10 Nonverbal Abuse Tactics

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In this video, I will explain 10 Nonverbal Abuse Tactics That Narcissists Use to manipulate and control their partners. From the silent treatment to passive-aggressive behavior, I will break down each tactic and how they can impact your emotional well-being.

🔹 Timestamps:
Introduction (0:00)
1: Silent Treatment (1:06)
2: Loud Sighs
3: Purposely Annoying You (3:08)
4: Inconsistent Body Language (4:03)
5: Moving or Dismissive Gestures (4:32)
6: Covert Sabotage (5:10)
7: Gaslighting You Non-Verbally (5:49)
8: Passive-aggressive Behavior (6:23)
9: Delayed Responses (6:50)
10: Avoiding Eye Contact
Why They Use These Tactics (7:52)

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About Lise Leblanc
Lise Leblanc is a Therapist, Author, and Life Coach with over 20 years of experience in therapeutic, educational, and leadership roles.

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DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED NOR IMPLIED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT. Lise Leblanc does not provide personalized psychological, health, or legal advice. Any information or responses provided on YouTube are general and hypothetical, not individualized. This content is for informational purposes only and viewers should verify primary sources and/or seek professional services. Narratives about clients are heavily modified to protect their identities, using blurred details to teach without revealing confidential information.

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Call a suicide hotline number. In the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) In Canada: 1.833.456.4566
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Watching this mesmerizing video dredges up painful memories of the recent dissolution of my 4-year relationship. The departure of my beloved, the one I adore deeply, has left me in a perpetual state of longing. Despite my tireless attempts at reconciliation, I find myself mired in frustration, unable to shake the persistent thoughts of her. Despite my efforts to move forward, I'm compelled to share my inner turmoil and the overwhelming sense of missing her here.


1. Silent treatment 2. Loud sighs 3. Purposely trying to annoy you 4. Inconsistent body language 5. Mocking or dismissive gestures, mimic 6. Sabotage 7. Gaslight in nonverbal ways 8. Passive-aggressive behavior 9. Delayed responses 10. Turn their back and ignore “ you have been dismissed”.
Why? 1. To reinforce their victim stance 2. To maintain control over you 3. To avoid accountability for their actions


thank you again Lise. it’s been three years of no contact but some pain is still there . doing counseling helps but …. once you have lived through abuse, sadly the scars are there ..if you think your in a abuseive relationship…RUN !!! you can not fix them …. period ! believe me ..i tried for almost 40 years


The most irritating thing about passive aggressive behavior is when they deny they are mad, or deny they are being passive aggressive.


When I like these videos about those evil people I think I hope everyone knows that I'm just giving the video a like to support the channel and I hate what those people do to us


So much silent treatment and blocking all forms of communication which means I can’t contact her to see my son but she refuses to believe there’s anything wrong with her actions 🤦‍♂️


I love what Lise said in the end. "Abuse is abuse..."


‼️Loud sighs‼️

That used to drive me NUTS!

I'm wiser now and it's all thanx to the teachings of wise professionals like Lise!

God bless you ma'am!❤❤🙌🏾


Just a heads up for people who may be wondering, you can have a argument without being a narcissist with someone. Or a person can have an argument with you without them being a narcissist.


I have to admit... after living with a person with quiet BPD and Narcissistic traits, I got to a point in my relationship when I acted like a crazy person and did a few of these things, like heavy sighs, eye rolls and smiling angrily while shaking my head. I was so damn tired of the accusations... so tired of being controlled, manipulated and gaslit, that I kind of became an asshole for a while as a way to defend myself. My ex would have said I ignored and dismissed his feelings, but he also could never come to terms with the fact that he lived a completely different life inside his head that had no connection to reality and I was almost always vilified. I got my head bit off one time for just politely refusing, while thanking him for offering, to make breakfast. He "heard" something in my tone and got mad at me and I had to spend the next fifteen minutes confused while he yelled at me for never wanting anything he had to offer and being an asshole for it. It's kind of makes me wonder sometimes if the long term trauma of my marriage didn't turn me into a narcissist.


They have a game plan from day 1 to break you down with a thousand small cuts its so subtle you won't notice and the sex bombing gets you emotionally attached. THANK GOD I have self love I ended our engagement and walked away videos like this are VERY HELPFUL


- spitting
- slapping
- property destruction
- blocking exit
- digging with fingernails
- shoving out of bed


loud sighs, yeah, abusers love using the sadness they inflict agfainst you. inconsistenet body language: i shouldn't have to point out this is ablist af! delayed response??? turn your back? how many times i'm told to walk away, and now you say that's abusive. you are really helping real abusers construct double binds


Can you please cover a covert narcissist claiming you are giving then silent treatment vs that person shutting down after reactive abuse? Telling a cptsd person, whom your reactive abusing they are the problem and accusing them of silent treatment, when they're really in freeze, makes it significantly even worse.


Lise, thanks for being my angel! I haven't looked back! ❤❤❤


My ex used to fart every time I entered the room and sometimes she would fart when I talked


It's not just partners who do this. So called friends and family may do these things as well. Get away from this abuse as soon as you are able to.


The worst thing is the massive and unending triangulation


i don't wanna be micromanaged for not being normal anymore, like i always have been


Lack of attention, attention to others, stoking the embers of any disagreements to make a person look unhinged, long silences, long stares, picking fights over nothing, describing their interactions with others as being more satisfying than their times with you.
