Framing Walls For Our Off Grid Home Addition | A Goat Hike To The Creek

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First off, I Love your channel & watch all the time. A bit of advice from a retired carpenter with over 30 yrs experience. Your headers need to be standing up. They're not strong enough laying down. Sandwich with your exterior plywood to come up with the 5-1/2" your looking for. 1-2x6 then the 1/2" another 2x6 then 1/2" and finally another 2x6 = 5-1/2".


Ever lay headers flat if you worried about a 1/4” fur them out with material otherwise don’t worry about it. Boards laying flat have no strength that’s why you turn them crown side up on there side.


Your header strength runs from top to bottom of the boards. That being said you should be fine with the way you ran them. There won't be a lot of weight on them. Greg, glad to see your arm healing. Also, loved the goats on their walk. Like trying to heard a bunch of 1st graders.😆


Love your story. If it's not too late, you should flip those headers and add a few more short studs above and below your windows and above the door.


the framework looks great and it went up so Quick . brilliant teamwork as always


Even in USA we are having lots of problems with dimensional lumber width and thickness variances...even between same supplier but different length of boards. Really tough without planing them. Id use 1/4 plywood material on inside behind the drywall


Katie, you're such a good goat mama! As always, the goat/dog walks are my favourite part. ❤️


Hello Katie and Greg. For the one-armed bandit, have you seen the sharpeners than are made for carpenters' pencils? They may have them where you buy lumber, when you have to. I hope you got the top on before the rain came. Have good days!


Hello my friend I really like the way you two designed and finished the house it's amazing


Steve has quite the personality. Love watching you both and all of your animal family.


🇨🇦35 yr Carpenter here, read @thegoochman2 's comment about headers, he's 100% correct. Also, is there any reason your not sheathing the walls while they're laying down? Saves a lot of time, muscle and ladder work later. edit, also don't forget that the snow sliding from the roof above can create a "shock" load on the lower roof when it lands on top of the already existing snow on the lower roof. Cheers from a stones throw away! 🇨🇦🪚🔨


Great video I just love that Steve. He so cute.


Steve is a cutie! The goats love you! That new addition is really going to add much needed space to your house.


Very glad to see Greg healing well nuff to do the addition with you. Now that's a good looking framing job. You did it fast!!!
Or just edited it to seem that way. Steeb is such a character specially when he runs, jumps in the air, and side kicks really makes me
laugh. It's so wonderful how all the goats go walking with you reminds me of a bunch of school kids out on a field trip.
You guys are going to have all kinds of storage room once that addition is finished. Is that a ""Glorified mud room""?
Thanks for your replies makes me feel like a real person!!! Your cyber friend, Me southern AZ. (USA)


Sooo cute to see Steve out on a hop skip and a jump walk 😂😂 xx


Loved the goat hike❤
You’re doing very well on your build. It’s going to be awesome.


kids couldn’t hardly frame the first wall in the main house lol . The headers over the windows would probably never matter but you showed the hole world lol.


My goodness ❗️quite a hike/walk with the goats and dogs❗️Entertaining😁‼️


Loved Steven on the goat Hike he is so adorable he's the star of all the Goat's he's A Beautiful little Boy. Y'all did a Great job on the addition Y'all will have the addition done In no time can't hardley wait until the next video. I wish ypu had 3 video's a week !I'm sure I'm not the only one wishing there was 3 a week Glad see Gregg is improving rapidly Bless both of youv!


Hi Katie and Greg. You two work so very well together, I'd put you guys up against any small construction crew in your area!! Katie, you have grown and developed such a strong skill set, it has been an actual joy for me to follow your development. There is little you cannot accomplish and your confidence has grown as well. Greg, great to see your healing is progressing well. I absolutely loved the last part of the video where your took the goats and dogs out for the hike. Steve is so fun to watch as he explores and then gets excited and hops, jumps and skips - he had me laugh out loud a few times! I really like his vocals getting louder as he lacked the confidence in the stream area by the rocks and culverts where you went to rescue him Katie. He is sure a character. Aspen and Juniper sure have fun when you guys go out on your hike and walks. You have some beautiful scenery to enjoy as you are out there. Have a blessed week, be safe and I'll see you on the next one. Larry, Central Valley, Ca.
