Should I give my ex their stuff back after a breakup?

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A separation can leave you confused and many people wonder : “ Should I give my ex their stuff back after a breakup?” ; If you still love your ex and are hoping to turn things around and get back together you may be holding on to their stuff in the hope of maintain a bond or holding on to the past!

Other people who reach out to me asking should I give my ex their stuff back after a breakup also don’t want to seem desperate; I have also seen those that get very emotional when looking at old pictures, clothes or belongings from the person that they once considered their partner!

As a relationship expert I have helped many many people who wondered what they should do and how they should act! If you are also asking yourself Should I give my ex their stuff back after a breakup ; this video is a great place to start!

It would be my pleasure to help!




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Well said by saying Yes to give back ex stuff. It's better to give back those things instead of crying for the person who doesn't love u. And move forward positively by achieving our goals, aim in life rather than crying.


One of my exs years ago kept my band sweatshirt that was signed by the band members and I never got it back. I'm still pissed about it, I had a lot of emotional attachment to it. I learned a huge lesson for damn sure lol


Adrian, thanks a lot for your videos, especially for one with multiple breakups. I understood myself better and also realised why so many times I pushed my ExB away. Finally with result, he gave up with me, and he tried 6 years😥 Now he said, he only want me as a Friend, he fell in love and he is happy. I broke with him more than 1 year ago and I realised that I do not wanna leave without him. But it seems too late. I know there is always hope, but I cannot do anything now. It s the most though lesson of my life ever. Thank you for your voice which brings me support and calm in this worst time ever. I honestly appreciate you and your work.


When we break up with my x yesterday coz what he did to me is not good i found that he is cheating with me and no regret immediately told me we need to end this relationship coz I didn’t love you ...that’s why what he did I told him give me all the stuff that I give you ...and now I’m thinking I’m so bad question in my self now I’m so bad what I’m doing even he didn’t value all the things I did for him for almost 3yrs ...😭😭😭


I agree keep no physical items to prolong the past. If it’s theirs give it back. Easy.


My ex broke up with me almost 4 wks ago and I gave her her stuff back the day she broke up with me. I put everything in a basket for her so she could pick up it from my place but I dont think she ever gave me mine. Ive been in NC for a week and I dont want to break it. She texted me a week after she broke it off that she missed me and thinks she made a mistake. The next week she said she thinks we should be single for awhile. Shes wishy washy and said she hadnt made a decision as off a week ago but I wonder why she hasnt returned my stuff. Like a picture I made for her, my hoodies and jackets, and other small stuff. She has blocked me on all her social media sites because I didnt agree to be friends.


what if your trying to give his things back but he wont take it back?


I just want my bear and stuff back 😒I gave everything back he gave me. It’s ridiculous. I expect too much of people . There’s no reason to keep my stuff or lying where it is😒he broke up with me ticks me off how he still has it. He said I was one of the things he had to loose when he went to AIT training. 😒😒but oh let me keep your stuff. Sounds crazy.


this helped so much. u have no clue. I broke up with my boyfriend over summer break because I found out he was talking to other girls the school year is about to start there's only two more days until school starts, I still have three of his hoodies that he gave me and I was frantic about giving them back well I'm going to have enough courage this time to give them back.


i just have gifts from my ex and i dont know if i should get rid of them they just make me emotional every time i look at them


Adrian, bro. My ex left her books and other items, afree she broke it off. I have asked them few times that how they like their stuff back.... her responsesister with "but don't you want to finish reading the books?"... I swear its a way to keep herself tethered.


Mine dumped me after my foolish mistakes I havent had a drink since after ( near 4 months sober) she mentioned a couple of times that she still had my stuff that it's not tossed that she will return it.. never has I still want her but I finally built the energy to just ask for my stuff back.... she blocked me ever since after I asked


My situation it's kinda different. My ex is the one who decided to break up and he is the one who still have my stuff at his place. The day we broke up he even said something like: it's not like we will never meet again anymore, You still have your stuff here at my place! ... SO WHAT? We were in a long distance relationship so I left my stuff there because I was supposed to move in with him after my graduation but, after more than 3 years, he dumped me. I didn't ask him to send me my stuff back but I guess it's something he should have done. I don't really mind by now but, when I'll move in Japan (and I'm gonna do it even if we are not together anymore) I'll need those stuff. Do you think it's a kinf of "open window" he intentionally left open? I'm still in love with him so, for me, it could be a reason to meet up again and try to rebuild something but I wonder why he said something similar.


I think she should after the break up.


Thank you for sharing Adrian. Would you suggest the same rule applies to giving him back gifts he bought you? I can't wear them or look at them because they remind me of us. I need to accept what is and continue with the process of healing emotionally and moving forward. Doing this will help. I know he will be upset but I have to do what's best for me emotionally.


Well, Give them Back If They Want It back...Otherwise It's just Massive Disrespect


What if he wants me to pick my stuff up . It's only been 2 days since the break up and I wanted to keep up with the no contact should I respond ? I don't need any of my stuff I've left it's nothing important


On having a break up with my ex.... He isn't ready to confess the reason he's breaking the Just ignoring me... Why


I’ve been going through a break up for about 2 and half weeks. She has blocked me on everything but Facebook. I can see her public posts but we are not friends.
I went ahead and gave her things back that she had left at my house. After that she then deletes our photos of each other on her Facebook. I don’t know what to do. I still want her back but I’m in the phase where I have to give her space now I think.


He said 3 times he will give it on a certain day but does not. He's avoiding me or is holding on to my house keys and things for control.
