3 Supplements That EVERYONE Needs

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When it comes to muscle building supplements, there are plenty of options, but only a few supplements that actually work. In this video, I’ll be showing you the three most indisuptable bodybuilding supplements that not only are proven to work but are the safest as well. Throw in the fact that each of these are rather cost effective and you have the makings of a solid boost to your workouts and nutrition - to help augment the gains that you’re already seeing through smart supplementation.

00:00 3 Supplements Introduction
02:10 Whey Protein Forms
03:20 How Much Protein Per Day
04:30 How Much Protein at a Time
07:00 Creatine: To Load or Not Load
08:40 Forms of Creatine
09:40 Proper Dosing
10:55 Omega-3 Benefits
12:50 Dangers of Omega-3's?
13:55 Recommended Daily Dose
14:45 Omega-3's Mercury Risk

We start with protein or protein powder. A good protein supplement is and should be a staple of any serious training athlete or fitness enthusiast. It is extremely important to maintain a proper daily protein intake if you want to build muscle, and getting it all through our solid food on a day in day out basis is often times not practical or cost effective. This is where protein powders become incredibly useful.

When it comes to the choices of protein, whey and casein are the two most popular (with egg white and soy following them). Casein protein can be the more allergenic of the two. In terms of whey protein, there are three main categories based on the purity and degree that they have been processed to remove milk sugars and fats. There is concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate.

The amount of protein that you should aim to have each day is roughly 1 to 1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight. While there are studies that show that ingesting as little as .7 grams of protein per day is enough to prevent muscle loss, that should not be your goal. To build muscle, shoot for the upper end of the limit, especially if you are close to calorie maintenance or below to maximize lean muscle mass.

The amount of protein per serving matters as well, probably much more than the timing of when you take it. Shooting for a total grams of protein above 29g is wise as it is at this threshold that the leucine mediated mTor pathway for muscle protein synthesis kicks in.

The next most reliable supplement for building muscle that also has an incredibly high safety profile is creatine.

Creatine is available in many different molecular forms, but in terms of their efficacy on your training, are unaffected by the type.

Those that experience gut discomfort from taking creatine monohydrate (roughly 10-15% of all users) will likely find that switching to creatine HCL will remove those issues entirely. The daily dose of monohydrate is most effective at 5 grams per day, with no specific timeframe in which to take it. The does for HCL however is only 2-3 grams due to an increased efficiency in processing it.

The loading phase of creatine is not necessary. This means that taking up to 20 grams per day for 4-5 days is not a requirement. Once your body reaches its natural capacity for storing creatine, any additional will provide no additional benefit. This top level can be achieved by supplementing with 5 grams per day for about 10-14 days.

Finally, we need to talk about omega-3 fatty acids. These are one of the most overlooked supplements that you can put in your body. Not only are they known to be heart protective and helpful for improving blood lipid profiles but they are being shown to be at the very least, anti-catabolic and potentially anabolic - particularly as you age and the body becomes less efficient at controlling inflammation and building muscle.

The focus here should be not on the overall milligram size of the fish oil pill but rather on the combined total of EPA and DHA that you are getting with each dose. Look for a 3 to 2 ratio of EPA to DHA and make sure to choose a fish oil supplement that is purified and free of rancid oils. This is much more likely to be the case in the triglyceride formulations of omega-3’s rather than the ethyl ester forms.

Take omega-3’s daily for best results and monitor your ability to recover from your hard workouts as it is likely to improve greatly.

In all three cases, finding high quality supplements that are safe is key.

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2:10 Whey Forms
3:20 0.7-1.2g/lbs of total bodyweight 
4:30 Amount (≥29g protein for 3g Leucine) 

7:00 Loading, maintenance
8:40 Forms
9:40 Dose (5g mono = 2-3g HCL)

10:55 Benefits
12:50 Forms
13:55 Amount (1-2g total)
14:45 Mercury


I'm glad you highlighted omega 3's in this one. I've taken them for about as long as I've taken supplements, but never realized how crucial they are until I worked for a company that made them. They used only high quality triglyceride form, and marketed it to eye doctors, specifically for treatment of dry eye. There's a lot of great research that supports the theory that omega 3's are the missing link in the world's food supply, and that the deficiency of it caused by the food industry is the root cause of dozens of medical conditions today, that were basically nonexistent fifty+ years ago. It's been compared to fold acid, which is now found in almost every food you can but in a store, but the deficiency of which caused an epidemic. Folic acid is an essential nutrient utilized by fetus' in the womb, and millions of babies were born with defects until it was discovered and the food industry began dumping folic acid in everything. Maybe someday omega 3's will catch on like that.


This is a great format. Just like a podcast, perfect to listen to while working out.


Omega 3 is really a game changer. Few years ago, everytime I was trying to really push in sport. Even by checking every aspect of my nutrition and hydration, I was doing inflammatory injuries. In the knee, the elbow, etc. After taking Omega 3, in 3-4 weeks, I really saw a big change. Every small hitches that was bothering me was totally gone. I train 5 times a week since 3 years now. No injuries since, not even a single small pain except body aches sometimes :p... ! Everyone should take this.


Nice video Jeff and Jessy. I love the interaction between you two guys.


I’ve been taking omega 3s since I was 24. I’m 52 now and am in great shape. Perfect blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.


finally a video that isn't just shitting on creatine HCL.


My favourite supplement is pizza. I remain just one pizza away from reaching my full genetic potential.


Thanks so much! This is great content on nutrition.


Again, Jeff words are spot on with what many scientist \ nutritionist \ PHd holders say on what the topic of healthy eating.


I started taking Creatine this year and had to stop because I was so bloated! I'm not a gassy person and this made me one uncontrollably so I finally stopped taking it a month ago. Glad I watched this, now I know to try HCL.


yup - I've got ulcerative colitis. Diagnosed in 2003. Started taking high-dose, pharmaceutical grade (very pure) Omega 3s and it's completely in remission. My GI said if i hadn't told him he'd never have known (following a colonoscopy). He also said his son has Crohn's and has it completely under control with Omega 3s. Gotta take enough, and it's gotta be pure. Wish more folks knew about this. thanks Jeff for including Omega 3s in your list.


As for gut issues.
It could be from sweeteners and additives.
Try pure monohydrate first, before you switch to any other form.


I’m 55 lift/split 3–4x a week, take multivitamin, vitamin D, creatine, fish oil, organic protein powder…sometimes Turk.
I take supplements based off what I hear consistently are peer reviewed approved/recommended.


Omega 3's basically cured my dry eyes problem. Highly recommended.


I remember an issue of Muscle media in April 1994, had an article on supplements. Think it was the first time I heard of "creatine", a few weeks later I was taking it. And 30 years later I still am, 21-51


Thank you for everything Jeff!

I will be 69 years old next month. I had my prostate removed 6 months ago. I am doing well getting my work out routine back on track. I was Mr. San Diego in 1883. The no pain no gain days. So to say the LEAST you have kind of taken me back to the days when I first started. Getting to do and learn something fresh all the time. Anyway, the question. I am not supposed to get anywhere near anything that can increase testosterone. I am hoping you will say creatine does not do that. Thanks!


Algae oil is better than fish oil for DHA/EPA because you do not have to worry about contamination like mercury. The fish gets its Omega 3s from ocean algae. They don't make it themselves it's just consumed and stored in the fish fat (oil). Algae oil just cuts out that step


Omega 3 and vitamin D (if no sun exposure). Magnesium is also important. Top three for me. I discovered creatine in January this year. Great supplement for building muscle.
