10 Tactics Narcissists Use to “Train” You to Comply

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10 Tactics Narcissists Use to “Train” You to Comply//Do you know someone who always seems to get their own way? Chances are, you're dealing with a narcissist. Narcissists are experts at manipulation and often use subtle tactics to "train" people into complying with their wishes. In this video, Rebecca Zung, top lawyer and narcissist negotiation expert, shares the most common tactics narcissists use to control others. Watch out for these!
#TacticsNarcissistsUse #NarcissisticMindGames #RebeccaZung

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🎓Rebecca Zung is an attorney who has been recognized as one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the country having recognized as a Best Lawyer by U.S. News and is AV rated by Martindale Hubbell. She is also the bestselling author of 2 books, Negotiate Like You MATTER (foreword by Robert Shapiro) and Breaking Free: A Step by Step Divorce Guide.

🚀More on my SLAY Your Negotiation Course

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The commentary and opinions are for informational purposes only and not for
the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

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My late husband would mimic the language and actions of his new supply. He would actually say and act this bizzar way in front of me. Almost as if he was practicing being them. It was a dead give away who he was sleeping around with every time. Thank you Rebecca for wanting the best life for all of us and sharing your knowledge. You inspire us to acknowledge we have powerful stregenth within us and fear can't keep us trapped in a vicious cycle.


The latest thing I heard to force compliance was: "There will be dire consequences for you if you try to resolve . . ." In that instance, I call that a threat.


My dad would do (#7, I'm only joking) all the time to me. I feel it was a passive-aggressive way to say mean things to me. If I stood up for myself, he would say it was a joke. He thought he was clever. Gave himself plausible deniability. He would then sometimes tell me I had no sense of humor. I need to lighten up; work on my humor. As I get older and learn more about Narcissism, I feel this was gaslighting.


Everything you have said is right on. Everything you have talked about came out of the mouth of my narcissist. Thank God I don't have him in my life anymore.


I didn't know this til later but the reason nobody liked me in the game group night he had started inviting me to in the beginning, was that while he was lovebombing me, he was telling them lies about me and turning the women against me in the group. Eventually I quit coming for how the women treated me, as he planned, so everyone would think we were broke up so he could have me out of the way but still make me think we're together while he came over every day to my house. He also confessed to a (fake murder) and alot of other things to mess with my head when he wanted to discard me in a crazy way.
Never allowed me to post any pics on FB. It was always a fake relationship I just had no idea! Now he is supposedly engaged and he let her post on FB. No one has ever hurt me to the levels this person did.


Hello Rebecca, I just cannot thank you enough for what you do… I have recently been divorced from a 24 year marriage to a narcissist. I cannot tell you how much your videos are helping me heal… For many years I was asking myself “what the heck is going on, don’t understand what is going on”— We actually went to a handful of therapists and not one of them seem to pick up on any of this, in fact I was the one who was vilified! You’re an awesome lady, so kind and spiritual, and by the way you nailed


The ex an extreme covert narc committed EVERY bullet point you have presented. Every single one. One he would con me on many levels. I supported and promoted his music and purchased him phones computers etc to promote and support his music production and djing! He destroyed everything I bought him. When he got everything he wanted he told ppl I would do him wrong and I bought the items bc I was guilty of doing him wrong. All BS! The victim game with all lies. He owes me so much money!!! Now including 50k in surgery payments to correct disfigurement to my head caused by him hitting me. I left him almost three years ago and he still lies about me in very possible way. I will and am stronger happier without him and slaying that NARC in court!


I learned something about flying monkeys. Once the target figures out what is happening, the target blames the flying monkeys' bad behavior. Meanwhile, the narcissist is calling the target crazy, and unstable. They pretend like they knew nothing about the flying monkeys bullying the target. In my book, that's cruel and unusual punishment. It's definitely mean spirited.


I have been flat out threatened saying "OH- YOU DON'T KNOW .." with the intonation sounding like - you don't have Any idea what you're in for ... Insinuating how horrible they can be


Thank you so much for all you’ve done to help me, and I imagine, countless others. You, for me, are greater than any author, more brilliant than any star, and more beautiful than the Mona Lisa. You are just the best human Being that I have ever seen. Keep it coming. Love you❤️


For me the worst is "we talked about that, don't you remember?"


Question everything, don't ever settle with the idea that asking questions is trouble, ask, research, and ask some more.


Thanks for always sharing ❤ Your content helps so much.




This is why i avoid relationships with all people


Just love that you educate people. I felt I was going insane for so many years. Now, I will never fall for it again. So thank you for giving me my strength back! Keep up the good work Rebecca! 👍🏻🙌🏻


Thanks so much for your willingness to help. You have been amazingly helpful as I await my attorney conference with a master possibly making the decision.been living in same home married 45 years n he filed almost 4 years now. Your u tube information has continues to keep me steady n focused. Many blessings to your gift to us all!


I appreciate you so much. Everything, every word, is so spot. I appreciate that you are able to put their behaviors into words. I heal each day with your teachings. Thank you for saving my life.


My Covert ex used all of these on me. NOT FUNNY. Im glad that I am free of her now. Back with the people that I love and love me. Its a tough road to recovery, but it can be done. For all of those just getting out of those narcissistic relationships. Take the time to heal, you got this, even if its only baby steps at first. Love and prayers for all of you out there.


My narc ex got my $2, 000 in stimulus money 4-6 months after I left him; due to IRS mistake in 2021. I filed for divorce prior. I asked for the judge to award my stimulus money to me; which she did; but said that "If he couldn't afford to give it to me all at once (which he could have)...that he could make payments of $250 a month. He was 2 months late before he started making payments. He has only made 4 (all late); since then. He's 3 behind & I'm going to file Contempt of Court charges against him. He's made a joke of the court system. He gets nearly $3, 000 a month & gambled it all away. I'm tired of this
