Why Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses have the SAME Beliefs! (Shocking beliefs)

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Why Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses have the SAME Beliefs! While Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses may seem very different at first, they share a lot of core beliefs.

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I'm from Slovakia, a predominantly Catholic country; I encountered the JW's when I was like 6 years old, a classmate of mine in preschool was telling me about the end of the world that is coming and only those who know the Bible will be saved. I remember I was thinking I'm safe because I had my children's Bible and have read all of it 😅. My mum explained to me about the JW's, this girl's mum was apparently one. They were actually viewed as a dangerous cult in my country back then. It was at the time of the fall of the Communist regime. The girl's mum unfortunately died by falling out of her window, we all thought it was connected.
Currently the JW's are one of the registered religions in my country, meaning they get government subsidy for the ministers' pay. However they are still viewed as a cult, mostly because of their beliefs about blood transfusions etc.
The SDA also operate here but they're an even smaller minority. They have a better reputation because some of their members are big at promoting healthy lifestyle and vegetarian cuisine. One of the biggest and oldest producers of vegetarian food esp. made from soy in the country was actually founded by a SDA.
We also have a very small minority of evangelical churches and they are usually viewed as cults too, esp the charismatic and prosperity gospel ones.
A very different situation than in the US I suppose 😅


I was sda, glad iam home now with my family. Never regretted making that decision. Humble catholic rite here❤❤


I am glad that I was raised Catholic. It is a lot less confusing.


I learned so much that I didn't know, Bryan. And I've been studying both sects for awhile as I have friends in both. Thank you & God bless you! ☺️🙏


So sad I was caught up in this evil cult of J. W. For 19yrs. Worst mistake of my life. Did me so much family damage. Blessed to be back in the Catholic Church almost 9yrs ago. Thanks to E.W.T.N The Journey Home started me back on my journey back to the Catholic Church. Thank you Brian. I enjoy your wonderful knowledge as well .God bless you.


As exJw this is really fun to learn new thing about my ex religion. I knew there was connection, but I never knew more about it, when I was there. After I left I become an atheist and many JWs that I know are like me or dont want to join to any other religion. I ponder is it also like this with ex member of SDA or if theyll leave they rather like to go to join to other religion.


Just brilliant discussion keep it coming


It's important to remember that the people that attend these sects believe they are Christians, believe in God and in Christ, and are more often than not good loving people; they are simply misguided or have been led astray. I was raised as JW, and after 20 years of wanting nothing to do with religion while recovering from the first 20 of trauma, I can tell you I am glad to have found the Catholic Church. It was the good example of everyday people as well as friends and family that led me to learn more and take my first RCIA class. So, keep this in mind: your example can help others!


My dad and his wife are Jehovah’s witnesses. Recently my dad and I have been arguing about the Trinity. I’m a Protestant. But I’m interested in Catholicism, but that neither here nor there. I know my dad is worried about my salvation, he only wants what he believes is best for me, and I’m glad he cares enough to argue with me. I believe the trinity is correct, but honestly I don’t know enough to defend it and it is complex. I also believe that it’s not really my place to argue with my dad about his faith. But I want to know the truth for myself. I’ve gone to Catholic Answers, but again it’s a complex topic. Do you guys have any advice here?


Part of that soul sleep doctrine comes from ecclesiastes 9:5
Edit to add i am a former JW. I used to knock on doors trying to convert people. I could talk for hours about the mental gymnastics witnesses go through to stay in "the truth"


Restorationism. Its like a whole branch of churches coming out of the 19th century or end of the 18th. My sister is a die hard JW and I have attended both JW and SDA churches, but never joined. I can see some similarities and some differences, but the deep seated animosity toward Catholics is rampant in their teachings. It's as if they could put aside their differences and make their own united front against anyone that questions or disagrees with their belief construct and dogmas. It's really sad to that any religion alters someone's thinking to reject their own family members especially when people need help.


I am Catholic the only one of my siblings who attends church now, I have been helping out in my local church since Easter 2000. I have a neighbour who is a jehovah witness and married to a church of ireland man. I knew about her religion and growing up from when I moved to a town to when we moved to the countryside we had one or two jehovah witness members visit trying to convert us. It lasted a few months until my mom got bored and invite them in telling them she was not moving religions but would make them tea talk of anything else. 😂 They would come in and for years mom was friends with them. They would now and then leave a magazine, a calendar every year to make out they were trying to convert my mom to others in their local hall.

I had no idea jehovah witnesses was so similar to seven days adventists.

In Cork City Ireland the synagogue closed down early 2000s. There was not enough male members to keep it open. A beautiful part of the city used to be known as the Jewish sector and the park there is called Shalom park. The old synagogue a few years back became a seven days advetists church.


I was raised a JW and have family still very much involved with the religion. I remember we passed a Romanian Seventh Day Adventists church on the way to the Kingdom Hall and when I would ask my relatives or other members about them since they looked so similar in terms of dress. The answer I got was “oh they are like Pentecostals” and they use that broad brush on a lot of other Protestant religions and you go on and don’t question or research because that’s a big “no no!” It’s not till I left that you realize how similar they are to the Witnesses also recently a colleague of mine from the Philippines told me they sounded a lot like “Iglesia de Cristo” that’s gaining a lot of traction.


keep teaching us, I have learned a lot from you. thank youl


When I was at Ohio State University I love debating JW’S and Mormons etc.


I know the history of both. Thanks for sharing this video. God bless


Interesting- the perception is that all these different religions break away from the Catholic church. No. They are breaking away from each other.


My wife's uncle is a SDA pastor. His little church was "famous" for billboards and newspaper articles against the catholic church in the 90s. I enjoy refuting his nonsensical claims.

Two major things in common are that their founders had Arian/semi Arian beliefs just like the Jehovah Witnesses. This is why they both believe Jesus is literally Michael the archangel.

This is one of their own theologians who sat in the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists. They oversee the whole SDA church in the world from Silver Spring Maryland. Their founder's Christology and Pneumatology were incorrect.

"Our pioneers clearly held Arian or semi-Arian views in regard to the person of Christ. They understood “firstborn over all creation” (Col 1:15) and “only begotten Son” (John 3:16) in a literal sense. The Father, therefore, was first and superior, and the Son, who had a beginning sometime in eternity, was subordinate to the Father. A corollary of this view was the belief that the Holy Spirit is an influence or the power of God, but not a person." (Gerhard Pfandl, Biblical Research Institute, The Doctrine of the Trinity Among Seventh-day Adventists; Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 17/1 (Spring 2006): 160-179)


When I studied with the witnesses the one glaring problem I noticed is the michael is jesus thing. The prophet Daniel and John the revelator both saw visions of the son of man and the archangel michael. It's just too much of a coincidence that neither prophet noticed they were the same person.


Catholic truths seems to not really understand the beliefs of seventh day adventists at all, notice how he ignores the most obvious difference between the sda church and jehovas witnesses which is the fact that jws reject the trinity while sdas agree about the trinity. That is a huge difference that this man ignored. Furthermore he makes claims about how sda chuches have different beliefs about hell, of course we do, because we go by scripture unlike catholics. Let me begin by making the strongest argument that hell is not “eternal torment” rather “eternal destruction”. Matthew 10:28 reads “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Notice how that verse says God can destroy both body and soul in hell, not eternally torment… furthermore revelations mentions a second death 4 times as what will happen to the wicked, not eternal torment, you see it in revelations 2:11, 20:6, 20:14, and 21:8. Last time I remember when you die you seize to exist, the first death we all experience including the righteous, but the second death is reserved for the wicked as said in revelations… I will also prove that soul sleep is biblical as well in my further rebuttal. Meanwhile I will keep proving with more verses that hell in the bible is about a second death, perishing, or destruction, not eternal torment. John 3:16 reads “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Notice how that verse reffers to perishing of those who reject Jesus, while those who accept him have everlasting life, that verse does not mention eternal torment for people who reject Jesus Christ, rather perishing for them. Malachi 4:verse 1 reads “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.” What does it mean to burn something up? And to not leave root nor branch? It means the wicked will be destroyed, not tormented eternally. Furthermore verse 4 reads “And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.” That verse says the wicked will be ashes under the feet of the righteous, not eternally tormented. Also what is the wages for sin? Death, not eternal torment, this is said in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Notice how verse after verse reffers to the punishment of the wicked as destruction, a second death, or perishing, not eternal torment. I already know the arguments catholics make to try and justify their false belief of eternal torment and I welcome any catholic who reads this to post those verses so we can go over them in context. I already know the most common arguments include the rich mans parable, revelations 14:11, the verse about the worm, the fire of hell being called eternal ect… please catholics I welcome you to make those arguments. Now I will prove that soul sleep is a true doctrine, ecclesiastes 9:5-6 reads “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.” Wait that verse tells us the dead “know nothing”, it does not say they are being eternally tormented at all. The best proof of eternal sleep/soul sleep actually comes from Jesus himself regarding the ressurection of lazarus. John 11:11-14 reads “These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep. Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.” Notice how Jesus himself reffers to lazarus as being asleep as he is dead, he does not say he is in heaven, nor in eternal torment. 1 thessalonians 4:16 reads “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” Wait, that verse is regarding the second coming of Jesus, it clearly tells us that the dead in christ will rise first, it does not say anything about the dead in christ having already risen. Revelations chapter 20 I reccomend all of you people read it, tells us in verse 5 that those dead who did not rise after Jesus came back will not rise after 1, 000 years have finished…. The wicked however will remain in their grave until the day of judgement according to matthew 13:41-42 which reads “As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” That verse tells us the angels of God will gather the wicked at the end of the world. Also the sabbath is something the seventh day adventists take seriously, because it is the 4th commandment written in the law of God aka the ten commandments, I already have rebutted catholic truths answers regarding the sabbath which he has failed to address with an accurate response. I challenge all catholics to prove me wr
