Mind Your Own Pregnancy! | Leslea Walters | TEDxWinnipeg

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Women are subjected to the unsolicited opinions of random strangers whose comments typically serve only to create unnecessary anxiety. Given advice founded purely in myth and old wive's tales, these women have enough to deal with, considering the normal physiologic changes of pregnancy! Leslie will set straight some myths, offer reassurance and tips for a healthy pregnancy and also make people aware of what they CAN say! Dr Leslea Walters is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, having trained as an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist. She sees patients in her downtown practice, delivers babies at the Women’s Hospital (Health Sciences Centre) and operates at various hospitals around Winnipeg. She has been in practice for 5 years and prior to that completed residency training at the University of Manitoba, after graduating from medical school at the University of Ottawa. Her interests are quite varied and she will tell you she ended up in medicine “by accident” after a brief career as a flight attendant. Fortunately, it has been a good fit for her and she finds it fulfilling to serve her patients with a wide range of women’s health concerns.

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I really needed to hear this. As a housewife and immigrant in a country where my husband is my only family, receiving mean comments and unsolicited advices is just making me overthink and not helping with my mental health. Next time someone says these things, imma be like “My doctor says I’m doing great!”


This is a great talk, very well presented, being 6 months pregnant myself I can completely relate. My only criticism is, it ok to say pregnant woman. The constant use of the term “pregnant person” plays into the erasing of women and is one of the greatest forms of misogyny that we are now complicit in every time we say “pregnant person” instead of pregnant woman. I am a woman, that’s my superpower.


I think I don't allow myself to feel sorry for myself. All of the side effects of pregnancy are so uncomfortable and during my 3rd trimester I'm feeling so low. I think its because I suffered pregnancy loss and tried so hard to get pregnant again. Today i finally cried and let it out. Thank you for this talk.


This was my OBGYN for my first ! And will be again considering I'm pregnant again ❤️. She's awesome.


As an expectant mamma this talk moved me to tears. Well done & thanks for the support!


Being an expectant mother, this talk made me cry. god bless u


I’m four months and in compete tears and thank you sooo much for the. real assurance I️ needed


Currently in week 12th. This made me cry. All the symptoms and anxieties affecting me mentally.


I am five month pregnant and needed to hear the message at the end. The only way out is through.


All day sickness, insomnia etc...yup that´s me. The tabou around those *real* "drug side effects", seriously people have too much unsollicited opinions... I am happy to be able to document my journey on my platform. EVERY PRENANCY is different.


So funny, well delivered and encouraging message😊 thank you and keep serving pregnant women your support is well received 😊


I' m crying and maybe I'm crying for my mom and all the women out there


Not enough likes here! Very good talk, thank you! It sometimes also helps to tell people that you're grateful for their way of trying to support you, but you're not willing to hear about their experiences or (usually gruesome) stories until you've been able to make your own experiences...


Yes, most women can continue working throughout pregnancy, but not all. I have seen ER nurses working 12.5 hours on their feet while heavily pregnant. It is not ok to expect everyone to do this until delivery. Extremely demanding jobs may require earlier maternity leave than others. Pregnant women should not be compelled to work to exhaustion!


Moms crying.. I am expecting too. Brought tears to my eyes.. thankyou for the video :)


Mantra: My doctor says, "im doing great!". Thanks for this. Corona plus first time mom plus family is away. Final stretch trimester Thank you


Elderly women love commenting on size of pregnant women. My sis is 30 weeks with her third and so many at her baby shower mentioned how big she is.


I much prefer listening to medical professionals like Leslea advise about pregnancy than some random person who thinks they know better because that's what they read from magazines or Google....


Pregnancy is a means to an end. I’m 13 weeks pregnant with my first and holy moly I absolutely hate being pregnant. Every symptom under the sun. All day and night sickness. Just taking it day by day. If I could have my child without carrying it, I so would have and not feel guilty about feeling this way.


Good video.
I am a pregnant woman only women can get pregnant.
