How to easily get out of paying a hospital bill

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I did this before. I'm not going to say where but I said social security I don't understand the question. My security has never been social


I wish I would have known this before a hospital ruined my life over an emergency surgery. They claim they want to help but will garnish your wages so bad that you loose everything


That's if they let you go. One time I woke up in a hospital because I passed out after taking sleeping pills. When I woke up I tried to leave. Holy hell they wouldn't tell me where my clothes were they watched me like a hawk. When I told them what happened I was fine and ready to go they said they had to wait for the doctor who wouldn't be there for hours because they weren't sure if they wanted to hold me for 72 hours or not. Now I had a job to get to and when I realized they wouldn't be any help I got quiet. Finally one of the nurses got a call I got up searched every cabinet found my clothes got dressed and went to the front doors. Someone literally saw me and pressed a button and the doors locked. So I ran to the other side and escaped through a fire exit. Too bad about a half hour later. Cops picked me up. Because they had called the cops and told them they didn't know if I was a dangerous person. Literally the cops drove me back home and told me if I left the house in anything less than 24 hours they would arrest me. Fuck I hate hospitals.


I tried to pay cash at the ER once. The lady said they couldn’t accept cash cause it was late so I asked if I could come back and pay the next day. She went to go ask her supervisor and I left lol hospitals are a joke.


Another thing, If you don't stiff em but tell them you don't have insurance or want to pay in cash, they'll often give you a very generous discount because alot of people simply don't pay and because it costs them alot to fight with insurance companies.


Americans are badly let down by their political & financial system which allows people needing treatment to put themselves in financial peril for basic medical.


The funniest part, is the hospital doesn’t need the money. The law for profit in hospitals got so obfuscated like 50 years ago that it went from like a 10% markup to like 3000%. IV bags alone only cost like $8 to produce and yet they’re sold by the hospital for $50+


make sure to keep healthy when you can but when trouble comes remember what he said


Broh said do what you want with this information! Wink, wink 😅😂


Problem is that if they don't know who you are, they canot check and update your medical history .


CT over here with the advice of the century


I have one. Income taxes on anything over 40 hours. Overtime should be for your family. Not for the government. Not to provide food stamps to those who abuse “govt” aka assistance straight from our paychecks we work for. I’ve seen people that would trade them off for drugs. Or trade them off for Cash to buy stuff we have to work for. But for free mind you. And the working person buying those stamps for 50-75 cents on the dollar are having to buy them to get cheaper groceries to feed their families because a full time job won’t cover it because we’re being taxed to death. Those who need it. Of course I’d love to pitch in to keep someone needing of it from starving. To get help when they need it. But I don’t support those able to work who don’t and just who abuse the system so they don’t have to. But unfortunately it’s not heavily regulated and selective enough to prevent that so I think any overtime (over 40 hours) should be tax free and go to the person that works for it so we can support our own families.


Sign in as John Doe, then dip when done


Sylvester Ga Hospital charged me when it was my son receiving a dam shot .


Or you can walk out and leave with a fucked up credit score lol 😂


That’s not the only reason. Stop using scare tactics. It’s also a patient identifier when claims are sent as well as other things. Makes me laugh when people say don’t give your social to the hospital, but go ahead and give it to Visa so you can buy things you can’t afford. But no means do you pay the hospital that actually took care of you


I love how everyone I saying fuck the rules now we shoulda been on this for 30 years mabye our government would represent us and not big corporations


Curious, has anyone actually done this before?


I need sources before I believe a word of this


Is this real?? I am from overseas, I had appendicitis surgery last week and they said they would send to bill directly to my house in Spain. Do I have to pay it???
