Why Does Everyone HATE The iPhone 15 Pro?

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Every year Apple releases a new iPhone, and usually there's some kind of controversy to accompany it. This year we have iPhone 15 Pro overheating, easily cracked back glass, scratched titanium, and the Fine-Woven Case drama. However, how much truth is there to these issues? Should you be worried?

iPhone 15 Pro Accessories I recommend:

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02:17 Overheating
04:15 Does My iPhone 15 Pro Overheat?
06:12 Cracked Back Glass
09:42 Easily Scratched Titanium
10:27 Fine-Woven Case
12:43 Should You Be Worried?

#iphone15pro #apple #iphone15
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iPhone 15 Pro Accessories I currently use and can recommend:


I just switched from the iPhone XR to the iPhone 15 Pro Max (1TB). During the updating/restoring, it was pretty warm. The next day, I was taking photos of alligators and squirrels (yes, Florida!) and it shut off on me at least 5 times because it was too hot. Updated to 17.0.3 the same afternoon, no problems since. Not even "warm". Just like nothing happened. And oh my my, that phone is so beautifully powerful, all the functions of the camera, and all. I am super 


It’s the media and influencers. Literally nobody I know hates theirs and have no issues


Using iOS 17.0.3 on my iPhone 15 Pro. Overall performance and battery have been great. I have not experienced any of the overheating issues that seem to have everyone so concerned. At this point, I have been curious if these initial reported issues were repeating or simply isolated to the set-up of individual devices.

My battery life has been good to great, ranging from heavy use to moderate activity.

My preference is with the size and pocket able 6.1" iPhone 15 Pro. I easily get an all-day battery with plenty to spare after a busy day.

I am enjoying the upgrade. So far, I have no regrets.


Love my 15 pro. Upgraded from the 13 pro.

99.9% of the average users of iPhone use cases. Scratching is pretty much a non issue.

The heating issue was clearly a software issue and has been fixed. And I haven’t experienced any heat issues out of box.

Dropped it twice (yay) the day I got it while waiting for me case to arrive. Not one scratch, dent or break. Luck of the draw I guess!

It’s fast, bright, lasts all day with heavy use, takes better photos than my last iPhone, and just overall great experiences. Feels great in the hand and the natural color looks amazing and match my watch ultra. :)


To counter the scratching issue I chose Natural Titanium for my 15 Pro. I also use a clear ESR case. Because my previous iPhone was undamaged due to being in a case over two years of use, Apple's trade-in partners offered and paid the full sum available for that model.


I’m not having major overheating issues, only when I’m doing something that I would expect to make the phone get hot. I do think 17.0.3 did fix something though, because when I am doing something like that, it doesn’t get that hot like it did before.


I feel like the odd one out for really enjoying my iPhone 15 Pro. For overheating just update it to the latest iOS version, for back glass just put a case on it (I went with official Apple Silicon) and don't Hulk SMASH it like JerryRigEverything. Also the front glass is way stronger than back so just protect the back. My phone has been super solid and I use it a lot for gaming. It's amazing all around camera, phone, game device, GPS, and everything I need it for. That A17 Pro chip is actually insane. 19B transistors on 3nm process in a phone is overkill and I love it!


Literally nobody I know hates it. It got hot for like a week. This is the best phone I’ve owned since the iPhone X


I love the 15Pro ! I went from the 13Pro Max 128GB to the 15Pro 256GB! I love the size and the lightweight feel and it looks and feels better in the hands and pockets!


I am facing overheat issues while charging, while being on facetime for long period, while talking normal calls etc...but not to extent of complaining about it


I have the iPhone 15 Pro and I love it. Maybe those that had the 14 Pro are not happy, but I upgraded from an XR and I am really happy with it.


I still have the iPhone 4 and 6, and I've never had an issue with them. The iPhone 4 was the best step up in the iPhone line ever


Put a screen protector on it at least - the glass protrudes from the titanium rails so it will be more prone to breakage if you drop the phone.


I switched from my Xs after 5 years and the more I’ve been using 15 pro the more I’m loving it


My and my gf both got 15 pros at launch and haven’t had an issue yet. Didn’t buy the woven case cause spigen exists. Just seems like more hate than usual this year. Maybe because the phone market is pretty stale besides “it bends” 🤯


I answered in a yt channel whose title was “Why the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra destroys the iPhone 15”.
I moved back to iOS in 2020 because I was tired of the fragmented Android system, lack of global updates, the general instability of the system and the amateurish-looking apps they had. Besides I don’t go changing my background pictures or home screen every day. I just want a phone that is stable and is updated regularly.


Tech bloggers: "The iPhone has problems"
YouTubers: "They're overreacting"
Pretty much sums up every single iPhone launch 😂


YALL you look at jerryrigs everything, he broke the PRO MAX not the PRO, the PRO DIDN'T BREAK WATCH the video


15 Pro Max user here, I love it. Wdym by Everyone HATE it 😂
