Top 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Damaged Woman True Story

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Top 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Damaged Woman True Story... In this dating advice video, I will talk about dating an emotionally damaged woman and give you the signs you are dating an emotionally damaged woman. You may meet an emotionally damaged woman on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice, and make sure you watch the whole video.

I don't want you to date an emotionally damaged woman without knowing. I want you to understand women better to be able to know when she's emotionally damaged. I want you to enjoy your dating experiences and have healthy relationships, which will be challenging when she's emotionally damaged.

I want you to know when she's emotionally damaged because emotional damage will destroy your relationship. I want you to enjoy your dating and have healthy relationships, which is why I provide you with dating tips and dating help to assist you in identifying when she's damaged and avoid dating an emotionally damaged woman.

I want you to be able to tell an emotionally damaged woman from a healthy woman. You can easily avoid dating an emotionally damaged woman when you can tell if she's damaged. Pay attention to this dating advice to know the signs you are dating an emotionally damaged woman.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Signs you are dating an emotionally damaged woman
- Dating an emotionally damaged woman
- Emotionally damaged woman
- Signs she's emotionally damaged
- Emotionally damaged
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


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I hope you enjoyed my video Top 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Damaged Woman True Story

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I hope you enjoyed my video Top 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Damaged Woman... *What did I miss? Share your war stories below!*


My narcissistic ex leaving me for her next (clueless) victim was the best thing that could have happened to me 🙏


All of this is spot on. My ex wore me down so bad I remember hiding from her inside the neighborhood playground with a bottle of mad dog 20/20 because she kept following me arguing while I tried to walk away from her chaos. I’ve even called the cops on MYSELF one night because I needed another male to talk to. She was a nightmare!


I lived something like this for 22 years. She got mad at me one time because I was taking too long at a funeral. It was all about her. The problem is that if you put up with it, it becomes normal - just easier to go along with it than say something. During a lull, I grew a little backbone and stood up to her and actually told her NO for the first time. She left three days later. I had no clue. It was only afterwards that I even hear the term narcissist - which fit her like a glove. It's been three years now, and I'm still recovering.

Thanks for putting this information out there. I wish I would have seen this 25 years ago.


Spot on, every point I can say I experienced, wore me down and she destroyed me in the end, burnt out the wiring of my brain and body, takes so much time, effort and strength to heal from such an experience, I had a motorcycle accident way back before this, almost every part of my body was broken big time, and healing from that accident was a breeze compared to the mental damage these sort of people inflict. Perhaps one day, in a healthy society, this sort of abuse will be considered a crime, punishable.
Thankyou for the video, means a lot x


Thanks again, Anna.
I spent decades allowing myself to be door matted by my partners. Never again!
Now I walk the line between managing my expectations vs. calling her out on her BS.
I've happily embraced my true alpha nature, and I'm very responsible with it. I don't put up with any sh!t testing or gaslighting anymore, and I'm finished with putting my wants and needs on the back burner for the sake of keeping anyone happy.
When you consistently light yourself on fire to keep somebody else warm, all they do is complain about the smell.


This triggered me. I remember with my ex, she was sweet at the beginning. buying me gifts and showing me how loyal she is. Months into the relationship she was dead set on being "right" about everything and telling me i'm not doing things right (or the way she does it ) After months of mental abuse I found myself asking her how to properly cook an egg. She brought down my self worth and told me "you will never find a woman like me if l leave." using my insecurities and past as leverage to further manipulate me into staying and paying the bills. I could go further into detail but im trying to recover still. 6 Years later i still don't date. Please men, stand up and respect yourselves. dont go through what i did. Women ARE NOT HARMLESS. i learned my lesson.


My wife was the opposite of the materialist. She suffered a scarcity mentality, never spend, always needing to save for a rainy day. She used to tell me off for buying flowers, because they are only going to die anyway. Don't bother. She also was unsupportive when I was in grief. I figured out damaged she was when she told me that she doesn't do empathy. I was on my own.


Thank you for exposing these type of people, I have experienced them a lot of times... It's almost like they have an ulterior motive. My last experience was terrible. I met this person at one of my gigs. She seemed very outgoing, fun, and had a lot to talk about, so I asked her out. Numbers were exchanged... The first text before the first date was, "I am curvy, and if that is a big deal then it's a no go". I said, I don't have a problem with that, I asked you out. Then the second text, I have a little social anxiety and if that's a problem it's a no go. Again, I said if you are a bit nervous it's understandable. So we finally went on our first date, she did seem a little nervous, but we seemed to have a good time at the restaurant. I said at the end of date, would you like to continue dating, she said, "yes". I thought great... We would talk on the phone a lot, and at first I thought things would be good. Then I invited her over for dinner, she came over very upset because one of her friends were telling her how to use men to pay her bills. Crying to me she said, " I'm not like that, I don't take advantage of people". I said, well I believe you, and she calmed down. As the relationship grew, I started seeing more of her insecurities. My step father and I usually meet up at a little bar after work a couple times a week. She started texting me and asked what are you up too this evening"? I said, I am at the bar with my step father. She said, what girls are you talking to? I said, I am not talking too anyone specific but a couple of friends and my step dad. It took me a lot to convince her that I wasn't trying to pick up women. I was aggravated a little by her behavior, but I ignored the red flags.... So I was leaving my band and only had a couple of gigs left, she said, "if you want too keep playing you can, I said no, I need a brake from music. So that night we were playing, she was drinking very heavily.. So first she jumps up on stage and tries to start singing. My lead singer said, "hey you can't get up on stage, this is a paid gig and not crowed involvement. She copped and attitude after that. So my lead singer's girlfriend showed up, and she told her that her friend was trying to date him, and she got very upset. So my lead singer got in her face, so she played it off as if she got attacked. Then she stormed out of the bar drunk, and had her cousin pick her up. I didn't know what was going on and found all this stuff out by the second set. My friend went and got her and brought her back too the bar. She said that my lead singer got in her face and shoved her. At the end of the night she was screaming take me home, I said, let me load my equipment. I told her, you can't involve yourself in other peoples business. She said, he was cheating on her... I said, even if he was, it's none of your concern. Basically I think she was pissed at him for not letting her up on stage. Also, I don't think she wanted me to be in the band, so she was going to attempted to ruin my friendship with the band. Fast forward a month later.... We worked out some differences, so my dumb ass thought too give her another chance, bad move... By this time she said, we are not truly a couple if you don't move in, and we are basically single again. I said, that's bs, we are in a relationship. She kept insisting that I need too move in, and said whats mine is yours, and I want this to be a 50/50 relationship. I being the ignorant one moved in. It started out 50/50 as she said, but then that's when things started to change. I was supporting the both of us... She was using me so she to catch all of her bills up. Plus I found out she was a closet alcoholic. She couldn't go a day without drinking 10 beers a night. Finally, she said too me one day, you are a provider like my father. I said, you need to start contributing to the bills, you are draining me; furthermore I think you have a drinking problem. That's when things really got bad. She started acting as if I cheated on her or something. Finally I broke it off with her, she acted civil at first, but then she showed an ugly side. That night I started moving out, and she went out too the bar, evidently getting drunk, started insulting me too the fullest over texts, on social media, etc... Then i said, I need to come back a second day and get the rest of my stuff. She replied saying, that all depends if I am going to home, I might be going out of town. By this time, I am getting pissed. Finally, she started acting civil so I could get the rest of my stuff. A month later I noticed my facebook account changed, somehow she hacked it. I was talking to someone I asked out, somehow they talked to one another, that ruined that chance of dating. So I created a new account... I learned a lesson a very big lesson, when you see red flags, run like Hell. It seems as though I get with damaged goods - so to speak. Even my ex-wife had an ulterior motive as well; which is a whole other story. Conclusion; it seems as though these women want a sugar dady, play games, and think they can wear the pants. I am at the point in my life that I don't think I'll ever find a woman who doesn't have a hidden agenda. The mind games and bad behavior, I won't tolerate. I have discovered there are more women like this than not. So any young men out there who read this, learn from my mistakes; and if you see any read flags, run like HELL.... With all this said, ladies, stay away from MEN who a narcissistic and also play games for their own desires/agenda. My mother left my biological father, who is an absolute narcissist. These people are only about themselves and think the world revolves around them. They will play games, throw tantrums, just to get there way. They truly never change, if their behavior changes, watch out, because there is an agenda behind it. I have grown to utterly almost hate these people.... So anyone who is raising a kid, teach that kid boundaries, and that the world doesn't revolve around them, even if they throw a tantrum. The more you give into them, the more likely they are to develop a narcissistic personality. I see many videos on the characteristics and to avoid these people. But, no one seem too address on how to prevent narcissistic behavior, which is boundaries, discipline, ethics, and morals. And society is making this occur more and more, a "ME ME", selfish world; my opinion.


From my experience, the most difficult aspect of recognizing a damaged woman is because while you're in the relationship - and this can be for years - the signs can be explained away or misconstrued with ease. You can explain them away, because your partner is actually good to you in some ways: she's incredibly vain, a thousand selfies, Insta-obsessed. But she makes a point of making you breakfast or doing this or that for you. It's only in retrospect, after she's left you in a completely effed-up way, that you see the signs for what they truly are, and see her for what she truly was. It's unnerving. The person is virtually unrecognizable. And the damage is screamingly obvious in retrospect. Each of the ten signs is spot on, but they usually blend, and aren't as pronounced and as easy to define and pin down in reality.


Goodness, good talk! Makes me glad that I've been married to the same loving, caring woman for over 46 years!


Anna, out of all the dating coaches on YouTube, you offer some of the most cutting edge advice. We truly value your publications. Your channel deserves to have millions of subscribers. I am glad that I somehow stumbled upon your channel by accident


The funny thing about this to me now, there was a Jessica in my life too. She was banished by a wife and later a girlfriend. After 30 years, we’re still good friends and she’s the only one left standing. Too bad our timing was always off. I’m super grateful to have her in my life today and I hope we will have laughs for many years to come..


You're killing me Anna ! What you are saying is spot on.


Thank you for making this video this just gave me all of the confirmation that I needed. You literally nailed everything she does I would have thought you were a fly on the wall...thank you


Had a close encounter with this type. Super sweet and seductive at first for the first 3 months and when you get hooked, she unleashed her BPD, father attachment issues and narcissism. She owns 2 cats. The ton of research on women's psychology I had to do to understand the situation taught me to spot red flags which includes the cats. Talk about crazy cat lady disease ( toxoplasmosis?).


Cogent and Real observations.
Great job.
Mögest Du in das Licht, der Wahrheit, und dem SEIN der Schöpfung leben.


My ex-wife had the audacity/nerve to complain about me not having gotten her the 1.5CT engagement ring she thought she deserved. I had gotten a 1.26CT - which for anyone whose done the shopping can confirm the diameter difference is 1mm - which on her tiny fingers looked bigger than a 1.5. But it was the # rather than how it looked or what it meant which was important.

Fast forward 2 years later, I divorced her after finding her affair with her married boss.

And I got the ring back, so win win for me lol


I’ve seen all of these in one woman. It took me over a year to heal. That relationship was 1 years and 10 months long as an official couple, 2 years and 3 months including when we weren’t an official couple. I’ve been out of the relationship since last March and I’m just now opening up to dating other women. I’ve never been treated so horribly in my life.


This reminds me so much about a woman I dated about a year ago. Especially #1 asking questions about ones past (at some point I felt like being in an interrogation) just to bring it up later on to use it against you (over and over again). Usually #1 comes along with #5 double standards!
But as always, great advice and keep up the good work 👍 Greetings from Germany ☺️
