Neuropathy, Blood Sugar, Detox, & More - The Ultimate Crash Course On Alpha Lipoic Acid

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Neuropathy, Blood Sugar, Detox, & More - The Ultimate Crash Course On Alpha Lipoic Acid

00:00 - intro and overview
01:20 - what is alpha lipoic acid?
04:20 - functions of alpha lipoic acid
09:27 - supporting research - blood sugar
15:46 - supporting research - neuropathy
19:45 - functions of alpha lipoic acid revisited
24:20 - causes of alpha lipoic acid deficiency
31:00 - food sources of alpha lipoic acid
33:20 - diseases that have benefitted from the use of alpha lipoic acid
38:00 - alpha lipoic acid supplementation
40:26 - Q&A

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Рекомендации по теме

I suffered with Fibromyalgia - then I had a molar extracted, it wasn't bothering me, but it had underlying infection from a previous trauma after a filling was replaced 10 years prior (I had to go to a biological dentist to discover it was infected). 3 months post extraction, my fibro is gone. There is a dental connection to many diseases. I'm glad I went down the research rabbit hole. It's def. worth looking into Dr. Stuart Nunnally. I also removed grains from my diet.


Glad to hear this information! Going to start ALA. I'm T2 with neuropathy, back surgeries, had a terrible time getting off evil gabapentin with all its side effects.


Once again your teaching is outstanding.
Its so refreshing to learn from you. Your stuff is fantastic . Was getting nerve burns for 2 . 5 yrs. 3 sessions every 6 months. 3 days after last 2 yrs ago ...mid of night up to pee. Leg didnt work. Fell. Couldnt get up. On floor 7 hrs until wife returned then paramedics to hospital
7 months had no control of leg. Even help to get on bed. Continued


Was looking into ALA and figured I see what you have to say about it. And sure enough, I get a whole crash course. You ain't steered me wrong yet! Thank you.


Would you consider a series of videos on supplements, vitamins, and cancer? For instance, a research article I read recently, talks about evidence on NAC helping tumors to metastasize. This is not well known information that could make a difference in one's care. Appreciate your direct & straight-forward professionalism. Always a pleasure.


Thank you so very much for this and all your videos. They are all priceless and very well explained. The way you explain them, it's clear and precise.


I'm enjoying your educational videos. Thank you.


Thank YOU so much!!!
I will watch this video many more times because YOU are giving us a lot of good information!!!!
This is wonderful!!!


One of the best functional medicine presentstions EVER! Explaining basic about cell metabolism and how it all relates is so needed!!! Thank you!


Love your videos, Dr. Osborne! Wish I knew this years ago. It might have helped my mom to still be here. Now that I am learning it, though, this information can help the rest of us. Thank you so much!! I sure appreciate you...


This was an excellent lecture, despite the technical issues!


Wow! You've shared a ton of important information here! I've suffered from peripheral neuroparlthy in all limbs and appendages for over 32 years, after a severe injury to L4/5, L5/S1 discs. No longer in pain management, but i'm suffering extremely, now burning, stinging, paresthesias are head to toe instead of along nerve paths. Hate that i didn't catch this live.
Can you maybe do a video on how to get your health back after going off of all of the pain meds, gabapentin, etc? That would be awesome.
Thanks so much for this and all of your videos, i only have SSI for an income because i ended up totally and permanently disabled after my first laminectomy in 1989. I wish i could afford to consult with you, because medicaid doesn't cover "alternative" medicine, and I don't want any more drugs.
Bless you for sharing so much here.


This is ab fascinating. So glad i found this channel.


Thank you Dr. Osborne (aka warrior hero)! Love the way you explain how high blood sugar causes glycation, metformin could cause neuropathy, etc. This information helps to understand what is really going on in the human body and educates/motivates us to take action to do what's good for our health. Hoping for the day when more medical doctors take this approach.


low B6, B1 or magnesium could cause neuropathy, as well as certain prescriptions drugs.


I am from Indonesia. Love your content on health issues...


Thank you x10 Dr. Osborne. Great info.


ALA with L Carnitine is prescribed in Germany for neuropathy. LPI (Linus Pauling Institute) has a good article on how combined this is a more effective for some people. If you're diabetic and not controlling it well, nothing will help. No magic pill. I'm T1D as well. Nice job handling the tech issues, I've been there and it certainly ramps the stress when it all goes wrong ;-)


Thanks! This is for your NAC and citruline lectures. My skin is almost translucent now. Everyone notices. I have been doing a comprehensive diet makeover, so I can’t pinpoint these 2( and Taurine), but these 3 aminos are new and all the other stuff I’ve used before. Much respect sir.


We love dr. Osborne and also dr. Murrell.
