How To Stop Burnout At Work @TheIcedCoffeeHour

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What’s burning me out is watching people do the same work I do and make twice my pay. Then being told that I just have to do more.


high expectations+low control=burnout. only thing an employee can do is lower their expectations on their side


Appreciation goes a long way in every relationship.


Dr. really wanted to say "the rest of it can go f off"


Mine is from people constantly screwing things up, me fixing them, and then nothing happens to the people who suck


It would also help if bosses saw the value in retaining hardworking skilled employees by giving them incentives to stay . Nowadays they'd rather throw out their knowledgeable employees and keep hiring cheap, useless staff to replace until they reach a breaking point where no one knows what the hell they're doing and all the work no one else knows how to do gets pushed onto the next best person till they leave and it starts anew.


This is so true.
I used to be into hustle culture, and a part of that is " i got to work so well and so much that ill be more valued by the empoyer, and then i will negotiate a higher salary " 😂
Yeah, tough luck.
Burned myseld out, and all the mofo said was " aah, you still need to learn"
Then i asked like 30 times in the span of a month for um or another collegue to teach me whatever it was i needed to learn ( which was frankly nothing thay complex, like setting up lights and mixing a band for stage, and im a musician and artist, soo yeah)

And every time " youll need to learn"
Followed by " oh but not now, we'll see"

So never got that " negotiated raise", got burnt out.
Realised that my employer was a dumbass for not training someone who can do work very efficiently, and realised that i was a dumbass for ever caring what the employer thought of me when i was getting craps.

Then, i started to relax and say " yeah, i could do that, but who am i doing it for?"
Started working as much as any other employee, and less on occasion, started getting free days as much as i needed them, and on and off i still go work with them, but its nothing constant.

Now a part of this ofc cant be done in 99% of workplaces, but working less and not stressing out about responcibuility is cirtainly a great way to invest in yourself.

Have a lovely day

Anyway, have a good day


Do the bare minimum, never show your full potential, just a quarter of it, because if you do show your best, you'll be expected to do even more. If you start low, there's room for you to show more.
If you show you can do it all, you're just going to get used, they'll put more expectation on you, you won't be able to meet them, and you'll burn out.


THIS!!! For 10 years in the corporate environment I have been trying to push myself to work harder because of my undiagnosed ADHD. The ONLY thing that has improved my productivity is detachment.


This is my philosophy at work and it’s probably the reason I don’t quite feel burnt out at my current job. When my boss tell me to do something I do it to a T. Even tho 9 times out of 10 I immediately see a problem with what they’re asking and how it will affect productivity I don’t care bc it won’t reflect on me because I’m doing exactly what I’m told and I know that I’m still pulling my weight within the guidelines I’ve been given. If they don’t pay you to work hard and think of solutions, don’t


It’s like when you try so hard, and get so far, but in the end…


It's how much you care. it's not that I'm not going to put in effort but that seeing things go wrong consistently takes effort to suppress my desire to fix it. Maybe it's different for people without ADHD. But venting and cutting back only helps me manage it so much.

Partly Because what effort I put in, even if I scale it back, is wasted.


I feel like i started working fully prepared that i do the bare minimum ciz i know by the time i will get a 5% raise i will be already planning to leave the company


I do what I'm paid for nothing more, nothing less


I burnt out at work. Was doing multiple jobs and covering other people's workloads and shifts. Got passed over. I no longer cover or do multiple jobs. I do one job at a time and only cover if it is worth it to me to do so. I hate where I work now, but have so much more free time.


Some people just want to get paid and not do their job. Most people will do a decent job if they are somewhat appreciated. The best will do a great job regardless of appreciation right up until they snap. The latter also happens in lower & middle management a lot: lots of responsibility, good pay, but little actual control over success. At one point you just have enough of others' failures & focus on the little you can achieve for yourself and yourself only.


That turns motivation into passivity and quiet quitting. Then workers have no meaning in their job and higher-ups complain about unmotivated, passive, etc. employees. Everybody loses


For me the solution has been doing my part and resisting managements efforts to burn me out for about 3-5 years then move on to a higher paying position elsewhere and start the process over again. Ive tried it the other way and learned my lesson more than once


This explains my self destruct years ago. After working on a project for weeks, all of a sudden it had to be done this weekend, a few people were added on, and come Monday there was a disaster from rushed roll out. No credit for all the work I did well, and having to fix all the problems rushing caused. A week or 2 later I was fired for absences.


It's worse when they take credit themselve, or give credit to the person who kisses their butt the most while knowing it was you who had the stellar results.
