The surprising effects of pregnancy

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Discover how pregnancy changes every organ in the body— from the heart, to the brain and kidneys— and what we still don’t know about it.


Muscles and joints shift and jostle. The heart’s pounding rhythm speeds up. Blood roars through arteries and veins. Over the course of a pregnancy, every organ in the body changes. Initiated by a range of hormones, these changes begin as soon as a pregnancy begins. Explore what we know— and don’t know— about pregnancy's effects on the body and brain.

Lesson by TED-Ed, directed by Roxane Campoy and Charlotte Cambon.

Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Nicolle Fieldsend-Roxborough, John Saveland, Jason Garcia, Robson Martinho, Martin Lau, Senjo Limbu, Joe Huang, SungGyeong Bae, Christian Kurch, Begum Tutuncu, David Matthew Ezroj, Sweetmilkcoco , Raphaël LAURENT, Joe Meyers, Farah Abdelwahab, Brian Richards, Divina Grace Dar Santos, Jessie McGuire, Abdullah Altuwaijri, Sarah Burns, Clement , Hadi Salahshour, FAWWAZ GHUWAIDI, Dino Biancolini, Reagen O'Connor, Nicu Boanda, Cindy O., Karla Brilman, Jørgen Østerpart, Sergi Páez, rakesh Katragadda, Carolyn Corwin, Charlene You, Boris Langvand, Exal Enrique Cisneros Tuch, Carsten Tobehn, Kin Lon Ma, Katie Dean, Ezgi Yersu, Eunsun Kim, Katrina Harding, Gerald Onyango, alessandra tasso, Astia Rizki Safitri, Côme Vincent, Antony Lee, Melissa Sorrells, Rakshit Kothari, Doreen Reynolds-Consolati and Simon Holst Ravn.
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I cannot believe my mother finished her medical residency while being pregnant and raising my toddler sister single handedly in a new city while living alone. Women are just so powerful 💕


I felt breathless while the heart was doing pushups 😂😂


As a first time dad. I can tell you from the outside point of view. It is amazing what moms have to go through before, during, and after. For all you new dads out there. All you can do is be supportive and listen to her. Be there for her. We will never understand but sometimes a simple huge can go a long way. To all the beautiful moms out there💪🏽 we love you!


I wish someone would do a video on all of the symptoms of pregnancy that no one really talks about- like urinary incontinence and hot flashes- but also how the hardest part of being pregnant isn't really the physical aspects, but the mental and emotional toll that being pregnant takes.

Its months of interrupted sleep and constantly monitoring your position so you're not laying on your back or stomach. Its depriving yourself of your favorite foods or drinks- whether because they're unsafe for baby or because food aversions mean you can't eat roasted vegetables anymore.

Its drinking so much water that you get tired of the way water tastes.

Its how carrying a basket of laundry upstairs is suddenly so much harder than it was a month before. Its the way your belly gets in the way when you're doing dishes.

All of these things add up. Pregnancy is a huge disruption to any person's way of life. And its exhausting.

I'm in week 33 of my second pregnancy....and im so tired of being pregnant. Thats the worst part.


my mom almost died delivering me and honestly, even before i learned this fact i was already terrified of pregnancy.
I say respect all women, the ones who want children and are willing to go through this all, and childfree women who would rather contribute to society in other ways. both are admirable, just different.


Currently pregnant right now! 6 weeks, any prayers for a healthy pregnancy would be so so appreciated :)


the entire process is amazing.

*the bloodline still ends with me.*


Shout-out to all the pregnant women who endure this all day while being pregnant


I was already in my 2nd trimester when I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have any morning sickness or pregnancy symptoms. Once I left my doctor’s office, every single symptom hit me like a truck. It was insane! You feel tired and uncomfortable all the time but at the end, it’s all worth it.


Men should show a lot of respect to their wives and mothers who endure such terrible pain during pregnancy n childbirth


Uterus : *prepares for the egg to be fertilized every damn month*
Also uterus when the egg is finally fertized : INVADER


Mad respect for everybody who's carried a baby before. Even as a guy, I could _never_ imagine going through that. And to think that my mom did it 3 times!


Being pregnant is a wild mix of magical and awful, sometimes at once. It's something I never could have comprehended before experiencing it.


My asthma always gets so bad when I'm pregnant. I almost suffocated with my first child, had to be admitted into hospital, very scary experience. Took me 4.5 years to get the courage to agree to have a 2nd child. I'm blessed with 2 loving, kind and amazing kids.


Mother: *gets pregnant

Hormones: IT'S PARTY TIME!


Pregnancy is amazing it’s the miracle of life. I was pregnant and had experience all these symptoms for 7 months, then my baby passed away in my womb. I gave birth to her without epidural, it’s the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. Unfortunately, a lot women feel alone when they have stillbirth because people were there for them when they were pregnant but not after when they give birth to a sleeping baby, and that’s the time where they need the most support. A lot of people don’t want to talk about this because it makes others uncomfortable but that is part of the problem. People need to know about this because even if you set it aside and ignore it, it’ll happen to someone you know and they are suffering in silence. Ted Ed, I hope you make a video bout the subject to bring some kind of awareness.


I’m 21 weeks pregnant 🤰🏽 with twins and I’m definitely feeling short of breath doing normal things! Very informative video!


I am starting to appreciate motherhood and pregnancy beyond my imagination since my wife is expecting our first child. This is my first hand experience. I cannot think of myself going through such changes in my body. My body does one thing unusual and I am panicking


25 week and 4 days pregnant with my lil girl 🙏❤ praying for all pregnant Mommy's out there for a safe delivery and healthy baby 🙏❤


“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”
― James Baldwin
