4 Best Core Exercises (FOR BEGINNERS)

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4 Best Core Exercises (FOR BEGINNERS)

When we are just starting out, it’s so temping to want to just try all of the fun looking moves out there.

But trying to go 0-60 won’t get you better results faster and it may even lead to injury.

It’s key when we are starting out, or starting back, that we establish that mind-body connection and dial in not only our form but also how we recruit muscles.

We want to make sure we feel the correct muscles working before we advance!

To help you get started strengthening your core, and avoiding injury, here are 4 great baseline moves!
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I love how she thoroughly explains every movement - the how and why to do it.


Thank you so much for this video! It's rare to find this kind of video because most excersise videos assume you already know how to use your core or have strong core already.


I am a personal trainer. I found your videos extremely informative and beneficial especially with the modifications and simple explanation of progression of each movement. I have been training for over 35 yrs and am a senior with multiple injuries along the way(not from working out)I work mostly with senior and your videos are a top added source to my references! thank you.


Thank you so much. Today I read an article that was talking about what few exercises you actually need, and it was like "yeah you don't have to do curls or extensions or anything - just do burpees, sit ups, push ups (and I think two other exercises)" but told the reader NOTHING about how to build the muscles and do the movements properly. So glad I have you to listen to instead!


Hands down I think Cori has the best fitness channel on YouTube. She’s so knowledgeable and explains everything with good detail. I’m wondering, I’ll be starting with these four exercise - what should be a base number of reps/sets? I walk 3kms everyday but need to focus on my core and building strength.👍🏻 Thanks for your videos!


What a boon your channel has been for our little garage group of 60years + participants! You compact so much information into such a short time frame, a lot of us watch the clip several times to absorb the information. That’s a good thing because as elderly people you allow us to understand the “why” and not just the “how” for a lot of movements. It’s such a brilliant reference channel that we always refer new members to the group to it after class so they can get a detailed explanation of “why” we do things and don’t allow the workout to get bogged down with talking. We have come to trust this channel as our “Cori Cures All” Encyclopedia for new ideas and variations on movements older folk have trouble with. Thank you from all of us ❤️


Thank you! Few tutorials acknowledge that some people really have to build their core from scratch.


We need more people like you who take the time to promote proper form and technique!! The majority of workout videos by many fitness stars simply rush into the exercises with 0 explanation. Not to mention that beginners are left out. Thank you for this ! Please could we get a full video on beginner core as a workout vid :)


I want to THANK YOU - 7 years ago I broke l4 to l6 in a fall but I refuse surgery to fuse the area and spent years in pain but I was determined to rectify that - I've nearly come off strong pain killers and have been exercising and doing passive 'animal movement's for 18 months - things did get worse b4 progressing I've now been able to make SIGNIFICANT progress with stabilising that area so the vertebra dont grind together so much and so reduce swelling and pain because of your exercises - Thank you from a young again 60 year old - x XXOOXX


I was looking for the right ab workout that won’t put pressure on my back and I found it. Thank you Cori I will be using these exercises and tips to strengthen my abdominals. 🤗❤️


The foundational pieces are so important. Can't stress this enough. Thank you for sharing the importance of sweating the small stuff!


Awesome for any beginner wanting to increase core stability


I needed this so much! I have scoliosis and struggle with full on core exercises. These are perfect. Thank you


Cori, these are great for me, since I haven't worked out in 6mos after a decade of 2-3X a week. You are amazing! I never get bored. Plus, everything is challenging but doable! Thank you!


I don't have any weights, plus I don't have a gym membership. So these exercises are perfect for me. Thanks!


These are great exercises for a strong core! Thanks for sharing. I really love your content 👍


Great contest as usual. I love the idea of using the bench for plank holds instead of being on the knees. These are great movement for beginner and the advanced as well. More advanced athletes can use them as great warm up exercises. Leaning how to use the correct muscles may seem boring but will do wonders for training longevity.


Love ALL her videos. I'm recovering from injury and re-learning the basics is helping me to heal without overcompensating!🌈


I’m 73 years old. I figured, sure, another beginner video for the under 40 year olds. I was very skeptical. But, I can do a few reps of 3 of these exercises. So this really is for beginners! I’m very weak in the core, and I’m going to get started on these exercises right away. Thanks


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