DV Lottery DV2020 When will you be interviewed

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DV Lottery Info!!
I am being asked this many times every day - and while I don't like trying to predict (because people get too confused and don't understand the inaccurate nature of predictions), I do realize that some information is better than none, or by others giving bad information. So - this video will explain the concepts involved AND give some APPROXIMATE number predictions for each of the 5 regions.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, take the time to watch the whole video - and don't be that frustrating person that asks me to just give the end answer without taking the time to watch the video.
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So far this has been so useful information for the preparation.
Many thanks for your good time making us understand the move


Your analysis are always realistic and make a lot of sense, Brit . Thank you again, we are patiently and hopefully waiting for the weather to be perfect or at least as good as you predicted it to be during the year .
My question now is : when will I be interviewed 🤔 ???
😂😂😂Just kidding😂😂😂😂


Thank you for your videos Simon. Hope for a second draw and finally win after 10 years of playing.


Great Simon, and thanks for your efforts.


Very instructing to have an idea Thank you


Plz plz 🙏🙏🙏 I wanna know one thing....My case no of DV 2020 is 27*** and I have already sent required Doc on previous Nov/11/2019. Then, I got received doc email from KCC which is auto-reply. In that email, it is said that I can expect next step from 3-6 weeks later and if there is no respond, mentioned to mail KCC that Doc are received. It has been more than 6 weeks and nothing coming in my email associated with DV case. So should I remind with email or is that because of my case no being behind? Plz answer and advice me...I don't know what to do next..😨 I am from Burma (Asian Country)


Hey there Simon, thank you for the selfless work you do. One question only (I hypothesize you get these questions a lot). I made a mistake in my original entry and had DOB as 7/6/xxxx instead of 1/6/xxxx...I have not filled my DS 260 yet...Secondly my wife's name in her passport is misspelled Pascaline instead of Pascline...Do I need to emil KCC about both issues or I just have to fill the correct details in the DS 260?


unfortunately on my passport issuance date it supposed to be 3 July but I dunno how it happened I did it 11 July do u think it's a problem...I just find it out from the print it out I made on my ds 260....it's supposed to be 3 July 2020 to 2july 2030 instead of 11 July 2020 to 2 July 2030 is that a problem sir


hey Brit.. its helpful info BTW but what I am confused on is that since which of the month you will start receiving your second letter and how much gap will there be between the case number while receiving second letter???? i hope to see your reply as soon as possible.

love from


Hi thanks britsimon. I have question , i winner dv 2020 cn 2020af619** .when my interview time and date. I had summited all document , but kcc appointment i am let 2 month sent, poli and, birth . Ds 260 summited accepted information 3-6week. I am keeping still know 2nl not resive messages my be interview date may or June? Could you tall me exact appointment.


hy simon thanks for your prediction,
but, in your previous video you said that total number of selectees from ASIA is 15941. But again, in this video you say that there is maximum case number from ASIA is 30000. which makes me confuse sir.

Maximum case number of ASIA = Total number of selectee from ASIA
isn't it sir?
and what about Nepal sir.
thank u.


Hi Britt.
I was selected for the 2020 dv lottery, I am from Africa and my case number is 132...
which month exactly do u think I might be having my interview?


This may seem like a silly question. Is the interview conducted in the country that I am living in or do I have to travel to the USA for my interview?


Sir, is second Draw of DV 2020 expected? If so, when


*Hellow brit when do we send documents like photographs, police reports etc to KKC? do they mail us?


hy simon,
At 2017 all regions go current in May and in 2019 all regions go current in july.
Can we expect to see a similar pattern for 2020 or it is impossible?


Hello Brit What is the largest case number for Africa this year ?


Hello, my case number is 2020EU51***. Have I got any chance?
Thank you 😊


Hi britSimon,
I am from Somalia, a country President Trump included in the latest travel ban. I win the green card lottery dv2020, can I get an immigrant visa?


Hi dear sir i am from africa and my case number is 52k as your expectations can i reach the interview this year dv2020
