Why Hyundai IONIQ 5 Over Tesla Model Y

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In this video I share some unique features on the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and explain what it does better than the Tesla Model Y. A lot of these are minor details but these are things you would not see until you actually own the car.

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Main content starts at 3:18 but life lesson are taught before that. Up to you


I like your style, honest unvarnished, refreshing and lots of info everyone else seems to miss, keep it up!


What really bothered me the hours I drove the Ioniq 5, and I knew would really bother me if I ever owned one, was that you can adjust the regen, but it cannot remember the 1-pedal driving mode. Everything else, sure, but you have to activate that every time. I did love that it had just flippers on each side to adjust it though, but like most of the things I liked on the Ioniq 5, they just missed the mark with things like that.
The ventilated seats worked really, really great. Only tested in cold climates though, so might be why they were so insanely effective (below freezing outside). Again, they missed the mark though. They have a big physical button for heated and ventilated seats, called "warmer". So you have to press the physical button, at the bottom of all the buttons, then move your hand and attention up to the screen. Now, if you do not want the heater or the ventilation in the seats to be at max, you have to press down (for cold) or up (for warm) and then move your hands and attention again. This time you have to press the opposite of what you just pressed. So to get to medium heating you press a physical button, move your hand up like 40 cm, or 1 1/3 feet up the screen and press up. Then you move your hand again, down a couple of inches to press down. WHY?
Why have buttons at all if you still have to use the screen?

The wired Android Auto/Apple CarPlay also bothered me. It connects with a cable to the USB at the bottom, near your right leg. I will definetivly hook it while driving. It also kind of defeats the point of the open space in front of the center console. Now, I find that you HAVE to use Android Auto or Apple CarPlay in the car if you want to navigate or use media. The map was worse than useless. How does a car manufacturer make a map function in a new car that is worse than a 2010 BMW or Audi? Zoom out and you do not see the small roads, which makes it impossible to navigate. Zoom in and you have to know the roads very well to know where you are. And then it takes forever to drag around. Also, while dragging around, not being centered on the car, the map will just randomly change orientation, because it thinks that the car, that stands still, changed direction. Super, super confusing. Going into media controls also takes one physical button and then you have to chose which source on the screen. Like, the car has one button for navigation and for for map. They are the same thing! Why, oh why, can't it have one of them be for sources and the other for radio? Everything took so many god damn button presses in the car. The only thing that was more accessible was driving mode and climate controls (except heated and ventilated seats, which is done extremly poorly). Driving mode is nice, but I hardly ever change the climate controls in a car. I only change it if someone else has adjusted it. And from what I have heard, Tesla remembers how you prefer the air to blow and such. So, I don't really need buttons for it.

Another thing that bothered me with the Ioniq 5, is that the Head Up Display was way worse than in the ID4. I could see the HUD, but barely, with my sunglasses in the ID4, but not at all with in the Ioniq 5. WHich would have been okay if I could see my speed in the screen in front of the wheel. Which I can't. I have to move my whole body or adjust the steering wheel into a very unconfortable position. I have never been in a car where my speed has been that blocked before. Much, much easier in the Model Y. Never a problem. Asians, on average, don't have the height of western people. That might be the reason. I have seen others that have sold their cars for the same reasons.

Neither the Model Y or the Ioniq 5 was washers for their head lights. HOWEVER, the Ioniq 5s headlights are level with the front, and not on the top. You could not see the headlights at all because of dirt when I drove the car. Salt, slush, mud and snow, that is during smelting weather and such in Norway, will make this a car that doesn't do that well for night driving. Did not have that problem when I tested the Model Y.

Other deciding factors for why I didn't go for the Ioniq 5, is that you do not know if they will give the OTA updates they say they will. The cargo space is much, much less than in the Model Y. Even with moving the seats, it was still smaller. Then you are missing the well beneath the trunk and the frunk as well.
The Ioniq 5 does not pre-heat the batteries at the moment if you go to a supercharger. Not a deal breaker, and they say they will make it happen at some point. That, however, requires the use of their map. As I have said, I have never, ever, had to use such a piece of garbage.
The car CANNOT plan a long trip with charging either. With 80% battery, it told me to get to the nearest charger, when I plotted in a longer trip on the navigation. It didn't show me the rest of the route and just had me find a charger. Useless. Cannot be used for anything at all. Compare that to the Model Y and the ID4.
The Ioniq 5 also costs the same as the Model Y here in Norway, if you want the same trim. Service costs more and Tesla gives better loan deals. So cost of ownership is a lot more for the Hyundai.
Oh yeah, the range is better in the Model Y as well. Real life range, before the bigger batteries for the 2022 model, is around 52 miles. Now, with the larger battery that is shipped now, we are probably talking a real life range that is 70 miles better than the Ioniq 5.

There are things to love with the car though. The front seats have leg support! How neat is that! Probably does wonders on longer trips. The huge open space feels nice, though it mostly makes the car feel like a VW Transporter, or another kind of van. It also removes a lot of storage in front (now, most cars do not have the huge amount of space the Model Y has).
The sun roof shader is nicely done and is something that would have been nice in the Model Y. The back seats are probably the best designed ones in almost any car. Being able to move them forwards and recline like is so useful and comfortable for passengers. So if you are a passenger, then the Ioniq 5 would probably win out.
Ventilated seats are also nice, but not something I have to have. Especially since I can pre-cool the cabin. The ventilated seats would save energy though.
The full power outlet, that lets you use household appliances is just a nice touch. That is probably the feature I would have wanted most for the Model Y.
The ride is also a bit smoother in the Ioniq 5, but not as smooth as in the ID4. So it it somewhere between.

Now. I have only test driven the Ioniq 5 for a couple of hours and the Model Y for around 12 hours. Before testing them, I thought I would go for the Ioniq 5. It just didn't live up to my expectations the same way the Model Y did. So many small, daily frustrations that I wouldn't like at all, as well as it just having a lot less cargo space. It does look a lot better than the Model Y as well, which is probably why I thought it would be the car I would choose.
Many of the things I hate with the car, doesn't bother others at all. There are however "many" people that have sold their cars, or ended up not buying it because they can't see the speed when driving. Recommend everyone to test the car before deciding.


Absolute love this review and your real world opinion of the Ioniq 5. It's a great EV for sure and I'm sure it will appeal to a lot of new EV buyers. Consumers now have a lot more EV choices compared to years past and even a year ago.


Thanks for the review. Just so you know, Chapman's bathrooms are also amazing. You are 100% right on the Tesla charging network and the app. But one minor error. You said the Tesla batteries charge faster. Nope. A "Supercharger" might have been "super" back in the day but not anymore. The Ioniq 5 can charge at 800V using an Electrify America 350kW charger - way more powerful than a "supercharger". Wait until they build out the entire Electrify network. And wait and wait.. but some day.


For the remote control, you have to lock the car first. You can control the parking assistant from outside with the remote also.


I finally test-drove my first EV two weeks ago, a model Y. Super-impressed !
Easier to navigate the screen than I expected and a ton of space (as a tall driver)
On the negative, there was more road noise (smooth city streets), but I could get used to it.
The killer was the back-sweat. It was a mild afternoon afternoon in FL (not hot by FL standards), and after only 20 minutes of driving, I was feeling wet. The car itself was cool from the start, but the seats don't seem to breath.


Love the video. Some things to point out, there's is a V2L 120v outlet underneath the rear seats on the limited trim. Also Hyundai does have a digit key card option if you want to unlock and start your vehicle with a credit card size key or your Android phone, soon on iOS devices as well. Great video . Well done!


Love you channel. Very honest and balanced reviews. And funny without breaking a sweat 😊


Wife just bought one (only because she liked how it looks), this video was actually very helpful, i just subscribed. Please make more of these little features videos. I had no idea the charger is configurable, or about the magnet on the dashboard.


Finally an objective tesla owner, props to you sir!


I have a Tesla 3 Performance which I love, but needed a 2nd car, and I was deciding between a Y and the Ioniq 5 Limited - I found the speed of charging faster from 15-90% faster at Electrify America than at the Tesla SuperCharger. Thanks for the magnet on the dash, never knew that. Auto cool feature... Love the ventilated seats... I love the display and heads up display and looks great with the black / light screen. Also, the bi-directional energy access is in the Limited version below the 2nd back seat. I really love the Ioniq 5 Limited over the Y... But still love my 3!!! The Hyundai key app works great too!!! Nice job!


Thank you!! I’ve been watching so many videos on EV and my biggest question on ionic was how it would fit my golf clubs!!! That was my biggest gripe about the Mach e, they would either have to go diagonally or put a seat down


I like the DC Fast Charging rate of the Ioniq 5 and the V2L capability.


The only thing I can think that would be s showstopper for me, being in a wintry climate, is the lack of a rear window washer/wiper. It’s hard to imagine that Hyundai won’t add that in a model year or two. Also, can I just say that your channel has become one of the best EV related ones on YouTube? Fun, but balanced and reasonable with a variety of content. I’ve unfollowed a bunch of channels that were basically all-Tesla, all the time. That becomes boring after a while.


Don't forget to mention that if you hold the right paddle you can put the regen in full automatic. It's my preferred way to go as the car is smarter than me. Great videos, thank you.


Massive thumbs up for ignoring the usual walkround of the car and as you say the totally subjective this looks better / doesnt look better.


Not quite related but the Elantra N is an amazing car drove one yesterday and wow it crushed my Focus ST in so many ways. The manual is amazing too.


I had an Ioniq 5 for a weekend. I felt it was cheaper all over. The throttle and steering response was numb. A lot of beeping sounds for everything. Navigation was sluggish. I own a Model Y and look at that as an SUV with emphasis on sport and I like that. Ioniq 5 reminds me of other Kia/Hyundai cars. Bland and simple. A car for older people.


I find you very refreshing, thankyou. I will start following you.
