#1 Natural Supplement For Neuropathy RELIEF

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The burning, stabbing, throbbing, pins and needles feeling that comes along with peripheral neuropathy can drive a person nuts! What if there was an easy way to get some relief, that would be amazing right? I’m Dr AJ Ludlow and I’ve been treating neuropathy in my clinic for a while now and I’ve found some things that work. In this video I’m going to tell you about a supplement that really helps and even has some research to back it up.

Neuropathy is a big deal and can lead to some serious complications down the road. The main symptoms are numbness, tingling, burning, pins and needles, throbbing, prickling and weakness in the feet and the lower legs. It generally starts in the toes and progresses into more of the foot then starts working its way up the lower leg. The number one cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, especially uncontrolled diabetes. Chemotherapy and some medications can also be a cause but we don’t always know why it happens.

Neuropathy can cause a lot of problems. When it begins is just a mild annoyance but can soon become more of a problem causing loss of sleep, weakness and balance problems. It causes wounds to heal more slowly and since it can cause a loss of sensation in the feet a wound can develop that becomes infected and in some cases will lead to the loss of toes, the foot or even more of the lower leg. The balance issues tend to get worse over time and can lead to a fall and injury that requires hospitalization.

There are multiple things you can do to help improve your neuropathy like keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range, getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet with minimal sugar and processed foods, lots of protein and healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, and intermittent fasting. These things are important, but they can take some time to start implementing. Fortunately there is a supplement that can start providing quick relief in many cases and can help slow the progression of the neuropathy. It even has some science to back it up.

The supplement is called alpha lipoid acid. It’s an anti-oxidant that the body naturally produces and can be found in small amounts in food. It can help reduce inflammation and helps support healthy nerves. One of the ways it does this is by supporting the mitochondria which is the part of our cells that produces energy. While it won’t cure neuropathy, it can greatly reduce the symptoms and slow the progression of the condition. This can be a big deal because a lot of my patients with neuropathy complain that they don’t want to walk much and can’t sleep well because of the discomfort from neuropathy. If we can lessen the symptoms it will help you sleep better and be more active which greatly improves quality of life.

A study of 72 people with diabetic neuropathy published in 2018 showed a lot of benefit. They took 600 mg a day of alpha lipoid acid for 40 days and at the end of the study pain and disability scores were significantly lower, quality of life scores were significantly higher and about 50% of the participants rated their health as much better or very much better. Not bad when you consider all they did was take a daily supplement. This and other studies definitely show promise for neuropathy sufferers. While this supplement is considered safe and is generally tolerated much better than neuropathy medications, its best to consult with your doctor when adding a new supplement to your diet.

For those who are interested, I’ll put a link for the type of alpha lipoic acid I give to my patients in the description.

I wish you the best with your neuropathy, it’s not a fun condition to deal but there is hope for improvement. If this has been helpful, hit that LIKE button and be sure to SUBSCRIBE for more health related videos. Until next time, stay strong!

#neuropathy #diabetes #supplement

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I’m genuinely worried about my symptoms but I live in a world where healthy men aren’t helped. I’ve given up going to the doctors or hospitals. YouTube is my safe place for clinical info and remedy suggestions. Thank you.


Wow, that sugar does more harm than we realize. Thanks for the info. Thank you so much for not taking 30 mins to make your point. Well done!


Also B1 Benfothiamin, B6, B12, Acetyl L Carnitine, Omega 3.


One point on ALA, , alpha lipoic acid is a cautionary note, if an individual has hypothyroidism and being compensated with Levothyroxine, , ALA may lower the of thyroid hormone, , thus, blood hormone levels, and thyroid function tests should be monitored closely to maintain a proper balance.


I started taking it this summer, December now) and it has helped tremendously. Chemo neuropathy for 13 years.


I am not diabetic but I have neuropathy for yrs. i am from South Florida and would love to see someone dedicated to help people with this. Don’t know where your clinic is but I sure would love someone to help me. The doctor that diagnosed me told me there was nothing to do about it and you need to just live with it…..


im 53 and living with diabetes for 12 years, i had neuropathy and all the symptoms what doc mention in video, couldent sleep from pain in my feet, tinglin, burniing feet, numbnes, pins and needels, i tryed so many pain killers but nothing helped, startet with vitamins and now my feet problems and pain gone, i will mention some best vitamins for diabetes and neuropathy
neuropath: Alpha Lipoic Acid 1000 mg a day, B12 vitamin 1000mg a day, Acetyl L-Carnitine 1000mg a day
I keep control of blood sugar with: Berberine 1000mg a day and Bitter Melon vitamines
usin this for more than a year it helps me a lot


Cutting out sugar stopped the early stages of mine. No soda every day. No sweets after dinner every night.


I have diabetic neuropathy and I started taking Cool Cayenne supplements from Solaray and it has helped my condition considerably. I still have a little discomfort occasionally, but the frequency of it has dropped dramatically.


It really works! In early 2021 I had Covid very badly. I was in an induced coma for 12 days, then in ICU for another two weeks. When I woke up I couldn't even stand. My thighs were numb and have remained so. GP and neurologist couldn't offer me any solutions. It was like that all this time, until I started taking alpha lipoic acid. I couldn't even walk around the block without discomfort a couple of weeks ago, but today I took my neighbour's dog on a one-hour walk, partially over pretty rough ground, and I had no aching, no tiredness in my legs.


I've been suffering with Neuropathy for years, I went to the doctor and they had me get a nerve test done shocking my nerves which honestly was more painful than the Neuropathy and the doctors bedside manner just angered me after since I cried and he told me I was too sensitive.
I still suffer today, have been ruled out for Diabetes, my health has been pretty good.
My Father does suffer from Neuropathy so I figured it's hereditary.
It has progressed for me, limited walking and foot pain, bad rainy weather makes it hurt more. I've been muttling through by icing my feet.


I found a supplement online that had alpa lipoic acid, Acetyl L-cartimine, Benfiotiamine, B12, D3, and B6 after my diabetic neuropathy started to really be painful and aggravating. 4 months into taking this supplement twice a day, I can say my feet are 95% back to normal. NO PAIN, occasionally some slight tingling at night, sometimes nothing. It only took about 3 weeks b4 i starting noticing a positive change


Magnesium glycinatw lysinate 200 mg a day for 6 weeks to 2 months helped me. I reread the bottle and found i was supposed to take 200 mg twice a day. Probably would have helped quicker. I stopped. Pain in right foot has stayed gone. But left side us acting up. Back I go to magnesium. I might try this too. Thank you.


I had to stop eating fast food and drinking so many sodas because of neuropathy. I switched to foods that are high in protein like Salmon, grapes, bananas, and peanut butter. I also soak my feet in warm water everyday, take vitamin B12. That has helped with neuropathy alot.


I've been taking this supplement for a week and i'm glad to see it's the one recommended by a Doctor.


Thanks for info contained in this video. Alpha, lipoic acid comes in to forms: R-Alpha lipoic acid (Which is naturally formed, and stored in fat cells)
There’s also S- Alpha lipoic acid (Which is synthetically created, and is water based)
Only use the R-Alpha, lipoic acid. It must state in the ingredients R-Alpha lipoic acid. If you’d like to learn more about Alpha lipoic acid you can look up the nerve doctors on YouTube explaining everything you need to know about alpha lipoic acid, so that you are fully informed and can choose to purchase this effective supplement. Best wishes!


I’ve suffered in my feet for years and got partial relief from duloxetine. About a year ago I started wearing zero-drop, wide toe box minimalist footwear and also toe separators. Also started doing foot exercises to strengthen and make feet more flexible. Been a great relief. I can sleep at night now.


Dark cherries help fresh or frozen I was diagnosed with Neurosarcoidosis which causes extremely painful peripheral neuropathy. Trust me the pain from the disease and neuropathy is a pain beyond words. I take ALA I’m gluten dairy free and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I also do intermittent fasting. The dark cherries work wonders you will thank me later


I sorted my own neuropathy through daily massage of my lower legs, ankles and feet...Took afew weeks of painful massage and toe support to eradicate it...


I need the link. I've been suffering from neuropathy in my legs up to my hip for 36 years!
