$100M CEO Explains: How To Make $1,000,000/Yr

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How I got here…

21: Graduated Vanderbilt in 3 years Magna Cum Laude, and took a fancy consulting job.
23 yrs old: Left my fancy consulting job to start a business (a gym).
24 yrs old: Opened 5 gym locations.
26 yrs old: Closed down 6th gym. Lost everything.
26 yrs old: Got back to launching gyms (launched 33). Then, lost everything for a 2nd time.
26 yrs old: In desperation, started licensing model as a hail mary. It worked.
27 yrs old: "Gym Launch" does $3M profit the next 6 months. Then $17M profit next 12 months.
28 yrs old: Started Prestige Labs. $20M the first year.
29 yrs old: Launched ALAN, a software company for agencies to work leads for customers. Scaled to $1.7mmo within 6 months.
31 yrs old: Sold 75% of UseAlan to a strategic buyer in an all stock deal.
31 yrs old: Sold 66% of Gym Launch & Prestige Labs at $46.2M valuation in all-cash deal to American Pacific Group. (you can google it)
32 yrs old: Started making free content showing how we grow companies to make real business education accessible to everyone (and) to attract business owners to invest or scale their businesses.

Today: Our portfolio now does $200M/yr between 10 companies. The largest doing $100M/yr the smallest doing $5M per year. Our ownership varies between 20% and 100% ownership of the companies. Many of them we invested in early and helped grow (which is how we make our money - not youtube videos).

To all the gladiators in the arena, we’re all in the middle of writing our own stories. The worse the monsters, the more epic the story.

You either get an epic outcome or an epic story. Both mean you win.

Keep crushing. May your desires be greater than your obstacles.

Never quit,


I make content to make money - just - on a longer time horizon than most. I want to build trust with business owners so we can find the best ones and help them scale. And if they’re awesome, write them a check and go all the way as partners.
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Not to brag here but I’m already a multi-hundredaire .. on my way to become a thousandaire


Growing up, I thought making $1m per year - even per month was insane. However, once you learn how to work the math backwards - it’s much more attainable than you think. Thanks, Alex!


As a business owner, I like that you offer practical advice of something that is very basic but essential to understand. We went from the early days of sales in the low thousands to now doing $100k to $250k+ deals (for current annual revenue of around $3.5m). The big difference is the lead time to land some of these deals. The bigger they are the longer they take, commonly from 12-18months so you need to be having a lot of the big discussions running concurrently. They never fall in a predictable pattern so sometimes there’s a dry spell but then again sometimes it pours!


Nice. Just calculated I need 5M views per week to make $1M per year. Very difficult but something to aim for! Great video, thanks.


FA here at a large firm. When you acquire skills and build your book to a certain level, you can make 7 figures a year at a “job”. Happy you pointed this out because nowadays everybody wants to be an entrepreneur. However, if you use a high paying job as a Segway, you can convert your high paying income into entrepreneurial enterprises and accomplish the same end goal.


Thank you so much for always been helping me thinking out of the box. Nowadays I have some recurrent high ticket clients while I keep my old low ticket clients. And the effort and enthusiasm that I put on the high ticket group is higher. Some how I feel so much motivated for taking care for big clients instead of small ones.


A breakdown of how to scale your income from hundreds to thousands is eye-opening. It's amazing how shifting your perspective on earning potential can make a world of difference. Thanks for the clarity and inspiration, Alex!


Alex. I love your videos; best of YouTube! full pack with useful information, short and to the point. You truly are impacting lives deeply and you may not even know. Just wanted to say thank you. Keep them coming champ.


Tremendous value here. Every minute felt like I was getting more than 60 seconds worth of useful data. Thanks!


Wow! Thank you. This makes so much sense. Wish I knew this 20 years ago.


This video is great, breaks down the thinking about making money.


We must create a business that limits the number of times income is constrained by time.


How did I just find this channel?? Such a hidden gem


Excellent videos! Truly the highest ROI per view on Youtube!!!


Damn I’ve seen a lot financial videos, this is damn good 👍


I was wondering on your opinion on reinventing your business after failing in the past


Should we calculate the LTV with revenue or profit that a customer brings us? I would think profit because then you know how much you can spend to aquire a cutomer and still be profitable, is this correct?


I've heard this and seen this several times as a grown up... and it totally makes sense.. yet I have failed to create something to implement this with..
But u just reminded me of "not WHAT, but HOW!"
-How do I make something WORTH.. * -To People.

Fak! THX MAYN! Many Blessings to U.


This is great. However, the cap of a salesperson's daily capacities is not solely based on time; as you stated at the end of this useful video, it is also based on energy.

I find that managing time is easier than managing energy.


$100M CEO Explains: How To Make $1, 000, 000/Yr *40, 150 views*

Drake ft. Future and Young Thug - Way 2 Sexy (Official Video) *53, 720, 864 views*

That alone should explain how to make $1, 000, 000/Yr
