PETITTI Spring Pruning Tips & Tricks

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Early Spring is the best time of year to start cleaning up the garden and pruning shrubs and perennials! Some of the best tools to have on hand are hand pruners, loppers, a pruning saw and pruning shears. Watch this video with Noelle, Horticulturist and Education Director with Petitti Garden Centers, to learn more about how clean up your garden this spring by pruning shrubs, evergreens & perennials. Even though there are a lot of spring-blooming shrubs, such as Weigela that have already set their buds for this year, it’s still good to prune out old, dead, weak branches to promote growth and the overall health of these plants. Then, after their first bloom cycle, go back in and prune for shape and structure. With evergreens such as Juniper, now is the time to prune for shape and structure as they begin to push new growth. Remember, one of the best things you can do for your plants after pruning is to give them a healthy dose of organic fertilizer to promote new growth.
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Thanks. We like selective hand pruning for the natural look as well.


I really appreciate these videos! Thank you!!


ŽI have a very large philodendron pot bound in a pot 11 inches wide. A huge root is protruding up above the pot. How should I report?
