How to Wake Up Early - The 5 AM Morning Routine | Try This For 21 Days - Swami Mukundananda

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How to Wake up Early - The 5 AM Morning Routine | Try This For 21 Days - Swami Mukundananda

Getting into an early morning routine has numerous benefits. But how do we wake up early?
If you wake up late, less energetic, or are tired of snoozing the alarm then this video is for you.
In this video, Swami Mukundananda shares with you some of the most practical ways to wake up early in the morning daily, hassle-free, and full of energy.

00:00 - What are the amazing benefits of waking up early in the morning?
01:40 - Why you should wake up early in the morning?
02:41 - Learn why it is easy to focus your mind in the morning? Perfect time to study. Students take a note.
03:12 - Why do people find it difficult to wake up early?
04:15 - Step 1 to wake up early in the morning - Sleep early the previous day. Let’s accept. To sleep early is actually a bigger challenge than to wake up early. But if you do so, be sure that half your job is done.
04:51 - Step 2 to wake up early in the morning - To get quality sleep, turn off all your electronics 2 hours before you sleep.
05:23 - Step 3 to wake up early in the morning - Prepare your mind to wake up early. Analyze your day.
05:37 - Step 4 to wake up early in the morning - Give yourself a good reason to wake up early in the morning. Decide why do you want to wake up early in the morning?
05:43 - Step 5 to wake up early in the morning - This is the most important step. Protect your morning.
06:54 - What is Brahmamuhurta? Set up a perfect morning routine.
08:53 - Practical tip to wake up early for those who wake up late

Action item: Try getting up early morning around four AM for the next 21 days, practice meditation, yoga, and connect your mind to God. It will help you with all the mental energy and physical strength to deal with the tasks for the rest of your day, and you will be much more productive this way.

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About Swami Mukundananda

Swami Mukundananda is a renowned spiritual leader, Vedic scholar, Bhakti saint, best selling author and an international authority on the subject of mind management. He is the founder of the unique yogic system called "JKYog". Swamiji has distinguished degrees in Engineering and Management from two of the world-famous Institutes in India, IIT and IIM. Swami Mukundananda took the renounced order of life (sanyas) and is the senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Swamiji has been giving lectures and spreading the Vedic knowledge across the globe.

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Thankyou swamy ji
I'm facing this problem
I'm gonna work on it


We all value this subject greatly. In this video, Swamiji outlined how the early hours are among the nicest gifts we can give ourselves in life. Being raised in a Hindu Indian home, I too heard as a young child that we should awaken at the Brahma Muhurat, but after watching it, I fully understood the advantages of waking up early.

It will be simple for all of us to view the rising sun and begin our days with lovely activities like indulging in meditation, having a positive self-talk, practising some yoga pranayam, etc. once we have persuaded our minds that getting up early is crucial.

A crucial element that particularly appealed to me is Swamiji's counsel that we shouldn't disturb these gudgets two hours prior to going to sleep and two hours following rising up from the bed. Let it be; only then will everything fall into place. I am grateful to Swamiji for this lovely, priceless knowledge.


Thankyou for sharing this valuable guidance I will do this guru ji I love your videos ❤❤very inspiring videos ❤❤ jai shri krishna radhe radhe ji Jai bholenath


ONE DAY I WOKE UP EARLY & READ A BOOK (Secrets of sanatan dharma) that changed my life for ever.


i love shri swami mukundandas voice .he is explain every topic & story clear.


Thank you so much guru ji i will apply 🙏


Early riser are more proactive and optimist. Morning time is more cooler than late time and most important things in life. This time is good for sadhana and focus on study.


Thank you.i wish I implement this to my life


So, people who sleep at 9pm and wake up at 4 am have no social life? They can't go to parties and events because you need to sleep at 9. What if you are travelling and your flight is at 10 pm? How do you manage if you are sleepy by 9? You can't attend parties and socialize and so on. Because most of these events happen from 8 pm to 11 pm. It means that we have to sacrifice our activities with our friends and family just to go to bed at 9. What if your kid has exams and they are studying late night and they need you to accompany them during their late night study? Is it worth it? It's a huge scarifies. Yes you will succeed in life but how much time did you spend with your loved ones? And finally you'll die of regret not being there with your loved ones. Is life only about money and success? What did you succeed? You'll be left alone in life with lots of success and money but no social life, no activities with friends. Only work and sleep and money with zero friend experience. It's either this or that. I can't change others. My friends want me to hang out with them from 8 - 11 pm. And I'll be missing on them. My life will go on without them . Slowly I'll be anti social. So, it's a massive sacrifice. It's going to be very hard on your death bed. Don't you think? You'll be missing out on so many small things in life. Your life will be at odd times. Life is short, you never know who dies tomorrow. Spending time with your family and friends are more important than money and success. Both needs to be balanced. You can't change the whole world. After wedding when u live in a joint family Indian culture, as a woman it's rude to sleep earlier than your husband and in-laws. Can't manage everywhere. As a student it's a good habit and if you are living alone or unmarried.
So, it's your call. And waking up at 4am will come with a heavy price. You may enjoy it till you are in your 60's but after that you'll regret that you've wasted so much precious time and now it's time to die. By the time you realise what you've been missing in life, it's gonna be too late. You'll be distant and anti-social and boring. What are you gonna do with all that money you've earned? Your friends and family must be there to enjoy it with you but now you are old and boring and no one wants to be with you anymore. Just imagine! Gives me chills.😮


I'll wake up at 8:00 am, it's 4:23 now ❤


Swami ji explained how important are the 2 hours of early morning so we need to wake up at 4 am in the Morning, Brahma Muhurth is the most important time, usually 2 hours before sunrise is called as Brahma Muhurth so we need to practice those 2 hours for Spiritual Sadhana. Please do Sadhana from Morning 4am to 6am..Thank you Swami ji for sharing this knowledge


Waking up early is a good habit because Whatever we do in the early morning, it reflects our productivity of the whole day . But many neglect it


In my own experience something I noticed is when doing yoga and pranayam regularly. It automatically starts to make me rise earlier, requiring less sleep.


Jai hindu rashtra, we must call hindu rashtra not india which is British


I m waking up at 4:30 am daily in the morning for last 13 yrs


But i prefer to study late at night my focus is best at night Becoz of that can't wakeup early in morning😢


Can anyone tell if I wake up at 4 am how should i use that time ...means should i study or should i do yoga and workouts which is better ?


2:04 early riser are successful, these types of video should be uploaded repeatedly so it will motivate us time to time


The clarity arrest our attention. The essence of spirituality put in digestible way. Great indeed swamiji


I am going to take the early morning wake up challenge from tomorrow 🤞
25 suptember=
