7th Day Adventist vs CATHOLIC! (On Catholic Church Changing the Sabbath)

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7th Day Adventist vs CATHOLIC! (On Catholic Church Changing the Sabbath). 7th Day Adventists say the Catholic Church ADMITS to changing the Sabbath and has quotes to prove it. But the SDA quotes are bunk! Catholic Truth debunks these SDA Sabbath quotes one by one.

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Related Searches: catholic vs 7th day adventist, 7th day adventist vs catholic, catholic church sabbath quotes, catholic church admits they changed the sabbath, 7 adventist

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You are so educated, much love to you


My commant has nothing to do with the topic. I've heard a miracle that happened in Japan. When they lunched the atomic bomb in one of the cities, a Catholic Church stood up (it was the only building that withstood the damage in its range), and the dudes that were at it survived without any damage by the radiation. It's an interesting topic to study.


I met some Adventists that jealousy keep the sabbath. However none of them have any jewish roots!!!
Go figure!!!


To our SDA Brethren, honesty is the best policy, always with due diligence for fact checking


The Catholic Church never changed the Sabbath because Judaism is still having their sabbath on Saturday at present. Jesus built His own Church, therefore, Jesus left Judaism. Even St Paul left Judaism and followed the church built by Jesus Christ


The real hunger today is the hunger for truth, Jesus tells his disciples that when the helper comes will tell you all truth.. This is the kyros the right time for the whole world to discuss and discover where this truth lays. Thanks, Bryan and all your other defenders of the Catholic faith and truths. Shalom


There are 4 heresies in the New Testament.

1. Judaizing - Paul and Barnabus contronted the Pharisee party of circumcision. The SDA are modern-day Judaizers.

2. Faith Alone - The Holy Spirit rejects this as a doctrine through both James and Paul.

3. Jesus was an angel - This was confronted by the author of Hebrews.

4. Gnosticism/Dualism - In the past 500 years, Protestantism and its many denominations, cults and sects have adopted different forms of Gnosticism and Dualism.

The Baptism of the SDA should be considered invalid because of the hate that the SDA harbors for the ancient Catholic Faith.


God bless this YouTube channel: Catholic Truth, Brother Bryan, and all the hardworking individuals behind this awesome channel for their tireless dedication and efforts, basically in preaching the truth and, most importantly, defending the faith and doctrines of the one and true church established by Jesus Christ Himself.


"The (Catholic) Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her Founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant claiming the Bible to be the only guide of faith, has no warrant for observing Sunday. In this matter, the Seventh-day Adventist is the only consistent Protestant." The Catholic Universe Bulletin, August 14, 1942"

I agree with quote. It's like they want to be applauded for being more consistant in their Protestantism than Protestants are. So be it? If you are a Christian you follow Christ and HIS Church HE founded and gave His Authority to. Why would you want to be Protestant Protesting God's Church? Protesting Jesus Christ who you claim to be following? To follow Protestantism is to follow 16th-21st century man.


Jesus is our fulfillment so he is our sabbath and we observe the Lord’s day and worship on that day .


Thank you 🙏 one day you will explain and debunk the AnaBaptist and weird things like the Mennonites.


Former reformed baptist here. Can’t believe all the lies that are spewed against Gods Holy church. So glad that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the true gospel which lies within the Catholic Church.


The New Sabbath celebrates a New Rest (Hebrews 4?). The seventh day sabbath was sign of the Old Creation and we observe the sign of the New Creation which is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


I saw a video where Doug Batchelor (SDA teacher) where He was “falsely” teaching Jesus Christ and Michael the arc-angel are same person.


Bryan you are correct. When I was in RCIA, the bishop in the diocese I lived in at the time would not accept my Adventist baptism because they were not confident all Adventists are consistent in their teachings. I said no problem! I want to be baptize again!!


Question for Protestants: What parts of the law of Moses do you think the Catholic Church follow? Do we abstain from pork? I violate that every Saturday night. Only one fabric? I also wear more fabrics. Do we sacrifice animals? I don’t see that. Verse context is something special.


Actually, Jesus was accused twice by the Pharisees of breaking the Sabbath for healing a man and allowing his apostles to pick grains of wheat on a Sabbath day.
God used the law as a measure for sin. The law is the fuel that ignites and causes sin to explode. The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. Those who are under the law are under the curse of sin and death; they are still seeking justification and righteousness by the works of the law. They don't fully trust Christ who became for us wisdom from God as well as righteousness, sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, " Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord. "
The Old Covenant was the ministry of death whereas the New Covenant is the ministry of the Holy Spirit, of new life and of righteousness.
Jesus is the first fruits of God's creation/recreation.
St Paul, one of the greatest apostles, did not get his teachings out of the bible or even from the first apostles of Christ but by divine revelation.


I am on a mission to Evangelize for Catholic Truth. They have the best most comprehensive videos I can find. All respect to Catholic Answers but Catholic Truth gives better references & makes it easier to understand. Thank you so much Brian!


Seventh Day Adventists are not Christians. They use a book titled The Great Controversy, written by Ellen G. White, a 19th Century heretic, as their "theme" or also understood as their world view. That work of fiction demotes Jesus to the level of Lucifer, it describes the Father as a cruel tyrant and Jesus has to beg him to be merciful. It describes that our sins are placed on Satan and they refer to Leviticus 16's azazel. The Great Controversy are the glasses they first put on before reading the Bible. So to summarize, the reason for their misunderstanding/heresy is they have to look through a heretical mediator (ellen G. White) when trying to look at God. They need the true Gospel shared with them, 1 Cor 15:1-4.


Even if the church had changed it, so what? She would have the authority to just like she had the authority to change circumcision.
