I Quit My Job After 8 Years

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I'm not very good at pushing out of my comfort zone, however I did just that by quitting my corporate job after 8 years. In this video I'm sharing 3 bits of wisdom that have changed my life and my perspective on life as I step into this new chapter 100% self-employed.

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I left my govt. job over 12 years ago and have no regrets. Since that time I've invested in myself and others through education and service. I am a firm believer that when God gives you a vision, he will provide the provision. Time and peace of mind are priceless so glad that you are pursuing your dream. God's speed and continued success with your endeavors, Ron.


Good job. 28 years in the same career and office. I’m dead inside. My career obliterated my soul. I’m retiring early in three and a half years. I’d quit now, but there’s too much in retirement to give up right now. My goal is to do my best to keep myself healthy despite the ultra long hours and demand of the job. Brutal. Please, Lord, help me get to the finish line healthy.


I recently left mine too, after 16 years. SIXTEEN! To pursue my life as a death doula and bereavement specialist.


Way to go young man! I was retired early right after COVID. I had paid off all my debt 4 years before and had been saving one of my paychecks every month for 4 years. 

I was employed in the Oil and Gas in accounting so I had a nice nest egg saved on top of some good investments and made the decision when the company I was working for merged and formed a new company based in another state and was told my postition in the new company no longer existed but was welcomed to apply for a position in the newly formed company. 

I said thanks but no thanks, took the package they offerd me which was very nice plus the unused vacation and sick time accrued and after working there 20 years I retired myself. After working from home for two years during COVID ide already made the decision 

I was not going back into an office and I didnt. I have been enjoying my 60’s and have no regrets about my decision. 

I wish you nothing but success with our liberating decision to work for yourself.


Honestly this video hits me. I also quit my corporate job.


I left my nursing career Aug 2023. I saved and paid off all debt to give me a buffer to figure out my next chapter. It was scary to leave the security of a paycheck but I don’t regret it one bit!


I left my government job a little over a year ago after fifteen long and intermittently miserable years.

As I was mainly working from home, I left the city and moved to the coast for a better life and soon realised that my job wasn’t going to enhance this one tiny bit, especially after they reneged on their agreement about working flexibly.

I knew these people were going to do nothing for me but expected everything from me but I kept going into the office because the fear of the unknown was so great.

I bit the bullet: what did I have to lose? I’d left my old life behind in the city but there was one final thread to cut and cut it I did with a machete!

I earn less money now but have an enormously fulfilling job with virtually complete autonomy working with the elderly.

I’ve learnt so much in a relatively short time and am so glad I did it.

I wish you luck on this new leg of your journey Ron.

Your video really put a spring in my step heading into work this morning.

You’re an inspiration and long may you continue to be☺️


I've been contemplating seeking another job for months. I've been at my job for 17 yrs. I know I need to do it. It has been so long, it is hard to imagine something else. I'm thankful your video on getting out of my comfort zone and decision making came up today. 😊


I did something that once and went to a whole new career. It was what I needed at the time and glad I did it!


Here 42 yrs old, study, always worked, nice job but stressfull, very good pay and only ten minutes from home. BUT i lost my grandparents and then 3 years ago both my parents in only 10 months time.

Now i sit in boring meetings or behind desk thinking, is this life, is this it...? solving problems only thing i do and whole day sitting in a room with fake lights.

So i decide to quit for a year, my goal is august 2024. I will step out the moving fast train and life simple/ cheap for a year and search positive new opportunities with joy instead corporate bull. Take time with my daughter who is already 6 yrs old and i missed her growing up because i have less time because job....i feel relieved that i know i will do it. Its scary but that last day i walk out will feel amazing


Congratulations! I quit mine in 2020 opening thine eyes to possibilities I never imagined. Enjoying the journey happily. Thanks for sharing you journey. ❤


I watch this knowing that there is an ultimatum from my employer being emailed to me today that will severely impact my work life balance. I will be facing very difficult decisions over the coming days.

Thank you.


This video couldn't have come at a better time for me Ronald. I've been going through the ringer at my corporate job these last few months, all debts paid off and money saved up on my end, but was struggling with the perceptions I'd receive from others around leaving such a good job on paper. But over these past few weeks its become more apparent that leaving in pursuit of personal business endeavors is not only where my financial success lies, more importantly its where my mental and emotional health can thrive. Thank you for your openness to share your story with us Ronald. Wishing you success!


🎉 congrats on this life changing decision. And thanks for posting a video--your absence was noticed and you were missed! You won't fail. You've got all the tools to succeed.


When i quit my corporate banking job, I had been there for 15 years. I choose to go into human services helping people with things like finding housing, food, medical care and the like. For me, helping people allowed me to have the most rewarding experiences and meeting some awesome people. I retired from the human service industry and am thankful everyday that I left corporate world.


Good to see you.

I find your content so calming. Sometimes I just replay your old podcasts to hear the reminders and familiar voice as I do other things. I like how your videos are direct, but don’t feel urgent, forceful, or anxious. You’re patient, slow, full of clarity, and meaningful.


Wow! Great video😊. I left my job of 16 years about a year ago. It was SO hard! I loved the people and clients there but I had this vision that if I stayed…. I would be somehow wasting my life. The work was important and rewarding in many ways but the schedule was unsustainable. I moved to a different state in the same professional field but much less stress❤. God bless you and your family!


Hello Ronald, congratulations on quitting your job to persue your dream! I have followed you and enjoyed your videos over the years and was happy to see you pop up on my feed today! I loved your decision making questions. I want to make a comment on moving out of your comfort zone. I am a 63 y/o woman retired, working part-time. I also enjoy helping my daughter with my grand kids during the week. But everyday I start my day with a cold shower! Today was day 47 in a row. Everyday its uncomfortable to first get in. But there are so many benefits. One of the benefits I have discovered is feeling more confident that I can face difficult situations with ease. Taking cold showers gives you mental and emotional strength to consistently go out of your comfort zone. During the week I get up at 4:45 am, take a cold shower, exercise for 30 mins, meditate for 15 mins, do breathing exercises for 10 mins then get out of the house by 6:45 to take my granddaughter to school. I found that cold showers give me energy and a positive mood and lots of other benefits. Some folks jump right in the cold water, but I start with luke warm for washing and rinsing then I rinse with cold for 2 mins. It is so invigorating. I am hooked for life. There are tons of videos about the benefits if you dare. 😁 All the best to you and your family!


First of all, Congratulations! Will quote you right away, too. "As we pursue less clutter and more clarity". Perfect 😊


Congrats!! 2024 I’ll make change . I’m done with the Rat Race . Whether I work less hours weekly or focus more on me and what’s more important I’m making a change . It’s time to enjoy my love ones more and worry less on just making money . At my work place I’m replaceable but I’m not replaceable for my family .
