Can You Solve The Marriage Logic Problem? 80% Fail

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Surveys have found 80 percent get this logic problem wrong. Alice is looking at Bob, and Bob is looking at Charlie. Alice is married; Charlie is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person? Answer choices are A) Yes, B) No, and C) Cannot be determined. The video presents the correct answer.
The video also includes a second problem. A drawer has 10 black socks and 10 white socks. With your eyes closed, you pull 3 socks. Are you holding a matching pair of socks? A) Yes B)No C)Cannot be determined.
Sean Carroll blog post (2009)
Guardian puzzler (2016)
SingingBanana video (James Grime)
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The video also includes a second problem. A drawer has 10 black socks and 10 white socks. With your eyes closed, you pull 3 socks. Are you holding a matching pair of socks? A) Yes B)No C)Cannot be determined.
Sean Carroll blog post (2009)
Guardian puzzler (2016)
SingingBanana video (James Grime)
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Can You Solve The Marriage Logic Problem? 80% Fail
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