SMITE 2 Already Dead on Arrival?

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The SMITE 2 Community is already calling the game Dead on Arrival due to the fact that you won't be able to transfer your SMITE 1 skins over to the new game!
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I'm not quite sure I'm on the "Fuck SMITE" train, but I also understand the frustrations from gamers. What do you think?


Smite has given me thousands of hours of entertainment over a decade. It's a common known thing that the game runs on spaghetti code and that the devs struggle to patch and blance it within its legacy systems. We have been asking for them to rebuild the game for years to fix its issues. Im super excited to finally see that happen. After a decade of learning and tweaking, Smite is in a great state. Hopefully those lessons learned will make a sequel that doesn't split the community, but instead brings all us legacy players back into it!


I think some of these SMITE players are coming off more as entitled than concerned. I understand the frustration of not having thousands of dollars of skins ported over to a new game, but seeing the devs say they’re rebuilding this game from UE3 to UE5, it made sense to me why that’s not possible.

I personally think that CS2, OW2 and COD have now made people expect your skins to transfer.


not having all the skins is fine but i would like to see the big tier 5 skins come back as a legacy thing still. they are cool and i will miss them dearly


It's just me that doesn't understand the outrage at all?

Like, when a new game comes out, you're not expected to keep stuff from the last game... It's been 10 years from the last game, it's more than fair to have a complete restart. Just the fact that they are trying to give some extra value to people who had spent money on the previous game seems more than fair.


I understand frustrations but I think people need to try and understand as well that there is validity to their statements. They can't just port everything over, that is not how game development even if it is on the same "engine". Even if we are generous and say that they can just port all UE3 skins to UE5 without any real work, there is still work to be done in that and I think the devs wanting to just focus on making the damn game good is commendable. They are open about the situation and while sure they are not offering a full alternative to buying stuff, they are trying to offer some alternative in the form of the legacy gems. (i don't agree with the legacy gem system, I think they should do more but their a company and they want to make money so I doubt they'll be changing that)


I think that hirez is doing this in the smartest way they can. I think that the engine transfer and the revival of smite is way more important than the skins.


6k hours loved the game since 2017 and have probably spent about 100 bucks overall in gems, thousands of dollars is crazy to imagine. And personally, as a fan of the game, I could care less about me losing my skins, I just want to play the game


This is my point of view: Many are loosing their progress. Eventually Original smite stop working and everyone be forced go to smite 2. It sucks to loose skins, but that ain't big deal. If Smite2 gem price higher, then that 50% discount just a massive lie. Don't forget you still have to buy new gems or grind for them in order to use your legacy gems. Which is just quick cash grab for them.


The 50% gems discount for me makes no sense. Lets say I spent $1000 in gems in the first game, they will give me $1000 worth of gems in the new game. But they are actually making me spend another $1000 to be able to spend my original $1000 gems. Because to use the legacy gems I must also spend new gems, its a 50 legacy / 50 new gems per purchase until my legacy gems are over.


Hmmmm okay, as someone who has played Smite for 8 years, and has spent money on skins, I'll do my best to articulate why I feel a certain way about this. And i want to make it clear, that I do not feel as strongly as the people in those twitter messages.

1. I'm sad that many of the skins will be lost to time, but I'm not mad about most of them. I enjoyed them thoroughly, and it wasn't necessarily money poorly spent.

2. I'm mad about the recently released skins, more specifically the Tier 5 skin from the yearly Odyssey event that is heavily marketed, and essentially always requires money to purchase the event, and the pinnacle skin. That happened maybe 3 months ago. That skin will not be ported into Smite 2, and it was known in Hi-Rez that the skin wouldn't be in Smite 2, and they released it and heavily marketed it anyways. That feels particularly scummy, and a slap in the face for the money spent specifically in that area.

3. The 50% off isn't necessarily bad, but it's a problem when it also requires people like myself to spend hundreds more to ever even have a chance to get through a portion of the Legacy gems, and I don't want to do that, so I won't be spending in Smite 2. I know I'm not alone with that sentiment, but Hi-Rez's primary way of making money is from SELLING SKINS. That's their thing. They sell skins. Maybe some of the other whales I've spoken to will continue to spend in Smite 2, but plenty of them won't. How is Hi-Rez going to continue to make a profit with no one wanting to buy their product?


I treat in-game purchases like the Snickers bar at checkout, I don't need it, but having it can make the day better. Once it's gone, not crying to the store to give me another for free.


Smite 1 skins that are ported over should be buyable 100% with legacy gems and ahould be labelled as legacy skins


I think people who love smite and want it to be better are hyped for smite 2. It's basically a whole new game and it looks amazing. They took what made Smite good, (the 3rd person and satisfying mechanics) and doubled down. Especially when you compare Smite to the rest of the gaming industry like you did in the second half of the video, it actually shows how Smite has been really generous.


The qualm I have is you are assuming the Legacy gems are covering a 50% discount throughout the entire game shop on every item. This is not the case. It's an option that's only going to be on a handful of items (likely low-quality, high-speed turn-over skins & battle passes) within the shop. It is not the whole shop or the entirety of its contents. Not only this, the time it would take to port a skin and redo some of the asset modeling would not take 2+ months PER skin. This is extremely disingenuous, and most of the player base is seeing through the charade. Hell, Hi-Rez is more concerned with flipping a few assets than they are making sure their base gods are going to be within the new game's Roster on launch. That's poor planning and screams cash grab. Excuse players for voicing concerns over what is so obviously a marketing stunt; a "New, entirely actual real sequel" that they made sure to point out about 6 times in their announcement trailer, is actually just a 'remake/reskin' of OG Smite. It is not a new game, it is not new concepts or new gameplay core designs. It's an updated version of what already is, what is currently already existing.

The fact they're keeping Smite 1 online for an undisclosed amount of time alongside the launch, tells us they knew the backlash was coming and the player-base split was most likely going to happen. Aside from all this, Smite has always been advertised as an on-going live-service game. It is normal for people to compare the current situation to other on-going Live-service games- aka League of Legends, Overwatch, Dota, WoW, etc. You telling people they're wrong for even making the comparison because Hi-Rez fucked off their development money & doesn't have the same building budget anymore, is a very poor assessment of the situation. Especially coming from someone who hasn't been within any information stream or played much game time of Smite in general, since ever, as you've kindly pointed out; you're incredibly naive.


Imagine Riot releasing League 2, and you lose all your skins because it doesn't carry over.
Then get a special "we're sorry" currency. With it, you can then AGAIN spend more money on their new game.
I don't even play Smite, but from my understanding Smite 2 is the exact same game but looking nice.
No new features beside it being ported from UE3 > UE5. Which prob. will also DEcrease performance, since UE showed us one thing in the last years is that it might look nice but the performance it costs is in many ways not worth the upgrade.


Imagine if RIOT pulled this and announced LOL2.

Also, BigFry, DOTA-style games are a different breed. There is a level of expectation I think. I mean, the closest comparison in terms of FPS is Counterstrike, and imagine if Valve said that none of the skins in CSGO would transfer over to CS2. It would have been a bloodbath.


I just wanted to point out one thing. Many players actually STOPPED playing Smite because Hi-Rez went way, way, too far with Skins and voice packs and the game become way, way too annoying for many to bear. I mean you have a game where GODS fight each other, you have Like... Zeus fighting Anubis and at the same time you have Ninja Turtles chasing a Hot Dog and you also have Optimus prime trying to gank them. Smite. Is. A. Mess. Hi-res ruined this game tbh. Instead of SMITE 2, Hi-Rez should simply add a filter so that "less annoying" skins would have a default look for you. Way better solution. Also, they should really hire some social behaviour psychiatrist, as the game suffers form the same issue as LOL did - too many toxic and annoying players.


I would like community polls for skins to be ported, the process would be slow and expecting every skin to be ported is ridiculous but this could be a way to slowly bring all of the greatest hits over and they could even give the skin out for free to people that already purchased it in smite 1 if they wanted


I spent like 400$ on smite and I don't care at all about those skins, the only thing I regret is that some of my favorite skins won't be there probably only because I like them, but hey, they'll make good ones here too... (but god help them port the Bacchus cat skin plz T_T)
