Boyfriend Wants a Break? Here's What to Do! | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs Bio:

As a sought-after dating and relationship coach for women and international speaker, Mat Boggs has helped thousands of women understand men, improve their relationships, and attract the relationship they want.

As the best-selling author of Project Everlasting, and creator of Cracking The Man Code, Mat Boggs dating and relationship advice has been featured on national media including The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, and many more.

Mat s Mission: To increase love in the world, one heart at a time.

As a dating coach for women, Mat believes that your history does not determine your destiny, and that you are more powerful than any circumstance you are facing. The relationship dream in your heart really can become the life you love living!

Mat Boggs highly acclaimed relationship programs have served women around the world in all age groups from 20yrs old to over 70yrs old.

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Dating, Relationships, understanding men, Dating Advice, Love Advice Relationship Advice, How Men Think, What Men Want, What attracts men, How to attract a man, how to create lasting love, how to know if he likes you, signs your man likes you.
#DatingAdvice #MatBoggs #RelationshipAdvice
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My bf is taking a break from me now, you never know men, they might say love you today, and might also say goodbye to you tomorrow.


He told me he wanted a break 12 days ago. Since then I've been not contacting him at all, except for one text message at the beginning of the break, and been trying my best to enjoy my life and focus on myself more. Use the break to your advantage, don't sit around and cry about it. If he is the one for you he will come back...


I was in a situation where he wanted (needed) a break from the relationship because he had other issues that had him stressed out, it wasn't necessarily is but the fact that he was so moody had us arguing all the time so, I took a step back and tried to be strong. At the end, exactly what Matt stated, he realized what we had and he missed the intimacy, the good times together and cleared his mind and came back on his own. Sometimes it's not always another woman.


I see it more black and white, I don't do "breaks" you either want to be with me or you don't.


He needed a break. I said fine. He found himself. When he came back I didn’t want him back. I moved on and life was so much better without him.


Omfg I've been balling my eyes out for like an hour


I just was in this situation after beeing with my boyfriend for over 3 years. It was the most painful thing I had to go throuh! He didn't knew anything so I gave him space what means I didn't contacted him at all. He surprisingly texted my everyday but I gave short uninteressted answers. So when we met he realised that he misses me and loves me and wanna work on our relationship! For anyone who's in the situation: Yes it is bad and yes it is freaking painful - just let yourself feel this feelings! I personaly prepard myself for the end of the relationship and removed every picture, present.... so know where we are still together we need to have create some new good memories together that we can trust and love each other even more!


"The best is yet to come" part brought me to tears. I've been thinking negatively lately, almost to keep my hopes from getting up so I won't be disappointed. I've been wondering "could I really have great love?" The mantra "the best is yet to come" helped to shift my thinking. I am going to apply that to every part of my life, especially my love life. Whether I stay with him or not, "the best is yet to come." Thank you! I needed that positivity.


I'd give him a permanent break. No hostility, but why would I wait for someone to decide if I'm what they want? if he's not serious or invested (which is okay, everyone must serve themselves), he's just blocking me from another potential partner.


Very good advice! From my personal experience I would not hold on. I waited for 3 weeks with no contact and it was absolute torture. It's not your job to convince someone that they want to be with you, they should have no questions about it. I honestly think a break up would have been better for me. Most people are too scared to hurt someone's feelings when they are going to hurt them regardless. Be true, be strong and have courage!


I am in a rather "waiting" kind of thing right now. I just read in the Bible last night how waiting (letting it simmer) is part of the process. Without the simmering, it won't be completely cooked..Haha!! Who wants to eat half-cooked food? I haven't always been that way..and still learning how to wait patiently, but the waiting is what makes it richer, what brings out the flavors, the truth of the matter. And I learn there is always something more to learn about myself. We are never too old or young to learn more about who WE are. We make choices based to the degree we know who we are thus where we want to go, per se.

So, Go to the Gym! Get your nails did and a pedicure, your hair. Go out with girlfriends and dress glam and go dancing. Take yourself out dancing. There will always be someone who wants to dance with you. Ponder what it is that makes you love this guy and why he is worth waiting for..and if not him, learn some UNTRADEable lessons for your future BEST. The Best is yet to come. Definitely going to be my mantra. Thanks soo much Matt!!!


i loved your explanation.. especially "the best is yet to come"
thankyou for this video!


This is so sad he just told me he is having some difficulties those days and he needs some time by himself . I told him that I love him and I will respect his decision . But my heart it’s broken


My ex was going through a very hard time and was pulling away and even said he just wanted to get away. I told him, "Im very aware you are stressed and getting burnt out. I dont want you to worry about having to see me this weekend. Take some time for you, do what you need to do." He appreicated it and said ok and thank you. But that saturday he texted me late morning after having a morning to himself and wanted to see me. So it goes to your point, of giving that time to the guy and even after a day or so he wanted to see me even though I was giving him that space.


for me it would not be enough to GIVE him the time, since he just TAKES it, not considering how you feel about that. So I'd tell him: "hey, that's a great idea I think we both should have a break from each other to figure out whether we want to continue our relationship." The reason for this reaction: HE gives you a total insecurity about the relationship but enjoying still feeling save with you being stuck in the waiting position!!! So that's why I recommend to give him the same insecurity AND YOU set the deadline when you will talk again! And then be not available at all during that period for him!!! So you turn the page against his superiority and suddenly HE will be occupied in thinking "what is SHE doing, who is she will SHE finally decide..." and so on... meaning now HE gets stuck in the waiting position... lol... and then SHE goes out and meets as many men as possible for the GOOD that's yet going to come 😋


My boyfriend was distant for about a month, I decided to see how he felt about going on a break bc I think he needed time to figure out what he wanted from our relationship. We decided on three weeks. It’s just been so hard because he’s not just my boyfriend but my best friend.... everything reminds me of him. He is the best guy and I don’t have a single thing I don’t love about him. I love your mantra about the best is yet to I’ll keep saying that over in my head when I think I’ll never find anyone who will compare to him. Thank you


this is how I respond.... " b*ch bye"


I'm a 23 years old Egyptian pharmacist, and started watching your videos two days ago, and I can say I become an addicted to your tips and explanations and every thing even I save videos offline to watch them while I am out or in public transportation. I really really love your work, Go on and teach us more and more 💜


It takes a very very long time for most men to know exactly what they want and who they want unless they come from a very traditional family or are very religious/ but even still that's not always the truth. Men are just not fully matured yet emotionally when it comes to decision making so we have to understand that. I'm currently being put on break from my man, he asked and I respected his wants, and I'll tell you exactly why, because I don't want to be selfish and needy, and I trust his thoughts! If you can't handle a few days or weeks being without your man, than you're lacking even more faith than he is, truth is if he wants out he'll saw it with no strings attached. Time heals wounds does it not ? A break isn't always a breakup !


practice being in the here and now, being present, through yoga, meditation and with that mantra too, it's a good one !
