Battle of Tours - The Franks Beat Back the Muslim Caliphate DOCUMENTARY

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Script: Ethan Symons-Ferraro
Illustrations: Nargiz Isayeva

#Documentary #Muslims #France
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Revisionists have tried to portray the Battle of Tours (Poitiers) as a raid and not an invasion. However, looking at the map and seeing how far the Caliphate had marched into Francia and the size of the Caliphate's army, would lead one to believe that this was an attempt at conquest. The "Hammer" saved Europe.


Tours inevitably stopped the arab conquest going further north.
But in 735, they pushed east through Provence and Rhone valley. Charles decided to go there with his army and defeat them again. He started his campaign in 737, and to me, this campaign is much more significant in the history of France and in the process of repelling the muslim conquest than Tours. In 737, he cleared the rhone valley and took back every fortress of Provence in enemy hands one by one. Then, he entered Septimania, the only region north of the Pyerenees formally under Ummayad rule. He took all major cities except Narbonne. The Ummayad tried to help Septimania and sent a large force through the port of Narbonne to defeat Charles. He intercepted this force at the battle of River Berre and decisively defeated them.
The battle of river Berre is very important, maybe equal or even more important than Tours. Because it made the Ummayads understand that they will inevitably lose Septimania and could not match Frankish power. From then, the Ummayads stopped sending reinforcements and soldiers north of the Pyrenees, somewhat accepting the fate of losing this land. Which happened a few years later when Charles' son, Pepin, laid Siege to Narbonne and took the city forcing the muslim survivors to choose between going back to the Emirate of Cordoba or being slaughtered on the spot.
The Ummayads never tried any invasion of the Frankish kingdom again.


Slight correction on the artwork. Charles Martel was famously clean-shaven. It is said that during the battle "Charles removed his helmet so his men could see his clean shaven face and rally to him"


Charles didn't just buy an army with the loan from the Pope from some mercenary shop, most of the men with him at Tours were his seasoned veterans who have bled with him in many battles for over a decade by that point. Umayyads didn't just stumble upon a clever and shrewd strategist, they came upon arguably the hardest dudes in Western Europe at the time. Charles Martel saved Europe from Arabic conquest, there oughta be a statue of him on every corner everywhere in Europe.


The battle of Tours is a good example for a counter-tactic. The Arabs strength was a mobile cavalry, with which they had beaten romans (east-rome), Persians, Visi-Goth and anyone they faced. The Franks knew the mix of the arab armys and their strategy since their vassal aquitaine was invaded by the arabs many times. So if your enemy is strong in mobility and setting traps, you can counter it with just dont play the mobility-game, but threatening his supply lines with your army, what he cant ignore. Another point is, since the arabs had experienced few resistence in europe until meeting the franks, they probably have judged the franks as relatively weak. In fact the franks where a nation that has grown by beating all other germanic kingdoms and tribes around in permanent wars. This facts and the seize of the frankish kingdom that could recruit many many warriors explains why the franks stopped the arabs, which many other nations including east-rome, persia and visigoth has failed to do.


Charles “The Hammer” prepared for this battle carefully and thoroughly. Impressive.


I’ve been waiting for K&G to do this battle for literally years! Thank you so much, great content like always 👍🏻


"Had there not be Frankish mountain, Arabian sea would drown us all."

Serbian leader, poet, philosopher and ruler - Petar II Petrović Njegoš, in his majestic work, "Gorski vijenac"


Charles Martel saved the future culture of France and ultimately, Europe.


What an insane and historically pivotal battle. I never get tired of hearing new analysis of it.


Hands down my favorite medieval era battle! ⚔️ 🇫🇷


In the land of Franks, a champion stood,
Charles Martel, a name known for good.
With valor and might, he led the fight,
His victory in Tours, a beacon of light.

A defender of faith, a warrior bold,
His story in history forever told.
Against the Moorish horde, he did prevail,
With courage and strategy, he did not fail.

Oh Charles Martel, a hero of his land,
With sword in hand, he made his stand.
For Christianity and the French way,
He fought to protect them day by day.

Through battles fierce, he carved his name,
A legacy of strength, forever to claim.
In Tours, his triumph echoed loud,
As Europe rejoiced, their spirits unbowed.

His importance, not just for Frankia alone,
But for all of Europe, his leadership shone.
He saved the continent from a dire fate,
Preserving its culture, its values innate.

Charles Martel, a symbol of resilience and pride,
A guardian of faith with his people beside.
His legacy lives on, through generations past,
A hero of France, his memory will last.

So let us remember this noble knight,
Whose victories brought hope in the darkest night.
Charles Martel, a champion true,
We honor your legacy, forever anew.


Proud to know Charles Martel is my 39th great grandfather. Most europeans are decended from him so im no one special but still. Incredible to know that fact


I would argue that France had a stronger centralization, and that is what kept the kingdom more focused on defeating their enemies


The second I saw not one, but 6 videos about Prussia for members only, holy. I've never ran that fast for my credit card before. I'm watching them all after this, you guys have grown so much, the one about the First Crusade is just a masterpiece. As a historian, I cannot say how much I enjoy your videos.


"Crusade was unprovoked and unjustified agression"
The umayyads:


By this time (732), the Muslim Empire (Caliphate) had expanded so much vast & over such diverse populations & territories, that it would ultimately reach to a breaking point if proper consolidation policies wouldn't been applied in the newly conquered territories.
And this is the mistake which Umayyads did, as they didn't properly consolidate territory in West Africa (today Morocco), Iberia, Indus & Transoxiana, leaving thus the regions at a risk of rebellion, which when combined with defeats at Tour (732) & in India & Transoxiana in 730s & finally led to serious inside revolts one of them being the Berber Revolt in 740, leading to the empire getting fractured from inside (Third Fitna & Abbasid Revolution), that ultimately resulted in the halting of expansion of Caliphate.
Because by this time, almost 100 years in war, you shall not keep winning on tactics, politics & strategy also come into play to keep such far flung empire united, which the Umayyads failed to do, as they faced serious revolts both inside & shocking defeats outside resulting in to bring their own downfall.


I sit here weeping at witnessing so much greatness while my achievements has equated to a fraction of what these titans of history have accomplished. Thanks for posting gents


All these Muslims in the comments seething about a battle they lost 1000+ years ago will never not be funny


Never knew how much I’d enjoy Islamic history. More please!!
