The Battle of Tours: a turning point in European History

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Charles Martel led his forces to victory over Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi in a struggle in France in 732. The History Guy remembers the battle of Tours, also called Battle of Poitiers, and the start of the Reconquista. It was a turning point in European history.

The episode discusses events and shows some artwork depicting a period of war, which some viewers may find disturbing. All events are described for educational purposes and are presented in historical context.

The History Guy uses images that are in the Public Domain. As photographs of actual events are often not available, I will sometimes use photographs of similar events or objects for illustration.

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The episode is intended for educational purposes. All events are presented in historical context.

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@ "The History Guy"... you are so freaking awesome! You literally make my life better, I hope you know that... When you upload a new video it brightens my day; it's the antithesis of receiving bad news :) Please keep it up Sir, you make the world a brighter and more interesting place. I was having a fairly crap night... taking a walk and listening to your video and it did a world of difference and now I feel so much better! Take care Sir! : D


I know of Tours, but not the surrounding history--which as usual, the History Guy does so all! Thanks as always.


I think some people saying it was just a raid is a little disingenuous. Even if the Moors' "only" goal was to plunder Tours, they were led by the governor himself, and they were also well aware that they were probing the defences of the Franks. If they had met no serious defence, and had succeeded in sacking Tours, they would have been back with a larger army.


Very interesting video, thanks! In Spain, the battle is known as the Battle of Poitiers. Also, I believe Martel actually means "hammer", which is the moniker. That is, Charles Martel translates as Charles the Hammer.


His strategy of fighting on a sloped hill with forests protecting his flanks is one of the many things mentioned in Sun Tzu's book. It at least shows that he had a good grasp on tactics and strategy, and knew very well what the strengths and weaknesses of his army where. Hes a very underappreciated military commander.


"The 15 decisive battles of The World, from Marathon to Waterloo" by Sir Edward Creasy, is a great book to read, and covers this battle.


The Moors also brought to Tours another innovation called "stirrups." Martel was quick to adopt them and used them to build his heavy cavalry. With which he heavily defeated the Moors 5 years later. The first battle in which European cavalry used stirrups.


This is actually one of the few topics on this channel I actually learned about in grade school history class.


Just discovered that Charles "The Hammer" Martel is my 39th Great Grandfather so I especially enjoyed this episode. Of course we're all related cousins but it's cool to see it documented all the way back.


I wish I had this kind of analysis and presentation when I was in High School. I would have aced every history test!


Thanks for mentioning the controversy over the significance of Tours. I discuss that as well in our video on the battle. Well done as always Sir.


Brilliant! I am quite fond of this topic, as I have always been interested in Charlemagne. So while I did know about the topic, as always your presentation was magnificent! I always come away from you wonderful video feeling enlightened. Superb job!


After what has happened in Serbia we should consider ourselves lucky that the "Moors" did not make more inroads into Europe. I love your channel and your programing choices.


I don't know what Charles was called before Tours, but he only got the byname "Martel" afterward: "Martel" MEANS "hammer", y'see, and they didn't know to call him that before he "hammered" the Moors at Tours. Also, the tomb of St. Martin in the picture is recent: 19th century. Given St. Martin's prominence, the original tomb would presumably have been quite magnificent -- enough, anyway, to pique the greed of Abdul Rahman. But it wasn't anything like the gothic basilica that eventually rose on the spot in the following centuries. Times change, though, and the basilica -- its nave over 100 m long -- was so neglected during the French Revolution that it had to be torn down: only two towers remain.Later -- late 19th, early 20th centuries -- a new basilica was built over the original site, and this is what's in your photo.


Always good stuff! Thank you History Guy!


That was a excellent episode. I had read about that battle before, but never read about the strategy. Best channel on YouTube! I miss history cat.


This and the History Underground are the two best channels on YouTube!!


Good video sir, keep up the good work. i love your channel


...we learned about Tours in 4th grade - in 1958 - "Charles Martel 'Charles 'the Hammer' defeated the Moors at Tours...


History Guy you are what makes up my breaks between studying Biochem thank you!
