projection when I got my first apartment. Everyone there but me was apparently into it and I was basically a sitting duck with a huge target on my back. Having an apartment on the 6th floor and my apartment number being 606 should’ve been my warning sign anyways. But anyways man it’s good to see you doin well, wish I could share more of my own personal experiences with you like the one from last year and the one I just told you but you know how people are and I like my one on ones with people who’ve had similar experiences to mine. God bless and take it easy brother.


Yup, 25yrs ago on meth started doin out of body. Had a meeting, cant say what angel. Felt better about life after. felt like a bunch of old friends straightening me out. No other way to explain it


Your experiences are so interesting. I believe God is using you by sharing these. Thank you, good to see you .God Bless.


I watched your video of your experience of Archangel Michael just yesterday and something came over me about changing my life. I've had numerous other experiences, strong vivid dreams and feelings that I was being given messages to change. Things I've experienced that most people look at you and think you're not all there. Once, I thought I was dreaming and immediately after it happened I woke up, I was being held by someone wearing a blue robe, biblical was what I felt. A woman, holding me and feeling such an intense overwhelming sense of love and the peace, calmness that I've never felt before? These messages and things that I have been given, physical items, I believe that is being conveyed that I'm not alone. Once a few years ago as I was leaving my apartment I looked down as I was walking out of the apartment door and a gold coin with an angel on it was laying on the floor in the hallway right outside my door. God bless you and thank you for your messages and that they are always with us and there are always signs that we are not alone.


Thank you for sharing beautiful soul, I too have had some rather terrifying experiences like this but have also had some deeply spiritual experiences that have given me divine guidance and brought me to where I am now, at peace and living a life of unconditional love.
When you find yourself as you did with no intention of being there and not in your heart space, then yes you will find you experience very negative and often see dark entities, monsters etc.
But what you are actually seeing are fragments of your broken soul, the darker parts of yourself. You were shown these to wake you up to scare you away from continuing down the path you were on.
Unfortunately when we are unaware of this, our conclusion tends to always head down the direction of being the devils making or demonic in nature.
This is also ok, because we have been brought up generationally with the beliefs of heaven and hell in our religion.
We contain in our being, good and bad, yin and yang, so to speak. We have the potential to choose right from wrong, black versus white.
When we find ourselves traveling down a path that does not serve us for our highest potential, we carry more and more negative energy in and around us. So when we go astral traveling, carrying this negative energy on our back. We act like a magnet and draw the attention of all other negative energies floating around in that dimension.
But when you set an intension to astral travel with an open heart and are well grounded you will attract only that that vibrates as you do, with unconditional love.
So astral travel is not something to be fearful of but rather an experience of travel you must prepare for first.
The passport is one of sacred intention and unconditional love.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. God bless you 💜💜💜


PLEASE READ THIS, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID. Can anyone tell me what this was? I had a similar experience and it still haunts me to this day because of how unbelievably terrifying of an experience it was. I've never talked about it with anyone, and have kept it to myself for 10 years now. I think I experienced sleep paralysis. I remember laying there wishing I could fall asleep because it was 230 AM and I had to work early. Out of nowhere there was a super loud crash sound almost as if there were a rock concert happening right outside my bedroom door. I was alone at home so I tried to sit up and get out of bed to see what was happening but I immediately realized that I couldn't move whatsoever. I layed there straining to sit up and looking at the slit under my bedroom door and I thought "what the hell I know I turned the hall light off!" So as I layed there struggling to move, I noticed two grinning faces that seemed to just float right through the bottom of my bedroom door and flew over to me. The noise was thunderous as if there were loud speakers in each of my ears. One face was dark red, and the other was a light orange/yellowish color. Up close it seemed as if the faces were lightly shrouded in what looked like a fine silvery mist. Neither face had hair on its head its almost as if they were those opera masks except both were smiling menacingly ear to ear. The dark red face was significantly larger than the yellow ish one. It was as if these evil faces were frozen smiling this way because, their expression NEVER changed, even slightly. But the eyes were different and seemed to glow a reddish yellow with massively large jet black pupils. I tried to sit up and strained to move my arms and the faces started laughing hysterically at my inability to move. They just kept cackling as if my terror was entertaining to them. At first I just felt numb, completely terrified, fear in its pure form. The seconds ticked on slow as a snail, with their ear-shattering laughter never ceasing. Then it got weirder, as I was laying there, overwhelming frustrated with the fact that I couldn't move and these things were laughing about it. As they laughed and laughed, anger slowly started to creep in. I thought as hard as I possibly could while straining to look straight at them "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing to me?! Just wait til I'm able to move, I'll kill you, I'll figure out a way and I'll fucking kill you both!" Both of you little pussies can't hurt me or you would have done it already. But when I get free I'm putting the hurt on both you bitches!" And yes I realize how stupid it is, I was talking crude trash like a dull-brained school yard bully, but it was all the fake confidence that I muster up at the time. I know they understood what I had just thought at them because even though I hadn't spoken or actually physically moved, both of the faces abruptly stopped laughing. As soon as I finished that angry thought, they went completely silent. The evil grins on their faces remained though as they floated up and out through the top of my door. For some reason, I don't know why, the faces came in through the bottom and went out through the top. The mist around them seemed to become denser and more visible each time they passed through the solid door. As soon as they left I was immediately able to move again and I sat straight up and and both my arms shot up as if like a rubberband breaking. I then realized that my entire body was vibrating. I could feel it mostly in arms and chest, but I was physically vibrating and it took a minute to subside. I no longer live in that house. This experience left me very disturbed for a long time because of how vividly I remember every little horrifying detail as if it happened yesterday. Thank you for reading, if you got this far. I've never talked about it, Im hoping maybe I'm not the only one, I guess. I apologize for the swearing, I don't normally speak that way.


When I met Michael it was right after a very dark entity had entered my space. It was sitting watching me from the corner of the room, I felt very exposed and got scared. I came to think: Even the smallest light expels darkness. So I turned to the light in firm belief - and there he was 💖 in an instant the demon was gone.


I am so glad for you ! Your experience with Michael is wonderful ! Like you said God is listening! Make the most of that. When u see a need in the world, pray for it, pray lots and lots, it’s powerful when someone knows there being heard by God because they then expect and realise that He will answer ! Anyway Ime just so glad for you brother !! God bless 😇


thank you , let your light shine my friend. ive been there in this darkness, then when i was at my lowest something happend that changed me forever, lifted the veil took everything dark within me with this well you cant really explain it one has to experience it, but when you just suddenly know that there is so much more and we are so much more you want to share it with your fellow beings but most wont ever really understand because it is the beginnng of a journey litterally back to our innocence discovering that we are beings of love and truly connected with all on this world, it led me to your video because i want to try but my inner voice keeps telling me to be aware, because when you become a positive being it also invites thenegative if you understand, i know most wont understand me but i also know there are others like me out there that are on there journey .dont ever doubt yourself, listen to your inner voice it is here to help. and most of all dont be afraid, Live your life be happy its not about the money or the materialistic things we have its about all of us compassion and love for our fellow beings. I live in this world but iam not of this world, It starts with truly loving yourself so you can truly love others, Then comes forgiveness forgive yourself so that you can learn to forgive others. we are stronger then we think i love you all


I had my first experience with a high whistle sound that for some reason I choose to increase till the point that I found my self floating above the bed and I freaked out and wake up but I understood something that night. Now is been a few years from the first time and I can induce the out body experience pretty often and I learn how to fly, float ecc....
Is a beautiful experience that I advice to everyone and I still map the boundaries each time and I keep learning new things about those dimensions. I can just say that I got more questions about afterlife than before.


Hi Christopher, I like your videos and how you talk about God😇!! Demons are real you don’t want to mess with them, period. Can I ask you where you from⁉️ I’m originally from Germany but live in the States for a long time. Your backyard is really nice I love the greenery🌱🍃:)) wishing you and your family all the best for the future....take care and many blessings hugs and happiness your way, love


I alas am an old lady but I love the truth and light shining from your testimonies. Keep up the good work and stay Blessed! You are helping many. Much love from Florida.