Did Jesus make Alcoholic Wine? | Conversations with Dan

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Did Jesus turn the water into grape juice or wine? Dan & Jed went a bit deeper than this question to explore how our Christian influence is really what we need to consider.
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Great point with “my highest goal”. Confirming scripture about not a sin by nature, but that individual desire and reputation are paramount.


This is the best explanation one this subject that I have found on You Tube.


I am so glad I found brethren that agree with me on this subject. Here are some more points you could argue. Strong's Concordance- "implies fermentation, etc..." Why would deacons be commanded not to "not be given to much wine." ? (1 Timothy 3.8) Can you be given to much grape juice? Say this was true... I see many Church of Christ members (not sound in the faith) who are given over to much grape juice. (or other sugary drinks) The biggest tendency I see is to point the finger at alcohol and ignore the sin of gluttony. This is with no doubt in my mind Satan's doing... Thank you for not falling into that lie. There are many more points that can be made on the subject of wine and gluttony, but I just wanted to share my opinion.


Christianity has extremes in both directions. For the tee-total group, denying alcohol, we offer scripture. Amos 9:13-14. Isaiah 25:6. Luke 5:39. Anything in excess, warrants self control and self responsibility.


Oinos also means grape juice.
I just have a very hard time thinking about Jesus making so much wine that can make people drunk. I just have a difficult time putting Jesus and promoting alcohol in the same sentence.
They also called Jesus a blasphemer and remember John did not drink grape juice. So saying that Jesus came eating and drinking. Yes Jesus drank grape juice and John did not.
So I also can't see Jesus drink alcohol.
Seeing that leaven was not used in the Holy Communion bread, I can't see that alcohol wine was also used in the Holy Communion.


From my perspective, The Bible is very black and white. There are no grey areas and that includes drinking. I don't know why God would allow us to drink alcohol but then say "Well the levels of tolerance are on a personal basis." God is very clear on what is right and what is wrong so why is there still not a line to what is right and wrong when it comes to drinking? (Yes he says drunkenness but what is consider that? It's just a very grey area to me) Also, I'd much rather be on the safe side because what if you have a good relationship with God but you drink? What happens then? I'm just trying to show another perspective. This is something I see always being taken advantage of and I think because the Bible doesn't state exactly that "you cannot drink wine/alcohol substance" then people can turn it any way they want.


Nonsense , wine back then was actually stronger what about Noah ? Christ was falsley accused of being a drunkard why if he wasn't seen drinking real wine, ridiculous . Bible advocates drinking See Isa 55 : 1, Ecc 9 : 7 [Niv] bible


Very well thought out, but my issue is: Jesus created brain cells; so why would He create something else that kills what He created? Furthermore, though you might be able to sin in private but not in public, from a human standpoint, all sin is public from God's standpoint.
