SMITE 2 Alpha: My Brutally Honest Thoughts So Far!

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Here's my full thoughts on the good, the bad and the ugly of the SMITE 2 alpha!

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With the launch of 24/7 this video is spiking is views and comments and I just want to put out there that this was made 3 months ago and the game is very different now than it was in this first alpha test, my views on the game are also very different. A lot (but not all) of these concerns have been put to rest since I made this video.


So glad you mentioned the auto animations. Thought I was going crazy because they seemed so laggy/ out of sync.
I think they need to increase the tower damage done to gods. The amount of tower diving my friends and I did was silly.


actually having to intentionally build items for stats now instead of having power pen lifesteal and cd on one item is massive


I'm not a fan of a lot of the big changes: the new power system, new tier 1 item system, and the new active ability items are all systems that I don't like from League of Legends, and Smite decided to mimic them. I think Smite is a game for people who don't like LOL.


An easy fix for the item menu for console players is letting players create their own "Auto Build" that buys items for them. Create your own preset builds in another menu, and then enable the auto-build so you don't have to navigate the menu.


The beads start feels so bad. You don't get to punish players for making mistakes because they just walk away.


lol its the same game its exactly what overwatch2 was trying to do by having a Patch


The only two things I have issued with are the item menu and the camera. It might be easy for PC users, but it's not friendly for console players, especially when the text board is so cramped and you can't really get the full description of the item.
Also I believe that the camera is a little bit too close to it and I can't really have a great field of view.
Also, I think they need to give the controller more freedom keybinding.
The only concern I have is I hope they do not follow the path of League of Legends because it's so close to each other the only difference if they keep going for from this is the camera and what's the point of playing it. I hope they can update the UI of the screen because it looks so Bland and so boring nothing mythical


Hope the game doesn't look this clunky during full release; I feel like even just the walking around animation looks so janky/clunky. Also, I get that they wanted to make Smite 2 unique, but some of the changes feel kinda unnecessary; just my opinions.


The graphics are clearly a concern, as of now it might as well look like a "next gen update patch" not a sequel with a different graphics engine.


Hello. I want to share my opinion as a (EU) Console Smite player since Console realise (PS4 and Latter PS5) and disclaimer my comment will be long.

The graphical shift and smoothness in new engine is nice as execpted to make engine upgrade.

The new God skill gimmics and skill efects is awsome too.

And lastly I liked jungle play as inted which means i had decent and fast farm in Jungle.

Now lets talk about negatives that will most likelly made me not to play Smite 2 eay way often as I do ob Smite ir other games.

What made Smite 1 unique than other mobas was itemization and its shop. You could build and counter build from item tree, not frim rip-off of shop item like League of Legends, which nade you abke to plan build and counter build. (Also I preffer and use classic UI in Smite)

No seperate relics and potions wards slot i huge negative and let me explaun why - for examplefew games I had full build and potion of power and I was siting on 4k gild at hand which I couldnt spend to my advantage like Smite 1 duel of buing and stacking potions to get 1v1 duel advantage and to expand on potions, you need to buy them a lot to even late game as mana and hp regen is abmysal.

When it comes to relics as items they do work in games Dota or LoL as you guys on M&K can bind it to your prefference and use them within split second reaction with perfect aim, yes i know i can change controllers setting but its hard in team fight to use them while rembering corect buttom of correct item slot, especially on controller ehen its get chaotic as it is focus on aiming at PC player who has Uncapped FPS and can juke while w keying you to death with 100% accuarcy. Also to that note I dont like and never suported forced crossplay without a fully supported and working option to turn it off, thats why I do not Play Carry, Jung or Mid on Conquest cuz one does not simply as controller can win againts Apadting, Haddix, Zapman and other less know Smite no-life PC players (no offence)

LASTLY: Spllit of Strenght and Inteligence items and scalings, good idea but once again with itemization is so stupid and its a Hypocripsy from Hi-Rez after renoval of Hybrid items (i know its not the same with power and def vs double scallings). You want crit with both hydras and poly? What about joutun with chronos? Yeach heres the irony that everything will be slightly but give a time unbalanced until slight change to itemization builds.

Support lack of auras hurts too, and as I mention again supportive active full build items its a mess and I am Solo and Support main ( jung too stressfull and toxic role, mid you get gank a lot and adc im ok as long as its not vs PC)

To close up my rant, let me tell you who ever read it, thank you and I am a fab of smite and my rant was bever meant to insult or offend anyone.

I am Smite fan and daily player and if anyone agree or dissagree please help me share my opinion as I will give a chance to Smite 2 as I liked and will change my role mid or jung :)

P.S - Revert Erlang Shen Knock-Up!


Unfortunately due to work i only managed to play 2 matches of Smite 2 in this alpha test, both as Loki. the vanish reset on a kill feels amazing and jungling in general felt really nice, overall hopefuly for the game and did enjoy the 2 matches i got to play.


I don't see people buying new pcs and consoles just to get a game with way LESS content than the original and for what? So the leaves have shadows? It will be years and a lot of money before it would get anywhere close to smite 1, I just don't see the point. When smite 1 gets shut down I just play one of the 100s of games in my backlog. I don't care about graphics and i'm not starting over with no skins. I'm not spending money just to get back what I already have.


Starter items were one of my favourite changes to smite and I think they should reconsider adding them. I really enjoyed the level 20 power spike which is now missing. Also I’m not a fan of having blink on an item it’s too crucial to the flow of the game.


Am I living in a different dimension here ?
This is simply a patch ...
I don't see any major changes that couldn't just be patched in Smite.


I'm glad that some people have seen the issue I've been saying since the Smite 2 announcement, that the free Beads is going to be an issue. I kind of figured that gods that relay on CC are going to be much weaker since everyone has Beads and that gods that need to be CCed are going to be harder to knock out.
I honestly don't like the item system or the lack of classes. It is a neat idea but without any restriction we aren't going to get really interesting niche items or effects because some gods would heavily abuse certain effects for items. Supports are going to struggle and be so far behind every game because there would be zero ways to let build items to help them out gold-wise. The only way to really fix this is to put it on the role you pick. That's going to lead to major issues like the ADC picking the Support role for the bonus gold while still playing ADC. Its going to be a real mess without any restrictions. Do note that the lack of effective life steal is because there is no item restriction, you can't put a strong life steal effect because Hunters and specific Mages will abuse them.
As a whole I do think there are a lot of good changes and I do like that they are trying new things, I just don't think that some of the changes are positive for the game.


Bro said bring back totem and make fury buff one and two more impactful. One, buy mana pots pots are instant. Two, fury’s first two buffs are quite impactful they just don’t feel like it because it’s a passive impact like returning from base quicker due to teleport not being in and good it shouldn’t if you get bullied out tough shit, play better and learn from your mistakes. The second buff where minions are taking reduce dmg from enemy minions is great when you get advantage in passive minion pushes while doing anything else. Starter items I’m glad are NOT IN and I hope they never get in. The fact things that have been in a game for ELEVEN YEARS not being here as a negative is such a bad take since smite players complain about metas being stale and itemization being different enough to allow variety. Also early beads is contentious, why not have a laning phase for once in a moba that wants to be a moba. Fineokay suggested blink as the starter. Game being slower is far more interesting than just rushing every objective. Smite players really need to understand the sequel is actually trying to be a moba more than a casual one compared to other mobas with a higher player pool which is great.


How is Blink amulet Good?

You have no power. I've Been skipping Blink and just waiting for the jungler to blink in with no power, then kill him.

I think they butchered blink. Which sucks cause i love Blink, but 200 health is not important.


Another overwatch situation...I don't understand why companies insist on reselling us things we already purchased. I think it's sleezy and disrepectful especially to long-term players.


jeez they just took ideas from other mobas and smshed it into the game. The tower bounties and dragon effects from LOL. There is no innovation and really seems like a smite ripoff with added things. Reminds me of a chinese company. Glad i never bought it. Can't wait to play and have increased INT...
