SMITE 2's Biggest Problem Right Now...

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This has to change...

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Seen a lot of comments essentially saying 'small playerbase makes decent matchmaking impossible' and rather than respond to each one individually, I'll summarize it here:

Yes, a playerbase this small WILL lead to worse matchmaking outcomes than a game with 100s of thousands of concurrent players.
However, SMITE 2 is averaging basically the same player numbers as SMITE 1 rn and while S1 matchmaking has taken a hit due to declining player numbers, S2's matchmaking is definitely way worse, so it's not JUST a player count issue. Better can be done than what is being done right now.


I think adding ranked was a bad idea its an alpha and having ranked in an alpha just splits the player base even more


This is literally impossible to fix at this point considering how low player base is. It's this, or waiting 30+ minutes for match. And majority want faster queues.


I had a yimir support who started mid never left mid, never helped, left at 15minutes, we then won a 4v5… matchmaking is wild


the matchmaking is shit because of the low player base. the low player base is due to the fact that you have to pay 25 bucks to play the game currently


I also think damage is too high, building full tank doesn’t feel like it because gods like Susano and Loki still full burst you


This is what is called a playerbase issue. As of writing this steamdb shows 2004 players on Smite 2 right now. These kinds of numbers cannot sustain healthy matchmaking.
If 100 000 people were playing Smite 2 right now the matchmaking would turn out fine, but due to how small it is currently the matchmaking will be shit.


With this type of ranked experience, they should be paying us to test their alpha because it is absolute torture to even play. I think I'm done playing ranked. Watching made-up numbers go down because of griefing team mates just hurts me too much.


You make great points throughout the video that definitely need to be addressed, but this is a closed alpha with a small devoted playerbase. I think we should still be providing feedback and pushing for change, but in a way that a knowledges that the game is not even close to out yet.


Personally, as a casual who comes and goes, I'm still grinding Divine Legacy in Smite 1.


This literally just happened to me. My first ranked game had Inbound on my team and my second had Inbound on the enemy team


I have played probably 25 games of casuals so far and I would say in about 20 of those there is at least one troll/DC. Its so brutal


My biggest complaint is that (as a support main) Bacchus is banned every game by the enemy team and im usually top two mmr on my team (as a gold 3-1) and the enemy team picks sol/jing and hyper farms my carry once i leave lane and my team usually has another absolute bot elsewhere causing me to be in 3v5 or 4v5 matchups


This problem is caused by a multitude of reasons.

1) The player base is far too small. They NEED to make this alpha open to all. Just go the smite 1 route and make 5 gods free to play and rotate them out every week

2) The pros/tryhards need to realize they are not helping by sweating every single match. They need to just chill and solo que. Having the top player in the world against someone who's playing their 2nd match ever is stupid, and the match outcome is already set before the game even starts. They really shouldn't even have ranked at this point in the game. Remove it so the player base is less split. I'm honestly amazed that people are even queing ranked with how the game is. People should know the experience will be shit

3) This isn't just a problem with ranked. The same shit is happening in casuals also. I've played probably like 50-60 matches of Arena/Casual Conquest and I've had maybe 2-3 actual GOOD games that were close, it's always a fucking blowout on one side or the other. 1 team always has 1 or 2 people who are just clearly fucking lost without a clue what's happening. I get in the lobby and choose support role, pick Athena and then have 3 other teammates not choose a role and pick random shit. The game starts and I have 4 people on my team in fucking due wtf? They then die 6 times in 3 minutes, then quit the game, rinse, and repeat for 6 games in a row.

4) They need to go back to how smite 1 items and gods were classified. They need to get rid of this intelligence/Strength shit and just go back to magical or physical with gods having actual I'm tired of seeing someone pick Ymir support, then building full damage crit and feed their fucking brains out. It's just confusing for new people and annoying for veteran players. Give gods an identity again and make items better balanced based on if they are magical or physical. Building crit on Anhur should have different power and scaling then Building crit on Sol

5) The game is missing so many basic features right now, like I cant role que, I cant type in game to help all these new people who are just walking around clueless, I cant even surrender at 5 minutes when my troll Solo dies 7 times at 4 minutes then rage quits, I have to wait till 10 minutes? Like why is this stuff missing when its been in smite 1 for year's?

There is much more but thats just a taste of what I think the problem is. I have probably 8-9k hours in smite 1 so i'm not new by any means but stuff needs to be changed asap if they want this game succeed. The game's been out 1 week and I'm already bored and fed up with the BS


I hope this is just a playerbase issue, but as someone who briefly tried SMITE 1 when I heard SMITE 2 was in the works, the matchmaking at new player MMR for conquest almost made me quit the game. I had a blast in arena and 3v3, then almost quit after 4 games of conquest where every game was a stomp one way or another, or had leavers / griefers. They really need to put in some work to make matchmaking function better for new account mmrs, since that is the first impression many will get. I understand in smite 2 play test it could be more of a player base issue, and I hope that's all it is.


Most Smite streamers have a 90% win rate in ranked with a lower win rate in casual games. People usually tell you to play ranked because matches should be fairer but matchmaking is completely broken. Smite 2 is unplayable at this point. They have had 12 years to fix this in multiple Hirez games. They have no excuse for this to be a problem at this point.


Well it's called "Ranked Test Season" for a reason.
There's just is not enough players at all right now to sustain quality matchmaking. It's a ranked game mode in a Closed Alpha. There's no incentives to play ranked at all. There's no onboarding systems to help new players learn. And there's only 20 something playable characters.
The only people playing ranked atp are the top 100 players in the world, or people who have never played a MOBA before trying their first game. Not much in between.

It's not like there's a level floor, or a god mastery floor even implemented yet. That alone would filter out 90% of the people who can play Ranked rn.

It just needs more time and more players to start dropping in. So many ppl are still waiting to play Smite 2


Honestly, I never played much conquest in Smite 1 (even then it was just casuals, not ranked) for that reason: most of my games had someone either spawn DC from not getting the role they wanted or ragequit if they died a time or two early game. Whatever penalties they had in the first game just weren't enough to actually deter people. Winning a 5v4 isn't even very fun and playing a 4v5 out with F7 warriors is pure pain.

I'll probably get into Smite 2 when more game modes come out (back in the day, I mained casual joust from 2014-19 and mostly clash/slash or assault since then).


For now I would make it as simply as "players can't have more than 2.000 MMR difference in one lobby".

It doesn't need to be super fair for now, Smite 2 has quite a few spaces it need works on. But it should feel quite a bit better then.


i see a few issues with smite 2 right now.
1. tower bounties. not only does this make game stale cause people will just sit under towers and just wait till you need to back and poke your tower down as your jungler refuses to stop them. it makes it so you can get seriously behind if you ever rotate promoting stale gameplay. cause the bounties are enough that you can get a whole half item ahead start out clearing the enemy laner and just snowball lane. it used to be a strategy to not kill towers it was better to keep them alive and just push wave under make enemy lose farm. its less viable now.
2. picking up multiple buffs. promotes selfish game play. ive gone whole matches and get to pick up 1 buff all game on my side of the map. i had to steal enemies cause jungler just takes all buffs whether he needs them or not.
3. i really think they need to remove the small back camps. if your not getting them you can fall behind but if you get them on que you wont have time to gank enough and team can fall behind. not mention loki can abuse them as he can just steal and leave getting 8 free camps to farm. and power level game right now. in smite 1 you do like camps for 1 min then choose a lane to gank (super fun). in smite 2 you just yellow 2 back camps mid side camps 2 back camps red camp then maybe gank if your teams still alive. there are 2 mid side camps if enemy is at 1 you go to other cause if you die you will get severely behind.
